Gaudí's Consecutive Mishaps - Appreciating Citizen Web3.0

In other words, as long as you entrust 5000likecoin to Zhang Xiang citizen's node, you can become an admiring citizen! what! what! what! what! what! what!

Since school has just started recently, I don't have much time to write articles. But seeing a lot of people discussing the way to pay with a credit card to praise citizens vs. the current plan. I also had to look at what they were saying, the arguments, the arguments. Of course, the arguments of all parties have their own good reasons. Especially an article shared by a friend on Discord: LikeCoin Mobile Gantry

Pressing in to look at it, I couldn't help but fully understand his feelings. I went to kiss on the YouTube video, and I once heard the sharing made by Gao Jianchang, and once mentioned that there are creators who can eat and eat in Matters, relying on the temperature in his words. I believe there are also many supporters here who also use credit cards to pay $5 to support their favorite creators. The change without any intention of being a citizen of appreciation will deter supporters of creators, because the conditions for becoming a citizen of appreciation have changed, and the threshold has been raised a little bit. Perhaps this is a big change in Matters, and it is the same as in the past. An example is when the Internet was just emerging, what can people do in the face of the desire to go online? It depends on what they want to do for the world. How much to do, how much I am curious about the unknown world.

It is also undeniable that if you don't want to do more for the world, or you want to improve the ecology of the creative circle, mixing a meal is what most people desire and necessary (not utilitarian or not). Of course, Matters never owed its creators anything. All I can say is that there must be some creators who do not agree with the concept and practice of "turning praise into appreciation" and "decentralization". Maybe some creators will agree with the concept, but when it is in the process of practice that harms their interests, there will be disputes. There is no problem with disputes, and it may be a good thing, because of the concept of "decentralization". Relevant creators can put forward proposals on the Likecoin community to express their ideas, and spread them in the community, so that more people can hear their ideas, so as to achieve “the more you argue, the more clear you are”.

Here, I don't want to fire map guns, but feel that each party has his own views. Next is the point :(

I was a little excited and a little disappointed when I learned of the changes to the conditions for appreciative citizens.

Happily, I was the first to become a citizen of appreciation by entrusting likecoin. I was very excited and nervous. I immediately went to check how many likecoins Tobacco had (because I participated in a lot of essay writing activities not long ago:)), but when I checked, I found that the number of likecoins was only 2,000 , and 3,000 were still owed. It was only at this moment that I discovered that some essay competitions had not yet issued rewards. Under this circumstance, I thought of a way to exchange some ATOMs at the centralized exchange and then exchange some LikeCoins at Osmosis.

But unfortunately, it happened to me again! ! ! Just when I finished buying ATOM, Binance was maintaining Cosmos, so there was no ATOM I just exchanged! Law! change! go! since! already! of! Keplr! superior. I really cried, but after two days I failed. At that moment, I really didn't know what to do. Don't you want me to be an admiring citizen for a day? !

I believe that there are always more solutions than difficulties, and the key is "people". Here, all of you in High Dubai Tomat City can give me a solution.

Finally, if you also like the articles I wrote, please do your best to support me ~ see if there is a chance to successfully become a citizen of appreciation, thank you!

This is a recent photo I took during New Years
New Year's Draw Travellogger


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