[Off-chain Community Talk 02] The second life brought by NFT, step into Web3 and become a poet!

熊太先森|NFT 社群研究
In modern times, poems are almost ignored by modern people, and even considered to be old-fashioned, wrinkled, and unrealistic expressions. However, Ben Xiong met a man who likes to use "poetry" to say good morning to people in the world of Web3. The person who reports the news and shares the new news, he is 4Ace. This "Off-chain Community Talk" Ben Xiong invited 4Ace to talk about what he saw and heard in the NFT circle, and what assets other than money he obtained in the circle.
Demi-Human Website


I don't want to limit my original life, wasting time and other harvests, and transforming into Demi together. Let's live the first blue chip together. Rely on the crowd to start a business for the second time. There is a consensus among the limited people.

In modern times, "poetry" is almost ignored by modern people, and is even considered to be an old-fashioned, wrinkled, and unrealistic expression method. Therefore, in the Web2 world, it is almost difficult to see any new, famous and well-known. Alley's poet made his debut. However, in the world of Web3, Ben Xiong met a person who likes to use "poems" to say good morning to people, report news, and share new news. He is the author of the above verse 4Ace .

Cover used in 4Ace Matters

The encounter between Ben Xiong and 4Ace was in the VAF community. At first, he was just thinking "how does this person often send verses?", and later found that he often appeared in Ben Xiong's resident projects, including Teahouse HighTable , Demi-Human , etc., Only then did I realize that I had a lot to do with this person.

Afterwards, we communicated more and more after convincing 4Ace to use the square grid together with VVCC, one of the administrators of VAF. Seeing that he consistently publishes new poems every day, and later cooperated with Shift, the digital collection curator of The Space , a Web3 application developed by Matters Lab , to make the new poems into NFT and sell them on akaSwap , I find the development interesting. So, this time, Ben Xiong invited 4Ace to talk about what he saw and heard in the NFT circle, and what "assets" other than money he got in this circle.

 Note: This article does not constitute any investment advice, please DYOR (Do Your Own Research) before making any investment.

From buyer to producer, acquire new skills and an important step in life

 Below is our interview, the dialogue will be slightly modified to enhance reading fluency.
At the same time, all written in this framework are Ben Xiong's personal opinions, hoping to give you a better reading experience. 
※This article is published after the interviewee has read and agreed.
4Ace's current PFP is from Demi-human #7287.

4Ace ( Deca , Plaid , IG , Matters )

Mrs. Bear:

Can you tell me why you came into contact with NFTs first?


At the beginning of December 2021, one of the opinion leaders I follow, a well-known blogger lecturer in Taiwan, Yu Weichang, told about the NBA TopShot series ( related news ) that he was following NFT, and planted a seed in his heart. Unexpectedly, about a week later, another Taiwan blogger lecturer, Daddy Liu, introduced PFP-type NFTs ( related news ) on Facebook, and replaced Demi-Human's NFT illustration as an avatar; My friend, the main Demi-Human person known as the leader of Qiu in the Demi-Human community, also introduced the Demi-Human NFT project on Facebook, which finally made me curious.

Demi-human's promotional image

So, that day, I clicked on the link provided by Qiu Qiu in the promotional copy, and joined the project's Discord to learn about it. As a result, when I joined it, I was shocked by the dense, fast-refreshing text and the names of different colors.

 The celebrity effect is a good entry point for the masses to enter new territory, it is undeniable, but this effect can only be used for publicity. According to experience, if the management policy also focuses on the "celebrity effect", there is a high probability that the project will fail. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully pay attention to and analyze the management policy of the project.

Mrs. Bear:

So, why did you decide to buy NFTs next? What is the reason?


Demi-Human is a community that claims to be friendly to the Chinese community ( related news ). After I joined the community at that time, in addition to many people saying that they could teach me hands-on, I also watched and listened to the AMA of the online explanation course at 9:30 every night, and there were hundreds of people listening at that time. A few days later, the community invited Yu Weichang as a speaker to share his process of collecting NFTs, so there was a feeling of "wanting to try collecting".

If so, after 10 consecutive days of understanding and receiving the hands-on teaching provided by Demi-AVEN , I purchased my first NFT, Demi-Human, the day before the sale day. Although the value of ETH at that time was USD 4800, it was still due to the enthusiasm of the community and slogan advocacy, and I held 3 more pieces, intending to "hold one, two heirlooms, and three sell".

Demi-human's promotional image

In fact, buying the present is usually emotional, impulsive, and has expectations for the future, thinking that Web 3.0 is a new world, with new ideas, and a relatively new mind. As for Web 2.0 is old world, old idea, due to my work relationship, I have held a lot of membership fees, one-time fees, or sponsored events in Web 2.0. I feel that people usually communicate with previous ideas, resulting in a lack of consensus. situation is more. Therefore, after comparing, I also expect that Web 3.0 will become an open and flexible world, in which people can support each other and stimulate each other's brains, and the Demi-Human community gave me this feeling :

The members of the same ladder who joined together are old friends who will support each other.

Just like the classmates who study together in a paid cram school .

