The secret of tail docking for nasal allergy, asthma, allergy is revealed!

Allergies, eczema, itchy skin, food allergies, dry eyes, fainting for no reason, dizziness for no reason, brain fog for no reason, headaches for no reason, colds are always not good, it turns out that many people are sensitive For example, allergies to pollen, or allergies to fur, or pets, many of the unidentified causes are related to mold, and nasal allergy, sinusitis or asthma is directly related to mold! Today, the secret of tail docking is revealed!

Recently, I went out with some netizens to gather online to talk about nasal allergies and asthma. I thought of a book worth sharing with you. This book is called deadly mycotoxins. Maybe everyone has ignored the mold. It's not that simple to clean up the mold And educate other doctors, because there is no such subject in traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine, most doctors do not know the problem of mycosis, but some military scientists in foreign countries are quite familiar with mold, because mold toxins can be used as a Biological weapons, not to mention some of our unknown symptoms, are directly or indirectly related to mold, such as respiratory problems, nasal allergies, sinusitis or asthma are directly related to mold, and some friends say they are afraid to go out Too far, because I am afraid of fainting for no reason, such as these dizziness for no reason or brain fog for no reason, thinking things are like a layer of fog, I can't see clearly, headache for no reason, in short, a lot of no reason, allergic eczema skin Itching, food allergies, dry eyes, colds that never get better are called chronic colds. Many unidentified causes are related to molds. It turns out that many people are sensitive, such as pollen allergy or fur allergy to pets, such as I am sensitive to the sun and I will sneeze at the sun! Why do you have these problems? In fact, you already have mycotoxins, because molds will release mycotoxins, which will poison your body functions and tissues, so you will be sensitive to certain substances from time to time, so what is the horror of molds? Mold itself It is a kind of fungus. The spores of Ganoderma lucidum we usually eat are a kind of fungus, and when these fungi are going to be passed down from generation to generation, they will launch a lot of spores into the sky. There are already more than one million spores in one square inch, and they are all spores floating in the air. It is very difficult to prevent, and what is even more powerful is a mycotoxin, which will release a lot of mycotoxins at certain times. Mycotoxins are chemical substances that penetrate into our body through the skin, and can also penetrate the blood vessels from our nose, sinuses, and lungs. So it is a terrible toxin, which will directly reduce the immunity of our body, so we often have different problems. If you want to eliminate the mold, it is even more dangerous, because the mold will smash itself at the moment of death and turn into some pieces. Tiny spores can turn into more than five hundred pieces, and if those pieces pass through our lungs, they can affect our DNA or different allergic reactions, so it's a scary substance, where do molds usually show up? If your There is no sunlight in the house, basically there is no mold anywhere, especially the place with a lot of dust, such as the wooden frame of the bookshelf, wall, wallpaper, wooden door, and mold likes to eat carbohydrates, all carbohydrates are his food, some wood Or organic matter will hide in it, and even stone walls and stone walls will penetrate into it and continue to survive, so it is everywhere. As long as there is no sunlight and a little humidity in this place, a small drop of humidity is a big lake of mold, so every On these humid days, when the humidity is a little higher, they come out to make trouble.

In fact, everyone has some molds to settle in their body, especially those with sensitive nose, whose sinuses must be the base camp of mold, and the lungs of asthmatic people are also the base camp of mold, so why are the bronchial inflammations these reasons, basically not every Everyone has these symptoms, why do some people get sick? Some people have better resistance so there is no problem? In fact, there is a very strange phenomenon, because mold is very domineering, mold will not occur in your body for no reason, but when There are some new molds that invade your body. The original molds are foreign invaders. In order to compete for territory, they don’t hesitate to launch mycotoxins in your body to start a war. Your body becomes a battlefield, so your disease will occur. come out.

Maybe when you change some new places to work, there is a new kind of mold in the new place, the mold in your body will treat him as an enemy, so there will be a war again, if you arrive these days, it will be rainy. , whether the air pressure changes, the humidity has increased, or you have just eaten a lot of carbohydrates, any one of these changes and your symptoms appear again, 100% is the mold, so how to avoid these molds? The first one It is to recognize the environment that mold likes to live in. Try to avoid these environments and not live here. If it is your residence, you must try to clean it up. It is best to irradiate household uv germicidal lamps more than twice a month. Generally, the bathroom or room is irradiated for more than ten minutes. It is very effective to generate some ozone and can eliminate mold. Try to reduce the living area of ​​these molds, and do not let the mold expand. There are too many reproductions, try to reduce their number, because mold will release a lot of mycotoxins, so you must install an air purifier at home, preferably some fine filter type purifier, preferably with uv sterilization function or photocatalyst function, Turn on the air purifier at all times, because of these humid weather, the mold will launch a lot of spores and continue to multiply and float in the air. I have another piece to share the silver ion spray, silver ions can also eliminate the fungus, if your body The mold needs to be removed. Basically, your body needs to continuously detoxify to reduce the number of molds. There are many people on the ketogenic diet. The principle of reducing carbohydrates is to detoxify, but some will return to the skin. The problem, they have to go further to the Carnivore Diet, which is a whole meat diet. Whole meat is zero carbohydrates to cure skin problems, such as skin allergies and eczema. Hong Kong singer Lu Guanting suffered from chemical allergies, which were also caused by molds. One problem is that as soon as he comes into contact with chemicals, he will develop allergies, so the body must constantly detoxify and reduce the intake of carbohydrates, so that the mold will not continue to expand in the body, so why is there an all-meat diet? Europe and the United States are very popular. Whole meat ketogenic can cure sensitive problems because it can deal with this mold problem. Because there are too many molds in the body, and eating too many carbohydrates cannot cure intestinal problems, because there are too many molds in the intestines. There are many harmful fungi. To remove harmful fungi and improve the balance of intestinal flora, it is necessary to use a whole-meat method to cure these problems. All autoimmune diseases can be treated in this way, because it is necessary to deal with the harmful substances in the intestines. Bacteria, to be constantly detoxified. What other detox methods are there?

Tea tree oil can also be used if you have sinus problems, use this tea tree oil spray to spray in the air, inhale this tea tree oil air to reduce the number of molds, and use silver ionized water, ozone is also OK, some doctors I will use ozone to help patients deal with mold problems, such as detoxification with toner. I have a piece about toner detoxification before. Using toner once or twice a week can absorb toxins from the intestines. Onion and quercetin are It is a very effective detoxification method. There is also this kind of oil called oregano, which is also a very powerful anti-fungal thing. With this pump, two or three drops three or four times a day at a time, during the period, try to reduce carbohydrates. Porridge, flour, noodles and rice are also the only food for mold, and glutathione is indispensable for detoxification. I also shared the production of liposomal glutathione in this video. You can revisit this video and make liposomal glutathione yourself. Glycide, in addition to glutathione, there is another very powerful thing. This is called milk thistle and milk thistle. This plant can regenerate liver cells. If the liver is too affected by toxins, it can be repaired with this nutritional supplement. Because our liver is dealing with toxins, and dealing with too many toxins makes our liver cells necrotic, this is the best liver repair supplement to restore and regenerate our liver cells.

Well, today we are going to talk about mold, and how to dock our noses or asthma. These are the methods. I hope you will pay more attention to the impact of mold on our body. Actually, not many people know about it, because this is a super unpopular topic. , my sharing today is here, I hope you like, subscribe and share, so that more people know this knowledge, the scourge of mold is so far-reaching to us, so don't eat moldy peanuts, let go of moldy fruits. see you next time bye

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Oregano Oil​

Milk thistle​


Tea tree oil spray​

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