It's okay, it's okay, I'm just a little different from everyone else (That's weird)

Exclusive interview with self-published writer: Ye Mingyu "Girls Free"

In other words, the editor-in-chief met a young self-published writer, Ye Mingyu, under the pseudonym Ye Zheng in an independent bookstore... In fact, a more correct version is that the editor-in-chief met Ye Mingyu's sister first, and she was Discussing with the bookstore owner about helping her sister distribute the goods, I asked curiously, and my sister turned her head and said, "Uh, this is a book published by my sister at her own expense." I took over the book. It's a collection of prose: "Girls Free", I flipped through it but couldn't see it, "My sister likes guzheng, so her pen name is Ye Zheng...", oh oh, can I ask you for IG? ?

Of course, to introduce them to a super high-quality writing platform: Matters, and accidentally interviewed my sister through my sister.

I did this interview first after reading the prose part of the reading. I originally planned to read the part of the novel "Girls Free" , and I also asked the author which one to recommend to read first? (The author recommends "It's a Virgin and a Prostitute "), but later I found that this interview has enough words, and the content is saturated and exciting, so I decided that part of the novel is interesting to read for yourself.

In this article, there is a book giving event. Before August 25th, the person with the most amount of the interview article in this article will get a copy of "Girls Free" (with the author's autograph, only sent to Taiwan).

At the beginning, the manager of the female bookstore encouraged me to publish independently. Now, of course, I have to get some to sell in such a good bookstore~ If you happen to come to Taipei and want to buy my book, you can go to the female bookstore to visit~

You mentioned on IG that the publication of "Girls Free" was encouraged by the female bookstore . Can you talk about the opportunity to publish the book?

In fact, my mind and body were in a very chaotic state at that time. After working for more than three years, I lingered in various bookstores, but I always felt that such a life and salary; every year, all kinds of literary awards go to nothing, when will I be able to fulfill my dream of being a writer and opening my own bookstore?

I was desperate and felt like this would go nowhere.

When she finally worked part-time at the National Library, the female bookstore launched a " store manager training program ". I think maybe I can try it from the female bookstore to see if I can get one step closer to my dream.

I participated in the interview. When the store manager chatted with me, I mentioned that I was writing, but I was struggling to find a publisher willing to publish for me... (A publisher also lied to me that they stopped publishing books for others)

The manager said that it would be published independently! She told me to look back and there was an entire row of independently published books. So I gave it up, no matter what, at least one thing in life I want to achieve! Even if I'm covered in bruises, at least I feel like I've lived through it once.

For Baoyu, the books I buy, read, and write are just pillows and scratches. The cat smelling of books is also quite pleasant.

May I ask you to publish at your own expense, what do you need to do?

I took out all the money I had saved and asked my parents to sponsor me some of it. Even if the daily life is tight, and the food and clothing are saved again and again, the money is still not much. So I've been looking for cheap and cheap ways.

The cover design and the layout of the inner pages were commissioned by a friend. I emphasize that the market price is as much as possible. Don’t underestimate it just because you are a friend. This is a job, not a help.

Except for the above two things, it's all on my own. From paper selection, printing and price negotiation, IG and FACEBOOK fan page management, finding bookstores and channels that are willing to consign, to package delivery, etc., I come alone.

Now my sister wants to do my marketing. Due to some bad experiences, I am still considering it.

The essay "About Keys and Bathing" mentions : "The way of life that is hard to tell outsiders", "It's okay, I'm just a little different from others." The essay points out an issue, in the end is to be independent (becoming a geek), or blend in with the world (become normal)? What is your opinion or choice?

I can't seem to give you an immediate answer to this question.

After walking the road of both, I want to go alone, but the price is too high, I may lose my survival job, family, friendship and even the whole world. Now that I hide that maverick Ye Mingli between the lines and I'm afraid of being seen through, you know how scared I am (wry smile). The whole world has left your feelings, and as long as you are still human, you may not be able to fully accept them. Or, I'm a layman and still think I'm free and easy?

As I integrate into the world (at this stage) and go to work normally, and talk to my family and friends every day, my heart has never stopped being afraid. Choosing this path is to seek stability, but work, family, and friendship can be vanished at any time because of a trivial matter or a word, and you must be cautious again and again.

Just like I accidentally met a friend who was diagnosed, in order not to affect the safety of the workplace, he would invite gossip from the boss and colleagues for a day. So should I go to work as usual or not affect the safety of others? I don't know, really don't know.

Maybe I still have a little bit of a maverick taste so the boss doesn't like me? He said I was insincere, argumentative, always justified. In fact, just say I was wrong and I will improve things next time and it will be solved, why have a reason!

When a silent person integrates into society, at this stage, I am really the day when I haven't finished smoking... If someone can tell who is better than the ordinary, I will be very grateful to him.