Mrs. Bear:

It seems that after joining Demi-Human, you began to think of using verse to chat. Why did you come up with this idea, and how did it grow to the scale it is now?


This needs to start from just joining Discord. When I first joined Demi-Human, everyone's chat speed was very fast, even if I wanted to say something, I still couldn't keep up with everyone's chat speed, which was very distressing.

This picture is redesigned by Xiong Taixiansen based on the original picture. Please refer to the work of 4Ace for the original picture.

Later, I suddenly thought of the "7×4 short text" expression that is often used in LINE. At the same time, Demi-Human just started city-state activities. Holders can choose to join their favorite city-states, and at the same time use their interests to contribute to their own city-states and projects.

So, I chose the " reader " called by Alaxi , and started to engage in "short text creation" in Demi-Human. He also used "Good Morning", "Good Afternoon" and "Good Night" to create poems, and then combined the other party's name to create and respond to Tibetan head poems.

This picture is redesigned by Xiong Taixiansen based on the original picture. Please refer to the work of 4Ace for the original picture.

In the later period, I also increased the writing style. In addition to reporting news, writing introductions for other NFT projects, excerpting snippets of speeches into poems, etc., I also created birthday wishes, one-on-one poem writing services, and even made works into pictures. And post it to IG, Twitter, Matters, Fangzi and other platforms outside Discord to expand the social circle and the reach of the work.

Because it is regarded as a kind of dialogue, since January 2022, he has accumulated more than 600 short text creations, and because Poetry Club members know many people who have not known before. Now, I still continue to create, and integrate the philosophy of life into my works, looking for more possibilities.

 Ben Xiong believes that the perseverance to create more than 600 verses in nine months may not be available to everyone, so 4Ace's creative experience is really admirable.

Mrs. Bear:

In modern times, verses are almost ignored by modern people, but your answer just now proves that verses seem to allow you to gain more new experiences in the world of Web 3.0, such as meeting more people, getting more opportunities to communicate, etc. Do you think What are the reasons for these new experiences?


I think the main reason is that the Web 3.0 world is still full of "financial" related commodities. However, before people buy these products, there is usually a period of text-based communication. And my original one-on-one, one-on-one community work, at this time, it will be easy for members in the group to gain a sense of identity , and it will allow people to have more interaction, and it will be impressive and easier to remember:

Everyone does less but you do, and you will be remembered.

However, another reason may have to do with why I joined Demi-Human. What attracts me to the Demi-Human NFT project is that in addition to the daily 21:30 voice sharing, there is also the community interaction and consensus of nearly 3,000 holders.

The reason why I joined Demi-Human is not for hype, but from the perspective of "Second Life" community management, so I always take "what can I do for the community" as the starting point for the purpose of action.

4Ace was created for Demi-Human on April 11, 2022, his first work on canvas, previously only with text. This picture is redesigned by Xiong Taixiansen based on the original picture. Please refer to the works of 4Ace for the original picture.

Therefore, while following Demi-Human to different places to participate in AMA, and sharing their own verse creations in various communities, while adding keywords such as "Demi #7287" and "Demi-Human" when creating, it is to make Web 3.0 The consensus of the Demi-Human community can be better spread out and even extended to friendly projects. As long as there is a consensus, different communities and members may have good communication and create a healthier community environment together.

Mrs. Bear:

Since your creation has been promoting the NFT project by the way, and you started your "short text creation" career after joining the NFT circle, I wonder if you can share some experience, for example, the NFT circle has given you What kind of help to assist with your creation?


The first "new skill" to be mentioned is to be able to read a lot of Web 3.0 related reports and English articles and sentences. The second is the daily voice sharing session at 21:30 in Demi-Human, which is held by the project party or holder. Generally speaking, Monday is the DemiDAO evangelistic day, Tuesday is the Demi information security class, and Thursday is the Wealth Password Day, and external representatives will be invited to share and so on. These shares have benefited our holders a lot. The most profound voice sharing was when 800 people listened to Demi-Human founder Gene’s sharing online at the same time. The content was about community consensus:

"Playing together, healing together, and getting rich together."

Demi-Playground promotional image

In addition, I have also received a lot of assistance in other NFT projects, such as:

  1. In the encrypted brain community founded by the tool Wang Azhang, I made friends with poems and obtained templates for creation;
  2. In terms of retouching, we are assisted by the group members of the Zen cat community;
  3. Writing stories is learning in the NaviVerse community of Weidesheng;
  4. Learn to draw on the chain in The Space community;
  5. I learned to use Notion to make community notes and reports in Demi-Human 's Pro-Flying Snake Research Group .
"MetaCity M" cooperates with "Demi-Human".

After learning new knowledge and skills in different projects, they are used in the game community MetaCityM in cooperation with Demi-Human.

Especially at the beginning, when a large number of newcomers joined from traditional media such as newspapers and magazines, I adopted a hands-on teaching method, just like when I first joined Demi-Human, and in the end I was elected as a Mod (Moderator, Moderator), to help lead recruitment, etc., citing the "cycle of goodness."

 For a long time, Benxiong believes that the interaction, communication and reciprocity between the holder and the team will make the NFT circle healthier and better build community consensus. These consensus and healthy atmospheres cannot be given by the "hype" atmosphere.

