七日書:寫出成長軌跡 · 第七天

Day Seven: How I Will Love Myself

As you grow up, what is the subject that will accompany you throughout your life? How has your relationship with it changed?

I have always been confused about the three words "love yourself".

First of all, what does “self” mean? Who is myself? Is it me? So if "myself" is me, then who is the person who loves "myself"? Secondly, what does "love" mean? Is it the feeling that makes your heart beat faster when you see someone you like? Or which one of the five "love languages"? So for a long time, this concept seemed to me to be just a fashionable term that had nothing to do with me.

Although I cannot say that I have found the answers to these questions today, at least I have made some progress. For example, I probably have a vague concept of who "I" am. I still can't say what it represents, but I can feel it. For example, I feel "my" body in my daily yoga practice. , as well as the feelings connected to it and the will carried by it. For another example, regarding "love", I now have some insights. Unconditional giving is a kind of "love", compassion is a kind of "love", kindness is a kind of "love", and happiness is also a kind of "love". "Love", in other words, "love" is a huge force that can exist in many ways. For example, love is like the sun's rays, which shines on every place in the world, but every place The light and heat received are not the same. Bathed in this grand "love", as one of all living beings, "oneself" is naturally surrounded by love. However, the fundamental prerequisite for feeling "love" is that you must have love in your heart in order to give love, feel love, and receive love.

Regarding these three words, maybe I need to spend a lifetime to understand them, to understand where the boundaries of "self" are and whether they can be extended (for example, "one's own people", who is "one's own people", what kind of people can be "one's own people" People"), to realize the endless ways of love, to give all kinds of big and small love, to look forward to giving and receiving love in the highs and lows of life.

Maybe when you get older, you can come back and talk about these three words with yourself today. expect.


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