The prose "Mei Hu" said : "I can't be a Hakka who has no blood but doesn't speak Hakka". The motivation for writing is to feel humiliated. Being attacked by other languages, to seek the identity and comfort of the mother tongue: "Go back to the place where my heart wants to escape, and see the people I never want to see again in my life" , the blood relationship still needs the final recognition of the language, for example, you are at a funeral Shouting to the deceased grandma, " I can speak Hakka, do you hear me?" Do you think you were ashamed of the Hakka people, what happened?

When I was a child, I had no prejudice against Hakka, nor did I understand the so-called provincial plot or the issue of disgrace in dialects.

It's just that the parents are unhappy in their marriage, and a small noise for three days and a big noise for five days is automatically converted into a Hakka language. I once heard neighbors sour us: "Don't think that we don't know what you are talking about if we change to Hakka language. What kind of nobleness is there over there." So when I hear Hakka language, I will think of the marriage that has affected me forever Hence hatred.

When I grew up, I was amazed at the superiority between the provinces. It turned out that on this island, the so-called foreigners are still arrogant. My mother also said that because she was a Hakka, she did not dare to marry someone from other provinces. My boss is also prejudiced against me because I am Hakka.

A small island country, why is there such a distinction between high and low? Why are we always being bullied? In fact, we are not united ourselves. I create a Hakka society, I don't want anyone who is shameful, and who has a sense of superiority of blood.

I am just a Taiwanese with Hakka blood.

The essay "Louzai Cuo" : "I looked at the photos of the Shezi Grand Theater on my mobile phone, and the faded Cixi's secret life poster and Dou Da's children are not suitable for four characters. I have to suspect that this building is a haunted house, and the neighboring houses should also be Not much more.

I walked slowly into the dark-painted Shezi Market. The only bright light was the lights on the truck carrying meat in the middle of the night. I glanced at it, and there were two rows of pig carcasses (meat) half-complete, and the ribs were neat and clearly visible. The fat cockroaches scurried from time to time, the squeaks in their ears had echoed into a sickening melody, I didn't know where they were, but I caught a glimpse of the long tail sliding across the stall's plank. Where is the Shezi Grand Theater? No, I mean, sister, where is your home? "

Like shouting, where is my Taipei dream? I always feel that the ugly city you describe is not just talking about Taipei, it seems to be an accusation. So what is blocking your imagination of the future?

Since you were a child, adults have always said that you need to be proud, get into a good high school and a good university, have a good job and a happy marriage. I wanted my parents to see me, so even if I had a fever of 38 degrees, I still took the basic test and got my second choice.

But I'm not really good at reading, because I'm not good at math and science, so I can't pass the exam. But I love my university, it's a pure land that gave me the best time of my life and the motivation to create.

It's just that I remember that I didn't raise my eyebrows. Everyone said that Taipei has a chance to realize a dream, so I went to Taipei. But I first arrived at the most shabby place in Taipei haha. At that time, I thought my dream was about to shatter. Why is it completely different from the bustling Taipei in my impression?

But after leaving the club, the area where I work has a prosperous taste. The places behind the prosperity are dilapidated alleys, and it is the daily life of hard work, which I only understood later.

But now I don't have any Taipei dreams anymore, I just live.

And yet, like nailing yourself to the wall, attacking yourself to pieces in front of the reader? Every word is like a gauntlet, why? Is there a secret to pain relief?
"I started my introduction like a direct seller, and that product was me. Exaggerated, flashy, and wrapped up my 20+ years of absurd life with all the good words I've known all my life. My dream is a future where To open a bookstore as good as yours! Blushing and thick neck as the end of the introduction, I began to feel ashamed, unable to count how many lies I just told, and I had to cut a few tongues to pay for my sins.”

My parents and relatives were very conservative, and they also divided factions according to their looks. Two people who were unhappy in their marriages, whoever their children looked like belonged to which faction. I looked like my father and was classified as a Ye family.

When they quarreled about my mother going back to her parents' house, my mother would not take me, she would say that you are not my child. And I don't know what it means, I just feel very disappointed that I can't go to my grandmother's house to play.

Bigger, their quarrel came to a white-hot stage. My mother often pointed at me and scolded: "Bitch, bastard, you are just like your father..." I couldn't say it all, it was unbearable to hear.

I would like other people, I would peek at porn, it was my mother's (mouth) bitch; I would read extracurricular books, and I would occasionally take part in some extracurricular competitions, which was a failure in my father's eyes. I would lie or choose not to tell to avoid all punishment. The night before I handed in the volunteer form, I changed everything, filled in the Chinese department of the source of life failure in all schools, and chose the school farthest from home. Therefore, I have always been a bad root and a bad seed who is uncontrollable and does not listen to the old people. I am rotten and cheap. By behavior.

