Reading pen farming|What about NFT night chat? Co-reading and co-construction

... If we want to practice the spirit of "co-construction", I think we can open these positions and invite community members to participate in these roles.

Based on the system design of the co-builders of the latest issue of Matters Discord , the curation of voice activities is added. As one of the Matt Universe pilots (channel moderator), I am conceiving and observing how other pilots hold events.

At present, the moderator @Robert of [ nft-discussion area ] is the most active. He has promoted 2 "NFT Night Talk" activities, and will usher in the third one at 8:00 pm this Sunday . How exactly is "NFT Night Talk" handled? Or what other appearances can a voice activity have, and what kind of gameplay can it be combined with? I would like to share some thoughts and welcome everyone to discuss together.

Shared reading

At the beginning, I thought of my previous experience of participating in the "shared reading meeting": once a week, for one hour each time, everyone took turns reading a passage from " The Wealth of Nations " aloud to each other and exchanged opinions. Repeat this process to progress through the book step by step.

We can transplant this concept to co-read some (NFT-related) articles, not just limited to long-form books.

After all, articles are easier to obtain, and participants can better integrate into each activity, avoiding the problem of people who join in the middle feeling disconnected.


 …A maximum of 60,000 LikeCoins, 10 Traveloggers NFTs, and stablecoins worth HK$600 are available for write-off every three months.

Intuitively, since community resources can be used in the "writing" activity, the "voice" activity should also be handled in the same way.

Looking at a voice activity, it usually consists of three elements: host, guest and listener. If we want to practice the spirit of "co-construction", I think we can open up these positions and invite community members to participate in these roles . At the same time, it is also feasible to provide incentives to participate in activities through the injection of community resources.

In particular, incentives for listeners, such as giveaways or Q&A sessions at the event, and post-event sharing on the Discord channel or on the main site; otherwise, the most straightforward approach is to Let the robot randomly draw who is the lucky one (laughs).

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