Millennium Actress - Water lilies in the eyes of the president


Chiyoko passed out, and the old demon murmured, "I can't get rid of it, I can't get rid of it."

She slowly got up from the chair, and she said, "It doesn't matter, in the eyes of doctors, all old people are patients."

The housekeeper watched Chiyoko for a while before taking away the tray and the medicine on it.

This scene is very meaningful. I watched it several times and tried very hard to understand what the director wanted to express.

The time of a movie is so long, and all the pictures need money; every second, every picture is precious, I believe that in most movies, every scene, every character said , and the expressions given are meaningful.

So, what did the housekeeper's eyes mean?

Towards the end of the film, as Chiyoko holds her portrait, she says, "I'm no longer who that person remembers me."

"The old body hates you, so much that I can't help myself." The old demon reflected in the painting said, as if responding to her, as if experiencing a dialogue with himself.

"I don't want that person to see his old age," Chiyoko said.

The housekeeper, on the other hand, stayed on the porch for a while before leaving.

The "President" in the play is one of the aspects Chiyoko sees of herself. In his eyes, everything about Chiyoko is so beautiful; the "Housekeeper" is another aspect of Chiyoko who sees herself, old and sick, and the old demon. The same, and the same as Mishima Eiko (later outdated actress), because of her love for that beauty, jealousy, envy, hatred, but also love her at the same time.

"Housekeeper" is one of the things that I think is amazing in the movie, but in fact, I want to think about another place, which is the aspect of "President" mentioned earlier.

In fact, there are many wonderful metaphors in the movie, such as rockets to wombs or coffins, earthquakes to birth, space suits to respirator... and so on, these are probably analyzed elsewhere You can see it all, so here, I want to share a way of interpreting it from the perspective of the president that I haven't seen elsewhere, let's talk about this one, in my eyes "Millennium Actress".

Note: This way of writing may be a bit fragmented, and because it is close to the context of the movie, if you don't fully remember the content of the movie, it may be a little difficult to read, please forgive me.

Stars adorn the black-based sky, which is the universe. Before we look up at the stars, we are already there; when we are there, we realize that we are actually there.

This is the beginning of the film, the mechanical voice, the plot of the pieces, the dialogue that goes out of context.

"Actually, I've always been to you..." The story inside, the world outside, when I opened and closed with the characters, we had the same connection.

"6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0."

Between fantasy and reality, I came to the world in the movie; I also realized the so-called "real world" because of the sudden earthquake.

Everything was interrupted by the earthquake and the assistant. The movie has just started, but the story has already been explained but half of the story has been completed. At this moment, I rewind everything, all.

"What are you shooting me for?" I asked.

My assistant and I came to the studio that was abandoned by "Silver Film Co., Ltd.". The demolition of the studio has already begun. What we can witness is not the old style, but a withering process. For the documentary about Miss Chiyoko, this may be the most ironic. of.

We finally met Miss Chiyoko.

When I hand you the keys, it's like the very beginning of the movie: "Actually, I've always been to you..."

An earthquake hits.

This time the earthquake, the movie is almost rewinded, this time, just like the beginning, there are some differences but the same is: I am with you.

On her first run, Chiyoko met the person she had been looking for:

"President, you got in the way!" My assistant and I watched all this while hiding behind a telephone pole with "Nakazawa Ophthalmology".

"Can I see it?" Chiyoko asked.

"It's only halfway through," the man said.

The unfinished life does not allow anyone to peep at his ending. The man talks about his pure white hometown, like walking in the stars.

"I really want to go and have a look," Chiyoko said.

At this time, Chiyoko probably also found her "Nakazawa ophthalmic telephone pole", and witnessed and experienced some life that belonged to others but was also experienced by herself, right?

The painting is only halfway through, but the moon on the 14th still has tomorrow, and the hope of tomorrow is still there, and the man did not stop and wait in the distance, just like chasing after his Chiyoko, perhaps, also like chasing after Chiyoko.

She, they, ran in the direction of the fingers attached to the telephone pole, and came to the old demon. She, they, after the key was lost and retrieved, drank the thousand-year-old longevity tea given by the old demon. It is not a curse, it is inevitable for everyone Who are you worried about! isn't it?

The key mention pointed out the important meaning, opened the door that could not be opened before and escaped the horse thief, woke up before dyeing the color called "Otaki", pinned the self on the key, the loss and gain of the self in the key Medium shock.

I found it, lost it, and encountered it again because of the appearance of a me between the familiar and the unfamiliar.

I, bring it to you and myself.

"Miss Chiyoko, I...I've always been to you..."

Time and time again, I sync with the movie:

"Yes, I'll look for it right away."

"Chiyoko's treasure key."

You are the chase I didn't catch, the chase I was. The picture on the key is my key. I have gone back and forth several times on the road you have walked, and this time, this last time, let me walk with you.

Next to the hand holding the key is the quilt tether like an arrow pointing upwards, as if the direction of the fingers on the telephone pole was the direction to go at first, but this time, it was upwards.

Chiyoko, I want to say to you, Chiyoko, your life is a life is a beautiful movie, it is worth pursuing with the camera, and I, whether you find it or not, I have a good appearance in the camera.

"What are you shooting me for?" I asked the assistant at the beginning of the documentary. It turned out that from the very beginning, I had been walking in the scene with you. The double white cranes on the tapestry of the living room wall are also engraved in every scene of the film from the very beginning.

Let me dedicate a poem here:

Flying twin white cranes, flying wings far away Lingyan. Amphibious set purple cover, back Qingtian in one fell swoop.

Raised over Ilo, the sound flows into the orchestra. Ming Qun fell outside the scene, brushing the feathers in front of Langfeng.

Yinghai suspects floating snow, flicks the stream and pours down the flying spring. The bird would rather know to go, but the mayfly does not know to return.

He Yan said goodbye to his wife, and from now on the mountains and rivers. Gu Bu had lost each other, and Pei Hui felt sorry for himself.

Dangerous heart is still exposed, mourning sounded to hear the sky. Without a reason to vibrate the six scorpions, he will follow the immortal lightly.

I haven't found anyone to appreciate Yu Shinan's poem in Tang Dynasty, maybe there is! Just accidentally submerged in the torrent, waiting for someone to pick up the key it dropped. Chasing after you, I met you, I walked the road you walked, and wrote an appreciation called "you", called a thousand-year-old actress.

"6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0."

I came to this world again, and it has nothing to do with the key. I just put on myself, and it doesn't matter whether I meet or not.

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