Documenting Life l Am I diagnosed?


When the epidemic first broke out in the world two years ago, I never thought that Taiwan would enter the stage of "coexistence" with the virus. After all, Taiwan's initial epidemic prevention policy was to adopt a "zero confirmed diagnosis" strategy, and most of the people cooperated with epidemic prevention. Measures to wear masks in public places.

But I have to say that the Taiwan government's "zero-diagnosis" policy really reassures me. Even though I was still in the hot spot of the epidemic when the Taiwan epidemic broke out about a year ago, I would not worry too much. Especially after a few months, the epidemic is still under control, so I live with the belief that "Taiwan is safe" and "Taiwan's epidemic prevention measures are well done", and I don't even plan to give vaccines.

It's just that the recent government's decision to declare "coexistence" with the virus, and the growing epidemic, caught me off guard. Even if I want to take action to vaccinate, the online appointments are almost full, and the on-site registration is not necessarily a bet. What caught me by surprise was that all my roommates were diagnosed with the disease, and many students in the workplace also reported the news of the diagnosis.

I suspect I have the virus, but I am not eligible for home isolation and screening

I got a call from my roommate last Friday, and he mentioned that all of his very close friends have tested positive, and some of them were playing mahjong in the living room a few days ago. Although I almost hid in my room, the spread of the virus cannot be ignored, especially when everyone is not wearing masks indoors, and I also pass through and come into contact with public areas, so I definitely belong to the high-risk group of infection.

But I haven't had any contact with them since Friday, and I've stayed at other friends' houses since then, and my roommate was only notified of the diagnosis during the day. Judging from the government's current epidemic prevention regulations, I am not considered a "close contact". However, I have mild symptoms that are suspected to be diagnosed in the past few days, such as headache and sore throat, but they are not very serious. I suspect that I have actually been infected, but I can’t buy a quick test right now, let alone a PCR test, because the government stipulates that a quick test must be positive before a PCR test can be performed. Moreover, appointments for testing stations in many places are already full, and testing will have to wait until next week.

I can't buy quick screening, I don't meet the PCR qualifications, I don't meet the "close contact" conditions, and I don't have significant symptoms for the time being, but as a high-risk group, I'm really embarrassed. It is really difficult enough to prove whether you are a "diagnosed person". Also because I do not meet the conditions of "home isolation", I have to go to work as usual, which may also spread the virus to students.

I feel conflicted about the diagnosis

And I am full of contradictions. On the one hand, I don’t want to be diagnosed myself, because I still have some work to deal with as soon as possible, especially when there are important events to be held in these two weeks. In the unfortunate event that I am diagnosed, I will have to entrust my work to a colleague, or worse, stop it. And I haven't been vaccinated yet, and I'm worried that if I get the virus, the symptoms will be severe. But on the other hand, if my mild symptoms these days are confirmed symptoms, I can immediately confirm that I have only "mild symptoms". It is not a bad thing to exchange "mild disease" for "natural immunity".

Therefore, these days have been living a little suspicious. Once the body has some symptoms, the alarm in my heart will immediately sound, and I begin to doubt whether I am infected. It seems that the throat is a little weird now, but I will comfort myself and say, "Could it be that I ate too many snacks today? Did I drink less water?"

Alas, now I can only resign myself to fate and take one step at a time.

Finished on 2022.05.02


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