"Don't do what you love, be your true self" has stories, soups, and dry goods

Work should be a medium for expressing yourself and an art form that helps you be yourself in the world.

Author: Ashley. Ashley Stahl
Translator: He Yufang, Chen Xiaowan Publisher: Business Week

"Don't do what you love, be your true self"

" Don't Do What You Love, Be Your True Self " is a book that combines memoir, spiritual growth, and workplace skills. There are stories, soups, and dry goods, forming a delicate balance.

has a story

The first point of this book should be to review her ups and downs life story with the author Ashley .

The part of the scenery has been lightly sketched, and the heavier ratio is placed on her when she is frustrated , facing her inner voice and writing down her confession frankly; it turns out that the experience related to money in childhood - whether good or bad - has become Her subconscious money blueprint and limitations have greatly influenced her (post-startup) business decisions….

Money is neutral, but our emotional understanding of it is not.

have soup

Back to the main point, there is a metaphor in the book: when you come to your favorite five-star hotel, it is not a vacation, but a concierge. Describing following those interests and passions is of no use to one's career unless supported by one's innate "①core essence" or "②core skills" , eh! What is this stuff?

  • The core essence is a natural energy field, what kind of energy you bring into a place in your most natural state, and it also reflects how others feel about you . Bystanders are clear, you might as well ask your family, friends, and colleagues around you when you see your best performance, that's your original essence, I think.
  • Core skills are usually whatever your job responsibilities are? Even if it is a position that cannot be reached by eight poles, certain skills will penetrate into the work (10 categories in the book: language, innovation, construction, technology, power, service, aesthetics, coordination, analysis, numbers) , because you will show yourself unconsciously.

Coupled with a project called " ③ Core Values ", the above three points are the essence of Ashley 's cooking for us, and the "true self" found in it.

Work should be a medium for expressing yourself and an art form that helps you be yourself in the world.

dry goods

At the end of each chapter, a "Your Turn" action policy is attached, and the second half is particularly focused on specific workplace skills, full of dry goods.

One of the concepts that impressed me, or perhaps never thought about it, was called " elevator briefing ", which is a well-practiced self-introduction that exists in a conversation (not in writing) , not necessarily just for job interviews. Such as a coffee meeting, a pleasant conversation at a social event, it is suitable for the premise that there is sufficient time.

At first I thought it was very deliberate and hypocritical! But Ashley asked the reader:

Isn't it ironic that most people know themselves best but don't talk much about themselves?

In short, I was persuaded, picked up the pen in a hurry, and wrote down the four essentials:

  1. Story careers connect with meaningful things growing up, the feeling of wonder; write about life's cherished events and release your true self from the narrative.
  2. improvise
    What Ashley wants to emphasize is that everyone always has something to brag about (advantages), let's say it in a low-key, humble and quick way! Sharing out of gratitude .
  3. Skills The skills that the other party expects you to have are presented in a way recommended by a third party . Explore your past and find someone you can trust who has complimented you on this skill.
  4. The goal is to find out what makes them special to you and communicate that. Just like dating .

" Don't do what you love, be your true self " has stories, soups, and dry goods - how can you not fall in love with this book?

The mind map of the color is very book cover, for everyone to enjoy

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