Mrs. Bear:

A healthy mindset is really important, and that can bring people a lot of windfalls. And I know that you started working with Shift , the digital curator of the Web3 application The Space during the development, and he will help you turn your works into NFTs. Can you share why you have this idea?


This is about a piece I think is by far the most special piece of work.

This picture is redesigned by Xiong Taixiansen based on the original picture. Please refer to the work of 4Ace for the original picture.

In fact, each creation is like its own child. Based on the different background and time of creation, after leaving the creative environment at that time, it is impossible to go back and create, so each work is unique.

However, the above works were written after I saw a generative art and got a deep feeling. Since the previous creations were mainly based on observation of words, this article began to gradually use pictures as inspiration for creation, so I was more impressed.

At that time, I started to enter the circle of generative artists, and at the same time, my poems attracted the digital curator Shift of The Space, hoping to help me put my works on akaSwap and promote them to more places. At that time, I kept an open mind and agreed. While continuing to focus on creation, I also handed over the follow-up work such as chaining to Shift. Later, he helped me introduce the cooperation of news digests, so I also created news verses , which were bought by collectors. After entering, the price is 20 times immediately.

Related news poems. This picture is redesigned by Xiong Taixiansen based on the original picture. Please refer to the work of 4Ace for the original picture.

In fact, I played the role of a broker in Web 2.0, and I respect people who want to really cooperate. Creating poems is a Web 2.0 job, and turning it into an NFT is a Web 3.0 approach, which is just in line with my joining the NFT community. the original intention. In the future, when people of Web 2.0 accept and reach a consensus and are willing to be a part of Web 3.0, they will be able to expand the circle of sharing and share different ideas when the time comes.

Mrs. Bear:

Speaking of Web 2.0, I wonder if you have actually discussed with your family, friends, etc. before purchasing NFT? If so, what do they think? If not, why?


No. I bought it first and then told my family. Because it is more difficult for family members to educate concepts than friends, there is no special mention, and I simply bring my family members to the offline gatherings of the community and then go back and explain.

July 2022 Demi-Human Taichung offline gathering

As a result, the family responded well at that time, thinking it was very special and fresh. Although they were a group of people who didn’t know each other, they were all kind people who could have dinner, wine tasting, and spend time together.

 Maybe 4Ace's family will react as the first step for many Web 2.0 people to step into the Web 3.0 circle?

Mrs. Bear:

Finally, is there anything you would like to say to your readers to continue the "cycle of goodness" just mentioned?


When I first joined the NFT circle, I said that when I wanted to join the circle by "making friends", I was laughed at by many old players in the NFT circle, saying that the NFT circle just came to make a wave and left, but my mentality is still the same now. , I think NFT is the bottom-level entry certificate in the world construction of Web 3.0, proving that a person is a part of this world and can be held and built together.

As a result, many of the old players in the NFT circle who made a profit and left, lost a lot of them after encountering a bear market. Expressed in a phrase often said in the Demi-Human community, it is:

"Find a place of peace of mind and continue to build it to create your own second life that is not illusory."

Demi-human's promotional image

Joining because of the community will continue to grow as the community grows; on the contrary, those who join in order to make money will also leave because of losing money, just because the purpose of joining a circle will directly affect the way to face the community in the first place. Forget the original intention.

In the Demi-Human community, I saw some people start making their own mountain climbing diaries, some people start their own way of writing novels, and some people start their own wine tasting life. Ann created to find the motivation to get up early, and through the continuous learning and interaction of the community, to find his own unique and non-illusory second life.

I believe that if you read this article, you will also be able to find and build a community that you identify with.


Ben Xiong also has many wonderful and interesting encounters in the NFT circle, and because of different exchanges and readings, he has learned more and different knowledge, and has understood more about the good and bad of human nature. As for the almost endangered work before joining The progress suddenly returned to normal speed.

Poems written by 4Ace for this interview. This picture is redesigned by Xiong Taixiansen based on the original picture. Please refer to the works of 4Ace for the original picture.

Of course, what made Ben Xiong recover was not a preference for a certain NFT project, but the experience gained after communicating with different teams and ordinary buyers in many projects. Therefore, Ben Xiong cannot propose to everyone which project to join in order to have a happier and richer life.

However, Ben Xiong can be sure that if you only want "money" and "benefits" from the beginning, then these wonderful experiences will definitely be difficult to grasp, and vice versa.

Finally, Ben Xiong will also write a community research report on Demi-Human in the future, which will have a good side and a bad side. If you are interested, welcome to follow the topic of "Mr. Xiong's Investment Notes" to get the latest and fastest information.

This article was first published on Grid and will be published simultaneously in Mirror , Matters , Potato Media and Penana .
For cooperation activities and copywriting, please email kumasanki@iboomcreative.com.

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熊太先森|NFT 社群研究主修出版及印刷設計系,十年寫作經驗,曾入選 Mirror Spotlight,同時為 Penana 特約小說作者,將以人性、社群角度研究區塊鏈、Web3.0、NFT 等時事。合作、邀稿請電郵至 kumasanki@iboomcreative.com。
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