The tree is not planted

Recently, I saw the activities of the Arbor Day on the website. In recent years, I have participated in a group - "Taiwan Mountain Forest Restoration Association". There are some very important concepts about tree planting that I want to share and promote with you. The key point is that the main tree species must be "local" and "native" tree species, and at the same time have "diversity", so that the forest can naturally succeed and grow continuously.

Over the years, environmental issues have gradually been paid more and more attention, and the importance of forests is self-evident. We all know that trees need to be planted, but the trees are not as good as they are. In order for the forest to grow for a long time, it is important to allow the trees to " succeed naturally ". There are small seedlings, so that when the tree is old and falls, the small seedlings can quickly take over and grow up.

The native tree species on the ground can best adapt to the local environment because of long-term evolution; however, in the process of developing the land, most of the original forests have been destroyed; later tree planting concepts tend to focus on "economic afforestation" or "landscape afforestation" "The concept of "adaptability" and "diversity" of trees are not taken into account. These non-native tree species may still be able to grow, but because they are not adapted to the local environment, they cannot produce the next generation. When the tree is old and falls, there will be no next generation to take over, so it is necessary to continue to plant trees manually. And non-native tree species are often more difficult to take care of because they are more difficult to adapt and have lower survival rates. These tree species cannot compete with powerful alien invasive tree species because it is difficult for the next generation to survive, which indirectly leads to the expansion of the range of invasive tree species and the compression of the space for diversity. The native tree species are different. They are more resistant to invasive species and maintain the diversity of the forest.

A recent well-known example is the "Leuca japonica" currently spreading on the eastern coast of Taiwan, which is a powerful exotic species. The Forest Service kept trying to clear it, but because of its high reproductive power, although the entire forest was cut down, because the seedlings of Leuca japonica grew faster than other tree species, they quickly gained an advantage, resulting in the situation that the more they were cleared, the more they expanded. Later, under the research of the association I participated in, I found that some native tree species can compete with the Leuca japonica forest and limit its spread; later, when the Leuca japonica grows old and falls down, these native tree species can replace the Leuca japonica forest, so it does not require effort. to cut them down.

The above example illustrates the importance of "native tree species research". Since most of the primary forests have been cut down, it is important to investigate and understand which "local" and "native" trees are. Under the leadership of professionals, the association will look for undeveloped primeval forests in the area, draw sample areas, and conduct carpet surveys to confirm which native tree species are there; Estimate the possible tree species of the original forest tree species, and then try to breed and plant. And as far as possible to collect seeds on the spot to raise seedlings, because although it is the same tree species, there will still be some slight genetic differences after the evolution of the local environment, which may affect whether the succession process of long-term forests in the future is smooth.

The "Taiwan Mountain Forest Restoration Association" has been carrying out forest restoration work in the Dadu Mountains in central Taiwan for 5 or 6 years in the above-mentioned manner. Currently, it has also expanded to the research and restoration of western and eastern coastal forests, and has achieved remarkable results. . At present, it has also received the support of the Forestry Bureau and the Taichung City Government, and has also received the recognition and cooperation of many large Taiwanese enterprises, including Baocheng Footwear, Fubon Financial Holdings and TSMC, etc.

There are actually many details in the process of forest restoration, which cannot be described in detail here. A brief introduction is posted below, and those who are interested can go to the website to inquire about relevant information, and welcome you to join the ranks of forest restoration.

Introduction to "Taiwan Reforestation Association"

1. The Association is a non-profit social organization established in accordance with the law, with the purpose of restoring Taiwan's mountain forests.

2. The mission of the Association is as follows:

(1) Local ecological education.

(2) Natural habitat protection.

(3) Regeneration of native plants in situ.

(4) Restoration of forests on abandoned hillsides.

3. The origin of the establishment of this association:

The beautiful mountains and forests in Taiwan are the support for many lives on this island, and they are also an important subsistence system for people. For decades, Taiwan's society has caused serious damage to mountains and forests for economic development. Coupled with global warming, extreme climates such as droughts and torrential rains have frequently occurred. Limited water resources!

Therefore, the protection of mountain forests is an urgent task in Taiwan society. However, due to the lack of local ecological education in the system, many people do not know the difference between natural forests and economic forests. Mountains and forests inflict secondary damage.

In order to improve the problem of Taiwan's mountain forests, we established the "Taiwan Mountain Forest Restoration Association". The core purpose is to promote local ecological education, protect natural habitats, restore local seed sources, and promote the adaptation of abandoned hillsides. Work for restoration of natural forests.

The "Taiwan Mountain Forest Restoration Association" will take this opportunity to lead more people to join the ranks of protecting mountains and forests. It also hopes to gather the power of good to restore Taiwan's beautiful mountains and rivers!

§ How to donate

  1. ATM transfer:

Yushan Bank Code: 808 (Xitun Branch)

Account: 1159-940-026333

Account Name: Taiwan Mountain Forest Restoration Association

Post Office Code: 700 (Taichung Lingdong Post Office)

Post office account number: 0021291-0364229

Account name: Taiwan Mountain Forest Restoration Association

2. Postal transfer

Account number: 22811238

Account name: Taiwan Mountain Forest Restoration Association

§ contact method

Taiwan Mountain Forest Restoration Association

Document Number: Tai Nei Tuan Zi No. 1050029900

Unified number: 47564535

Official website:

line official account: (welcome to add friends)

FB community:

youtube channel:

Instagram name: Taiwan Mountain Forest Restoration Association

Mailing address (meeting address): No. 49-1, Zhongyong Road, Nantun District, Taichung City

Dadushan Forest Restoration Center (Shanhai Island Language Ecological Library): No. 423, Yongchun South Road, Nantun District, Taichung City

Tel: 04-23897330



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