I want to meet such an adult

These things are obvious truths to put it bluntly, but as a parent, sometimes you are affected by your own growth experience, disturbed by the social atmosphere, and even have already developed a warlord mentality to manage everything without knowing it...

The relationship between people and books is sometimes very subtle.

About half a year ago, on a weekend, I drove my daughter to an event. When I had two hours of free time, I went to a nearby library. I was going to read literary magazines, but I saw Li Linshu's "I Want to Meet such an adult" .

Because I was attracted by the title of the book, I picked it up and tried to read it. I found that there was a lot of useful information, so I borrowed the book home to study slowly, reviewing my blind spots and weaknesses in communicating with children, and seeing other parents’ experiences with their children. With lessons, immediately feel the fun of opening books.

The author, Li Linshu, is a Korean and specializes in communicating with children and adolescents. She mentions different cases in the book, which is convenient for readers to draw inferences from one case, so as to have a deeper understanding of the words and deeds of teenagers.

Of course, these things are obvious truths to put it bluntly, but as a parent, sometimes you are influenced by your own growth experience, disturbed by the social atmosphere, and even have developed a warlord mentality to manage everything without knowing it. It's easy to conflict with them for caring about them and become hated by them.

Although my situation is not that bad, the little girl and I have always talked, laughed and discussed things, but it will always be rewarding to understand the young heart from more angles. I believe that all relationships need someone to work hard to maintain them. Frankly speaking, after reading this book, I have re-examined what kind of parent I want to be, and more importantly, avoid letting some negative thoughts and attitudes affect the child's growth, and I have also adjusted my mentality when communicating with my daughter, with small changes. , can actually bring about a good improvement.

Getting along with others is a difficult learning. I am never complacent or deceive myself. At different stages, I will naturally face new learning and practice. There is no need to worry or complain during the process. This is the normal scenery of life. If you explore slowly, you will see patterns and changes.


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