Get out of negativity and take someone else's salary to be a social animal. The idea of a slave is to choose to light up the students in the playground and choose to believe it.

If you want something, you have to keep fighting~ Mayer Musk

The idea of taking someone else's salary and being a slave to a social animal

I chose to pick up the students in the playground, and they walked towards you and occupied all your vision. In fact, this perception is no different from the others, but because I chose to believe him

He has made an impact on our lives, and if we give this thought some special meaning, it will become immensely powerful

What distresses them is their subjective interpretation of these thoughts and what they mean to them

It only affects our lives when we believe what is in our minds

Maybe it started out as a career over time. No matter what I do, it spreads to every part of my life like water. In the end, the idea of this is infinitely magnified and all my focus is on it, so every day When I wake up in the morning, I feel like " Oh, what a powerless day "

What can I do if I do it again so that I can pull myself out in the dark

optimistic attitude

Below, you can check to see which one of the slashes is

1. There are irresistible factors in internal/external relationships

If you think it's all caused by you, it's more difficult to overcome your inner demons

2. Permanent / Temporary

3. All-round / for a specific item

Every character I play has failed, or can I narrow down the point of failure now to a specific point

Failed to do this/play this role, not that I'm a failure

When you define yourself as a failure, you can't do anything

Negative emotions should be there, not immersed in them or prevented from happening

Make room for yourself when you are sad

The secret to staying alive Don't give up on your belief that in the end I will survive

But I have to accept that the current environment is actually not good for me

Accept reality without over-packaging it

Reappear negative situations

Adversity When describing adversity, pull the emotions out and describe my current experience in an objective way

"My boss hates me so much that I always find fault with me in everything" → changed to

"I came up with a plan at a meeting today and my boss said it didn't work"

When you pull your emotions out, you can more objectively see that the situation may not be as bad as you think

Faith can be a growth person mentality I made a mistake today I have room for improvement in the future

3) The result is self-fulfilling prophecy

May be because of your beliefs that cause you to behave in line with your beliefs

"I'm just a bad employee" you'll be less and less effortful or really behaving badly

4) Debate I was scolded by my boss for being such a bad employee am I a bad and incompetent person?

Would it be too exaggerated to say this? Is this conclusion a bit controversial? Can I overturn my idea?

5) Motivation : Put your attention in a positive direction

Just got scolded by the boss for 5 minutes, it has improved a lot, I was scolded for 1 hour before

The mistakes made this time are relatively small, which means that I have made progress.

you get energy from here

Use SMART's planning tools to make things feel more in control

When you set your goal to improve a little bit each day

History Of The Future

Imagine me in a year or an image of me overcoming adversity

How do I overcome my current adversity so that I can achieve what I want

In the process of writing, I seem to be looking back from a future perspective

Imagine that you have overcome many difficulties along the way

When we look back, I think it was very hard, but we made it through no matter what

Some successful people have experienced many difficulties

  • help others out of trouble

1. It's the same, don't help him make comparisons, don't tell him that you are nothing now, I was... more difficult

You talk about this, it doesn't help me at all. Everyone's pressure is different.

2. Don’t offer solutions proactively

When helpless, he has probably tried all the ways he can think of it

it may have tried and failed you just make it harder

Just a reminder of his previous failed process

Please don't offer a proactive solution if it doesn't make a request or request

"What can I do to better support you"

Ask a lot because only that person will know how to comfort it

as you wish

I look forward to everyone being able to go out of their own way and express their ideas bravely

start with the end

Past experiences made you act now

The past made you who you are now

  • Did I also believe that I am a social animal?

Reality is full of negative labels without telling me how to do better next time

Not responding, escaping, submissive, compromising, those who do not express their ideas, may be called social sense

It will stop you from moving forward. When something happens, you think in your heart, "Look at it and say it will happen."

I thought so

You don't feel well and others don't feel well.

And then you get angry and try to help with the aftermath

Thinking I'm just getting someone else's salary I should do this

even if you don't like

Also because the group respects...

did something like this

That is unwilling

No opinion, no... you can try to communicate and interact

Just like Ye Suicheng mentioned, "people with power have no brains"

Don't be it, take a good look at the next job

(Small Inner Theater)

I know what you're talking about, but the reality is that the rent is in front of me and the kids have to eat. I think this is useful? Do you still want to work?


