Share your favorite podcasts!

I don't know if you have the habit of listening to Podcasts? Do you have any good shows that you can recommend and share? Please let me know by leaving a message!

I came into contact with Podcast about a year ago. At that time, I thought it was very convenient. It was like a radio program that I could listen to at any time, so I began to listen to it frequently. Later, after I stayed without pay, I listened more frequently, because whether I was doing housework or exercising, I could listen while listening, and by the way, I could gain some knowledge and knowledge, and kill two birds with one stone.

The frequency of doing housework has decreased recently (because of laziness~~~ Ha), but because I have to go out and walk for more than an hour every day (thanks to StepN’s constraints), so when the time comes, I just put on headphones, choose a program, wear Put on your shoes and go out to exercise! And because there are Podcast programs to accompany you, you won't get bored during exercise, and you will feel that time flies faster! (illusion~~)

My interests are very simple, namely investment (stocks, cryptocurrencies) and language learning (English, Japanese) , so the programs I listen to are probably related to these two categories, and I will share them briefly below~~

Stocks ~ stock cancer, US stock investment (talent girl Jenny). In fact, these two programs share a lot about US stocks, and I don’t actually invest in US stocks (I recently started participating through domestic ETFs), but in fact, both programs are very predictable and have high reference value for industry and economic conditions. Of course, you have to have your own observations and opinions! There are also great sharing of investment concepts and mentality, which is great.

Cryptocurrency ~ currency cancer, the whispers of several million traders in the currency circle, the king of stop loss. However, the currency circle is too deep for me. Personally, I will listen to the episodes related to the track that I am more interested in or have contact with, and they all have some reference value. But sometimes I can't fully agree with some of the judgments, but it doesn't matter. After all, green vegetables and radishes have their own advantages, and they are worth referring to.

English ~ English is good for healing (recently renamed Lu's English situation study room), English listening and oral English not taught in school. It allows me to practice English listening while exercising, and add some more life-like usage of spoken English. I hope it will help my English listening and speaking.

Japanese ~ I have heard a few programs before, but I haven't found a suitable and fixed program. It may be related to my own Japanese ability, so I am still trying to find it.

Do you have the habit of listening to Podcasts? Do you have any good shows that you can recommend and share? Please let me know by leaving a message!


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半調子人生人生中場,生活、婚姻、職場、投資都是半調子,但,這沒什麼不好。光譜般的方方面面,都不該只有好或壞、對或錯,我喜歡現在的生活,喜歡現在我的半調子人生。 邀請您一起來參與我的分享。內容主題也許很雜亂,但複雜是人生的本質,而簡單卻是我們的選擇,擇我所愛、愛我所擇。
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