Reading Bigen|The actual measurement of self-insured auto insurance, on the Care Line UK Gloria online platform|Compulsory insurance, arbitrary insurance, accident insurance, pet insurance

Like self-service refueling, self-service insurance is really fast, convenient and cheap. It is provided for your reference through the Care Line UK Gloria online platform.

Recently, the Gogoro locomotive insurance at hand has expired. Through the Care Line British Gloria insurance agent, the online renewal is completed in the most lazy way, let's take a look!

 Care Line UK sells products from major property and casualty insurance companies, not only auto insurance, motorcycle insurance, but also accidental injury insurance, pet insurance, road run insurance...etc. The biggest feature is that there is no salesperson to sell, and the insurance is completed directly through the website!
Care Line UK Gloria Official Website
Read Bigen's recommended link ☑ Locomotive Insurance 👉Here is to enter the official website .
☑ Auto Insurance 👉Click here to enter the official website .

■ UK Gloria Online Insurance Preparation

To use the UK Gloria online insurance function, you must first register as a member by email (or Facebook/Google quick login) , and complete the SMS verification.

The target of the service is limited to the "car owner", who is over 20 years old, insures himself, and pays with his own credit card .

During the process, you need to fill in the vehicle registration information and record it on paper (travel photo/pre-insurance certificate). If you can't find them, you can download the electronic insurance card from the inquiry page established by the Insurance Business Development Center. Grab it in PDF file format, and the default password is the ID number.

Valid electronic insurance card enquiry
UK Gloria Online Insurance Ready ☑ Email.
☑ Mobile phone number.
☑ Credit card (for the owner only).
☑ Vehicle registration information.

■ Features of online insurance

Online insurance is fast, convenient and cheap . After all, it saves the labor of "business personnel", so some things have to be taken care of by themselves , which can be roughly divided into two categories:

  1. Research <br class="smart">in advance to clarify the differences between various types of insurance (compulsory insurance, driver injury insurance, third-party liability insurance, vehicle body insurance...), and formulate your own needs, and will do a special issue in the future Explained to everyone.
  2. Contact after the event<br class="smart">In the event of a traffic accident and you need to use the claims settlement process, you have to work on your own for various aspects of the contact process!

■ UK Gloria Online Insurance Process

This article uses the operation demonstration on the mobile phone to insure the compulsory insurance for the Gogoro locomotive at hand:

Read Bigen's recommended link ☑ Locomotive Insurance 👉Here is to enter the official website .
☑ Auto Insurance 👉Click here to enter the official website .

Step 1: Member registration

Click [Three Bars] in the upper right corner of the homepage → [Member Area] → [Quick Login], I use the method of authorizing Facebook to quickly open, and then enter [Member Information] to fill in the relevant information .

Sign Up

Step 2: Select insurance products

According to your own situation, choose the corresponding insurance product... The owner information will be automatically brought in, it is the relationship that the member information has been completed in the previous action. Continue to [Next] (Authentication, SMS/Email).

Ordinary heavy machinery compulsory insurance, the two-year official price is 1,200 yuan, and online insurance is 999 yuan, which is cost-effective.
Choose insurance products

Step 3: Final confirmation

The next step is to fill in the car registration information. Pay special attention during the process. Choose CC (gasoline car) or HP (electric car) according to your car type, don't fill in the wrong one.

Get protection and premium trial results. After jumping to the page, after the final confirmation, press【Payment】(Choose one of identity verification, SMS/Email)

Final confirmation

Step 4: Credit Card Checkout

Once again, it must be the credit card of the "owner", enter the card information [Confirm Payment], and you're done.

credit card checkout

■ Epilogue

Afterwards, you can enter the [Members Area] to check the order status, and the words "Policy Successfully Accepted" should be displayed.

In my case, the insurance was completed late at night. Out of curiosity, I went to the website of the Insurance Business Development Center of the Consortium the next morning to see that the electronic insurance card can be downloaded! If you encounter any situation in the future, you can contact Gloria customer service during working hours. The contact information can be found in the cute owl " An An " at the bottom of the official website!

One of the three mascots: An An

Like self-service refueling, self-service insurance is really fast, convenient and cheap. It is provided for your reference through the Care Line UK Gloria online platform.

Read Bigen's signature file
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