Lily Animation Sharing ~ "Princess Principal"

Teenage espionage action movie, Light Lily

Recently, I saw the news that the translation team released the second chapter of the theatrical version of "Princess Principal", only to find out that there is a theatrical version! ! Immediately go and make up for the first chapter, Anjie is still as handsome😍 and the princess still looks good, super beauty~

"Princess Principal" is an animation set in the late 19th century. Five young girls study here in London, the capital of the Albion Kingdom, which is divided east and west by a huge wall. They disguised themselves as high school girls and started espionage...

This drama is basically an action movie, with all kinds of costumes, espionage, infiltration, and car chases all coming. The plot is also very good. An Jie's life experience setting is very interesting, and there will be no thunderstorms here! In addition, the princess and Anjie are really good match, the bond between the two is very touching, they belong to the light lily ~ suitable for the whole family to eat!

Interested friends can start chasing from the animated version first~ The theatrical version is a brand new story with six chapters. Due to the impact of the epidemic, only the second chapter (released in September 2021) is currently out. You can watch it slowly!

Theatrical Version Chapter 2 Poster


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