When I was preparing for the institute, a friend handed me the first cigarette in my life, my colleague at the end of my work handed me my first glass of wine, and it was the first time someone took me to a bar all night after get off work. I got the pressure to express in the tobacco and alcohol, and I was happy. But I shouldn't accept what I shouldn't be happy about, what I can't find out, but I still keep going, and then take psychotropic drugs in the middle of being nice and bad. Am I not a rotten person in the eyes of my parents?

I'm really a sucker, not worth learning.

Only by admitting it, there will be no anxiety about the incident.

Please share the authors and works you admire, and talk about why?

I still like Wang Wenxing's "Home Change" the most.

At present, I like Tezo Kato's "The Tragedy of Life Begins with Becoming a Good Child" .

The father in "Home Change" disappeared silently in his pajamas, and no one could find him. The father should have wanted to leave the house (fail) while he was still breathing, and let go of the responsibility that he had carried all his life to find the freedom he had never enjoyed before.

The son is no longer lovable and no longer worships his father, and some just respond with contempt and impatience. Because the lie was exposed, he went to France but not to study. Wife's daily broken thoughts and old face. Everyone knows that the good will pass away, and that the family will not live in the same form forever. But in such a scene, you still have to suffer for work, money and family. What is this?

In order to save a ticket for his son to go to work under the sun, his son felt ashamed. If the father in the story really saw the missing person notice in the newspaper, and he said anything and everything, he would just let him snort.

Home may once be warm, but it is definitely not a safe haven forever. Especially the one who helped shelter from the wind, who sheltered him from the wind and rain?

"The Tragedy of Life Begins with Being a Good Child" is a psychological book. The author explains that the formation of personality is 100% related to the family through himself and some cases. It's interesting to watch and analyze your own behavior. After all, you can only know the right medicine by knowing your own inferior roots.

So, about the spell your mother put on you as a puppet of the times when you were young: "You're a whore, you're a bitch!" Are you now capable of analyzing what's going on? You've been fighting this spell alone so far, and after the novel's seemingly pain relief, if it's not (far) enough, what do you think is the antidote?

When I'm seriously in love with someone, the spell my mother set is temporarily ignored by me. I will sincerely love him, miss him, and do many, many things for him, and overcome my mother's curse like being intoxicated.

365 days of daily care and sharing, old-school hand-made scarves and chocolates, inquiring about his hobbies and current deficiencies in life to satisfy him and make up for him. If he falls in love with someone without love, I will take pictures; he can't get rid of the pain given by his predecessors; I will send him the earphone he is used to; he has the motivation to move forward but doesn't want to take me away, I Crying and laughing, he threatened to beat him up.

Going like this for 27 years, I gradually answered my mother's spell, I found. But I'm the kind of scumbag who spoils myself and always falls in love with people who don't love me.

In the past, the antidote was to quickly change people's love, change the target, and stop the boiling of the soup. But gradually I got tired, and now my life is almost nothing but work and cats. I am afraid that someone will enter my eyes again, and there is no antidote.

Tarot fortune-telling, Jiutian Xuannv or plant healing or spiritual philosophy are all false to me.

My only antidote right now is Stinos (sleeping pills).

Book promotion time, where can I buy the book?

(The following quote from the author's online publication)

Hello everyone, my name is Ye Mingyu, and my pseudonym is Ye Zheng.

Recently, I independently published a collection of short stories and essays called "Girls Free".

Because the blog needs a company number to sell things on it, it is currently sold on the Shopee online store name "Menglou Second-hand Book Stand" , which is priced at 260 yuan.

At present, it can also be purchased at the "Nv's Bookstore" and "Youhe Bookstore" in Taipei. I hope that my friends can give me some support and encouragement. Thank you.

 "Girls Free"
Ten articles, ranging from fiction to prose, interweave the stories of six women.

They are looking for the footprints of love everywhere, they have not yet completed the ritual of youth, they are not yet mature and they are still young girls.

Chen Minsheng missed the flower season and the full attendance bonus, just as she should have experienced when she missed the beautiful years. The world has also missed what she considers the best moments of her years.
_The person who can't see the light/Chen Minsheng But from start to finish, what swirled in Acheng's mouth was his own saliva.
_ is a prostitute and a virgin / Xiaojun please, keep yourself away from the sad image of your mother. Please, let yourself become a woman that someone loves and loves.
_Peony Second-hand Bookstore / Chen Guwei 

Purchase link: (Shopee: Menglou second-hand book stall)

In this article, there is a book giving event. Before August 25th, the person with the most amount of the interview article in this article will get a copy of "Girls Free" (with the author's autograph, only sent to Taiwan).


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