Learning to live independently, starting from small daily tasks such as renting a house and cooking

After leaving the society, I learned to take care of my own life, from renting a house, cooking to work, every step is life.

After leaving the society, anyone will start to learn to be independent, work alone, cook, rent a house, and learn to take care of their own life. When you want to learn to be independent, the first step is to find a rental place for yourself. Have your own nest, and go back to your own space when you are tired. If you want to find a home where you can live for a long time, you should pay attention to some precautions when renting a house, so as not to encounter a bad landlord or not write a good contract and cause problems dispute.

The first step in protecting rights and interests is to see clearly the details of the contract

Many common rental problems are mostly caused by the failure of the two parties to coordinate the contract, or the novice did not pay attention to the details hidden in the contract when signing the contract. At this time, when the house is in trouble, it is easy to have a quarrel or dispute. Don't want to get into trouble, the best way is to read the contract clearly from the beginning! Before signing the lease agreement, you should negotiate with the landlord at least the following matters, and then sign a written lease agreement after confirmation, so as to ensure the rights and interests of both parties. The following points are also things that must be paid attention to when renting a house!

  • Whether or not notarization and early termination of the contract should be handled.
  • Rent, rent payment period and rent adjustment.
  • Rental period and deposit.
  • Handling of water, electricity, gas and telephone for tenants in the early stage.
  • Use and payment of rental equipment, related taxes, management fees, and utilities.
Be careful! After signing the contract, remember to confirm who the landlord is!

In addition, there is another common dispute state, that is, after signing the contract, only to realize that the landlord is not the same person, or realize that the other party is the second landlord. At this time, your rental rights may also be different due to the object, such as the second landlord. It is said that the utility bill needs to be paid additionally, but the original landlord did not charge the utility bill additionally. At this time, you realize that you have paid an extra sum of money and suffered a loss!

The easiest way to make sure that the landlord is the same person is to confirm the contract.

 Usually the lease contract will specify the lessor (Party A, the landlord) and the lessee (Party B, the tenant).

When signing a contract, you can ask to see the homeownership certificate or property tax bill to make sure the landlord is the owner and not a fake landlord. If you encounter a second landlord subletting, you can also ask to check the lease contract between the main landlord and the second landlord to see if the lease term is about to expire and whether there are restrictions on subletting. Otherwise, if you encounter a second landlord who has no right to manage the house at all, it is not as simple as overpaying the utility bills, but throwing the money directly into the gutter!

When young people start to learn to be independent, they need to do their homework in all aspects or ask their elders more. They know how to do their homework beforehand, or learn from others, so that they will not often fall and suffer!


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