Give ㄋ a one-way ticket - the suicide note of the Valkyrie

Valkyrie (女武神)
Go to Valhalla and wait for the Ragnarok of the Gods

This article focuses on the anatomy of death and is divided into five parts

  1. Norse mythology
  2. Marvel Mythology
  3. Valhalla
  4. Ragnarok - a suicide note from the Valkyrie to Matt City
  5. final regards


In Norse mythology, some people who died in battle will be brought to Valhalla by Valkyrie to prepare for the arrival of Ragnarok.

Ancient wars were hand-to-hand combat with cold weapons, and death on the battlefield was extremely tragic, bloody, and painful. Qianqiu's achievements and eternal fame are only attributed to those people. The corpses were all over the field, blood flowed into rivers, stumps and arms were cut off, and no one remembered them.

In my opinion, the setting of Valhalla is really good. It makes death seem meaningful and life has purpose.

Those soldiers and soldiers who cannot escape death can use this to add some courage to themselves on the battlefield and give some value to their short, miserable and futile lives.

The Hall of Valor is a placebo, a mirage in the distance, and the only hope for the soldiers.

Between mortals and heroes, I'd rather be a living mortal than a dead hero. Death is always sad, isn't it more blessed to die peacefully at home than to be killed in war?

No matter how beautiful myths are, they are just myths.


Marvel has changed Norse mythology beyond recognition. The twilight of the gods has passed, and the Hall of Valhalla appeared, and the Valkyrie became the king of Asgard in Norway. This is a new myth.

In "Thor 3", even if the Valkyrie is a martial artist, she cannot save her lover's life. And to be exiled, to live on a three-dimensional planet.

Her country abandoned her, but she was driven by her own heart to go back and save that country.

You don't care about my life and death, I'm still willing to care about my life and death for you.

This is the spirit of a warrior.

In "Thor 4", the goddess Thor, in order to fight, let cancer take her last strength. At the door of Valhalla, meet Heimdall who died at the hands of Thanos.

I know that death is waiting for me, but I still have to speed up.

This is the end of the warrior.

Valkyrie is Marvel's first openly LGBTQ superhero.

Love knows no gender, so does a superhero, so does a warrior, so does death.


Everyone is a soldier, every corner of life is a battlefield, and every moment of life may have swords and shadows.

Those who can survive strong in this world, those who are poor, exploited, abused, bullied, discriminated against, slandered, marginalized, sexually assaulted... are not all in A struggling warrior?

Even if they end up being killed and sacrificed on the altar of the power elite, shouldn't they have a place in Valhalla?

Ragnarok, the final hour of judgment. The Hall of Valor should not be the permanent residence of warriors, because pure fire must burn up everything that is filthy.

Soldiers value glory. Too much emphasis on your own life. Victims would rather die than avenge themselves.

For them, the Hall of Valor is a temporary resting station, and Ragnarok is the end they look forward to day and night.


"Death" is not necessarily the death of the body. Some people live, but they are like the living dead, and the soul is no longer in it.

Some citizens left the city of Matt and never came back. Some of them died in reality, and some just left the "world" of Matt City.

If one day, Valkyrie's days in Matt City come to an end, what will she leave behind? Where is the Hall of Valhalla outside of Matt City? Will the upcoming Ragnarok affect Matt City?

Therefore, the Valkyrie left her last words first. After all, when she will leave, no one knows, and it may be beyond everyone's expectations.

Text of the testament:

I came to Matt City because of politics, and now I am a Valkyrie because I am tired of the power game in the world.

The world of superheroes is not necessarily isolated from the mortal world. Even if she is like a Valkyrie, she still has to shoot advertisements and make investments for the sake of the people of Asgard! (See "Thor 4").

But the world of Chaoying is still better than the human world, because in the face of the incomparably grand universe, the plots, greed, selfishness, and insidiousness of politicians are so small and ridiculous.

If there will be no Valkyrie in Matt City tomorrow, please rest assured that the Valkyrie will go to a better place with everyone's full tolerance, care, understanding and support.

The fire of Ragnarok will one day burn up the world. Matt City will not be spared, and will experience the baptism and rebirth of fire together with all people, things and things in the world. It could be a cyber attack, a terrorist attack, a war, a plague, a famine, a nuclear bomb, a meteorite, a snap of your fingers.

Even so, my love for Matt City, and the love Matt City gave me, are still the most beautiful memories in Universe 616.


The star of "Doctor Strange 2", which brought out universe 616, also played Sherlock Holmes. Here's a quote from Sherlock Holmes in "The Last Greetings":

"Brother Watson! You are a fixed moment in changing times. There will be an easterly wind. Such a wind has never been in England. It will be cold and strong, Watson. It will blow Come, many of us may wither. But it is still God's wind. After the storm passes, a purer, better, stronger country will stand in the sun. Watson, drive, it's time for us to hit the road I've got a cheque for five hundred pounds to cash, because if the servant can stop, he'll stop."

Remember Ashli Babbitt
The goddess of thunder comes to Valhalla


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