Is it hard to convince elders to accept new things?

New things don't mean everything is good, but why are many elders still reluctant to accept new things that have been proven to improve our lives better? Below are my observations.

Is it expensive to learn new things?

When I was in my twenties, if you asked me this question, I would definitely answer: It's easy! What's the difficulty?

Now that I'm about to hit the forty mark, ask me the same question, and I'll admit it: it's really hard!

Because when I was in my teens and twenties, many habits or thinking had not yet been finalized, or were still developing and cultivating. Therefore, the cost of letting go of past habits and concepts was relatively low.

But if you are 40 or even 50 years old, many habits or thinking have followed you for 20 or even 30 years. Every day, you follow this logic and routine to face the big and small matters in life and work. If you want to accept a new habit, a new way of thinking, it means that the experience accumulated in the past 20 to 30 years may no longer apply. You may have to start from scratch to compete with others, a transition that is quite daunting for most people.

For example, during the severe epidemic period, there are quite a few digital tools in Taiwan that can assist them, and they can still have a normal life while reducing the risk of exposure.

For example, use the delivery platform to deliver meals and order meals, use mobile payment transactions, and use online shopping to add daily necessities.

But we can see that even when the epidemic is the most intense, the traditional market is still crowded with people, and many elderly people still come to this place they are most familiar with to buy vegetables and meals, and the payment is directly made in cash.

Of course, the traditional market will continue to have other social functions in addition to this function, but this aspect will not be discussed.

For many elders, this way of life may have been maintained for decades, and to change this model in an instant, for them, this is an earth-shaking change.

So even if you keep persuading them, you just download this app and you can choose what you want. Bind mobile payment or credit card, and you can pay directly. People will deliver things to the door, and you don't have to contact the outside world at all, which is much safer and more convenient.

But I believe many people will feel that the elders are completely unable to communicate on this point. They may not have any good reasons, because in terms of efficiency and safety, they really can't argue that such a new model is more advantageous. But for many, the inability to let go of a life that has accumulated for decades seems to deny that everything they do is outdated or even outdated.

My own parents, one is still willing to continue to try new things, and the other is someone who says that he is embracing new knowledge, but in practice, he completely refuses to change.

One is able to use line, watch youtube, and learn to use online shopping.

One is that he is not even willing to accept ATM transfers until now, and is only willing to go to the bank for remittance.

The reason for each rejection is that things like computer networks can go wrong and are easily deceived.

But think about it carefully, the computer won't deceive you, isn't it all people who will defraud you?

However, he is unwilling to let go of the obsession of past habits, far more than the matter of better benefits.

I myself often reflect on whether such symptoms appear in any aspects of my life or work.

Even more efficient or better tools and thinking patterns have emerged that can improve some of your performance in life or work, but you will stagnate because you refuse to let go of old habits.

The day you stop learning, you will probably stop improving!

After understanding why some elders refuse to learn new things, at least examine yourself to see if they will follow the same path!


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