Web3 Diary 2 | Participated in a fun DAO this week, rethinking how to practice decentralization

Boo | 已换号
A DAO practicing progressive decentralization, what is it doing?

Participation in dDAO is purely coincidental. I first noticed dDAO because I saw an article written by the initiator Ada in the mirror community: "Imagination: The web3 knowledge base should be .. Notion x Mirror?" . This idea is very similar to what I had done before, so I naturally wanted to click into the DAO she founded to see what was in it.

After entering the discord group, I found that dDAO was founded only a week ago. And it is precisely because the DAO is still in a small and beautiful state, I quickly learned what they were doing, and I was not scared off by the overwhelming information, and I participated in community activities. (Although I have been discussing topics that interest me such as Lens protocol, SocialFi, and web3 Douban for a long time, I didn’t realize what progressive decentralized governance really means, haha)

In the past two weeks, dDAO has been officially born for a month. There have been a lot of discussions in the community, and there have been many slightly formed products and ideas. The governance tool Govzero designed by @Ricky Wang 💜 has also undergone the first round of testing. Just as registration for the fifth Seed Club incubator opened, Ada suggested that we can package community products to participate in the competition. It was at another community meeting that I stumbled across the application team again and was responsible for writing the story and application materials. The whole writing process is very enjoyable, no pressure, just like playing. In the early stage of the application, we spent a long time polishing the concept of our products, sorting out the problems of DAO governance, and the relationship between the projects produced by DAO and DAO itself.

Finally, we named the project dToys , inspired by the words of one of the computer inventors, Lee Felsenstein: if work is to become play, then tools must become toys.

dToys is a series of DAO toys produced from small-scale sociological experiments. dToys are created from dDAO, a DAO that practices progressive decentralization, but does not form an affiliation with dDAO. dToys contains summaries of the practical achievements of the dDAO community in the form of articles, DAO tools, and iteration records. We imagine dDAO as the smallest form of society and try to gradually build a decentralized organization from an initial 100% centralized state using consensus-based decision-making methods.

At present, dDAO has achieved a degree of decentralization of 85.6%. This number is calculated based on accumulated governance points and the number of holders. We believe that the initial state of DAO is not actually 'decentralized'. The emergence of a DAO is usually initiated by one person or a group of people. So, in dDAO, we try to start with the initiator holding the majority of reputation points in a 100% centralized state. ddao will slowly distribute points to other members with the development of dao, and record the degree of decentralization.

During the application process, what I find most interesting is dDAO's attitude towards community projects: that is, non-interference, no attitude; members can initiate projects as long as they do not violate the law; dDAO recognizes the efforts of members themselves to the project, as a breeding project Soil, not going to want to own the project.

In my opinion, dDAO is really like a primitive society; we are like primitive people in the stone age of DAO , gathering together, exploring, trying to invent the tools to build DAO. And as more and more people come to our DAO station, different needs based on projects, research, entertainment and social interaction arise. Since then, the 'primitive society of DAO' has gradually grown and matured step by step.

If you hold Seed club's $CLUB token, you can come to Seed Club to watch the project introduction and support our project ;

If you don't have CLUB, you are welcome to watch the Youtube video below to understand our philosophy;

If you watch the video, you find it very interesting, and you want to join in and explore together. Welcome to dDAO's discord! Invitation link 🔗: https://discord.gg/DQkNMNB5

Awesome video produced by CHAO link Design Studio, copywriting---me 😉


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