Where is the wealth of the house?


Where is the wealth of a house?
Many people pay attention to feng shui when they buy a house or they will see if they have resistance. For example: wall knife, piercing hall, etc. Each feng shui must have a solution. The most important thing is the intuition of the first time entering the house. The 45-degree position is called "Ming Finance Position"
The financial position where the intention is most conspicuous, and this must be a right angle and a solid wall is the financial position, because this position is just right to hide the wind and gather qi and is suitable for attracting wealth and treasures, so many gods in the family will be placed on the financial position of the house.

It is very important to have a good financial position, but you must also remember to put wealth-gathering items such as Lucky Cat, God of Wealth, etc. The brighter the place and the better the sun is, the more money you can make, the more money you can make. Be careful not to put some equipment that will interfere with the magnetic field in the place of the financial position. You can ask a professional teacher to help evaluate it!
🔥Would rather believe it has it than don't trust it without it🔥


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