Small Sparrow Plastic Reduction| Baking soda vegetable cloth


There is always a time every week when the little sparrow will make a plan, make a rough list of the vegetables, fruits, meat, and daily necessities that he needs this week, and then go out to buy it with a reusable bag on his back.

There is no gas stove in the rented house, so I can only use the multi-function quick-cooking pot to cook some vegetables or simply cook a bowl of noodle soup, so the items I buy are almost unchanged. Bought a pack of snacks.

It's rare that this list has a new vegetable melon cloth to buy. After all, the old one has been washed and dilapidated, and there are holes everywhere, and recently it has been found that its detergency has dropped a lot, so it's time to buy a new one.

Originally, I planned to buy a similar vegetable melon cloth, so I compared various brands on the shelf of Quanlian. I didn’t expect to find a baking soda vegetable melon cloth that was advertised as free of dishwashing liquid. This kind of vegetable melon cloth seems to have been heard before. But I never really cared, most of them just picked a cheap one and went to checkout.

However, the recent little sparrow is very environmentally friendly. Just seeing his packaging says: No cleaning agent, environmental protection loves the earth. At the moment, I didn't consider other options at all, and decided to take it to the checkout, although I still secretly looked at the price.

When I got home, I couldn’t wait. After cooking dinner, I immediately came to try the power of the new vegetable melon cloth. It didn’t feel like ordinary yellow-green plastic vegetable melon cloth, nor was it like a dried vegetable melon full of fibers. It was similar to cotton cloth. The material is more breathable, and it is easier to absorb water, and as the packaging says, there is no need to use additional dishwashing liquid, and the inner wall of the pot is clean.

It's a completely dream-level vegetable melon cloth design. Why is it that I only know it for the first time, I have missed it for too long.

Be sure to recommend it to everyone, although I may be the latest person to find out, how could this be, at least I won't miss it again.


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小麻雀 我就像是一隻城市裡平凡的小麻雀 明白自己的喜歡與不喜歡 因為喜歡的東西有好多,所以活著才會如此快樂 因為不喜歡的東西有好多,所以才會珍惜喜歡的東西
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