#survival strategies to escape shame

The survival style emphasizes the ability of human beings to develop survival strategies and proves their own creativity. Therefore, survival strategies are the direct display of their own vitality.

When reading the following How to Survive, it is best to do nothing at first, just keep the question in mind

It is not necessary to answer it. Face the problem with an open mind and have the opportunity to find your own answer

  • put pressure on yourself

In our society, everyone is under pressure to succeed or not. But success is also a survival strategy that allows us to avoid putting our heads down in front of others. Excellence does not consider oneself unworthy. Or through performance to obtain their own qualifications for survival

(What other people think is his freedom, why do you believe it? Just like the students in the playground, the students come to you and tell you that you want to believe it, have you done it to verify it? Are you sure it is a fact)


#ashamed of being unqualified

Survival strategies that avoid putting our heads down in front of others, so we don’t think we’re worthless if we perform well

In other words, we will want to qualify for our own survival through good performance

Achievement pressure ensues when we overestimate our abilities and thus feel powerless, but this externally caused frustration is the purpose of our survival strategy with achievement pressure

When we hold the ideology of being human in order to make a difference, the pressure of achievement will follow

Under this ideology, enjoying life, or simply leaning back in comfort, becomes a sin, a betrayal of self-achievement

(Believing you in the eyes of others, or in your perception may not be the truth, you are you)

  • make oneself strong

When they use this strategy of making themselves extraordinary, they are ashamed to hide that they can also hope to be counted on. Because they believe it is shameful to depend on others, they are reluctant to turn to others for help, and at the same time hide their desire for help, love, and compassion from others.

(You pretend to be good and powerful, and hope that others don’t worry about you, but at the same time you are also eager to get help from others, trusting you in the eyes of others, resulting in shame, and then choosing to rely on a feared relationship, something that fails repeatedly , choose to be with this classmate on the playground, say I don't rely on others, don't ask for help, I try it on my own, those are all regarded as failures by me, I can't enjoy life, can't talk and laugh with everyone, these will make me fail?

What the teacher said is not necessarily true, and the parents are not necessarily true, you don’t have to believe it all, you must know how to refute it and think that it may be wrong)

There is some hidden benefit that appeals to me that makes us wish we could maintain good performance, lend a hand to others, or be a great person who provides a shoulder to lean on. While helping others, we also get the opportunity to contact and communicate with others. However, most successful people fail to realize that they have never felt the help of relationships.

  • yield

Giving in is a good survival strategy when we believe that there is no chance of dissent. For fear of losing face, we remove our impulses to resist, protest, fight for ourselves

  1. The waiter in the restaurant is not the meal you ordered, would you accept or reject it?
  2. When you find out that the cost of repairing your home is too high, do you ask why or keep silent?
  3. Would you be happy with your salary if you deserved better pay?

(Because I believe that work is working for others!!!! Before I got in and really understood, I believed his experience through books and the words of people who came over)

  • forgive

Adults who want to get rid of shame must face shame and recognize anxiety, anger, and shame

  • adjust your attitude

When you pluck out the seeds of salad vegetables and don't see them growing, you will not only scold them, but also think about what they lack. Maybe they need more fertilizer and water, and less sunlight. Anyway, you can't scold them

  • Project your feelings on the other person

The wife has a strong sense of self-esteem. Although the husband has accused him of his clothes, more importantly, he clearly agrees with the husband's opinion of her. dress up myself

(I also agree with the view that I am really not good enough to always strive to achieve other people's goals before the other person opens his mouth.

I also agree with "Do you have dreams?" "Do you have expectations?" Always silently achieve other people's goals before the other person speaks, hoping that the other party may deal with those feelings that he has transferred to him, but even if he has the will, he may not incapable of handling)

Projection, that is, imposing one's own feelings on others, is an effective mechanism that allows us to not avoid being aware that we don't actually love, recognize, value, pay attention to, not be sure of ourselves, and even despise and hate ourselves. . We transfer our feelings to the other person, because on the one hand it can relieve our burden, and on the other hand, we can expect that the other person may deal with those feelings that we transfer to him. But even if the other party is willing, they may not have the ability to deal with it.

"There is no guarantee in the world, but if you don't even ask, you are absolutely guaranteed to refuse."

"If you've asked and you've been denied, just accept the reality and move on.

If you want something, keep getting it." ~Mayer Musk


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