NFTs are not for good things

At this stage, NFT projects are not suitable for good deeds, let alone public welfare and charity.

Recently, I saw a few friends who hope to issue NFTs and praise their charity and public welfare undertakings. I admire them very much, but I think this is difficult. There are many reasons, and there is only one reason, NFT is not suitable for good deeds, including charity.

For the success of a project, you must first analyze the users. Now is the bear market in the currency circle. Who are the rest? They are all skilled warriors, and there are very few newcomers.

Then there are fewer newcomers, and fewer people pay for their feelings. The old man, these people who stayed are proficient in various tools, and the blockchain is transparent, and everyone has a very heavy mentality. Therefore, who will consider public welfare and charity?

Some of the current NFTs are that the plate is a gambling game, that is, the game of sickle and leek. In such a situation, where is there room for kindness and affection?

Therefore, at this stage, NFT projects are not suitable for good deeds, let alone public welfare and charity.

Thinking a little bit more divergently, I think it's not just NFTs or blockchains, I think networks are better suited to do bad things. such as pornography.

Take Matt's main website as an example, there are many good articles, the text is very exciting, the author is very attentive, but the reading time is not much, and there are not many follow-ups. And I think that the more careful the author writes, the more serious the issue, the less people will read it. Because most people are too lazy to think, they need to be fed.

As for those pornographic literature, for example, go to an erotic literature forum to see, and the articles that are slightly better are followed by dozens, hundreds, and thousands.

To tell a joke, if Matt’s main site is turning to adult issues, it is estimated that the traffic will be increased by dozens or hundreds of times, and likecoin may be followed by a few 0s.

The reality is that what the general public does online is to do what they cannot do offline. What they want to read is not the Jane Eyre Nobel Prize for Literature, but conspiracy theories and sensory stimulation. This is also the reason why short videos are so popular. People need opium, or real or electronic.

Charity is a good thing, and Yongji does not have to go through blockchain or NFT.


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