Lin Shao's touch of green is picturesque 33


Pei Yuan followed her gaze and looked out the window, the two blind women looked at each other with a wry smile, and each sighed lightly.

Fu Qinghuai's phone buzzed on the table, this time it was a landline number she didn't know.

"Why does it look like our school?" Pei Yuan glanced at it. "It's a holiday. Are there any students in your class?"

Fu Qinghuai didn't understand either, "I only teach classes, not a class teacher or a counselor..." She answered the phone suspiciously, "Hello, how are you?"

There was a strange man on the phone, "Mr. Fu Qinghuai? I'm from the school security department. Do you know a girl named Yang Jingyue?"

Yang Jingyue... I seem to have seen this name before, but I am not familiar with it.

Fu Qinghuai didn't say that she was unfamiliar. As long as the women around her were in trouble, it was her little principle to help.

"Yang Jingyue? Well, I know. What's wrong with her?" she asked.

"This... The little girl and her boyfriend seem to be a little unhappy. They quarreled at the school gate, and they have to call the police! It's a big thing, we persuaded her not to listen, and we didn't let her call the head teacher, saying she could call you. Do you think you can persuade me?"

Fu Qinghuai frowned, arguing with her boyfriend and wanting to call the police? What's the big deal to call the police? persuade? That is to persuade people not to call the police.

Are the people in this security office reliable?

She sank in her heart, thought for a while, and said to the other end of the phone, "You ask her to answer the phone, and I will persuade her on the phone first, okay?"

The man agreed, and a very young female voice came over the phone after a while, "Hello? Teacher Fu?"

"Hey, it's me. Yang Jingyue, right? I remember you. Let me ask you first, is there anyone around you listening to us?"

"Well, yes."

"They said you were going to call the police?"

The voice on the other end of the phone was a little trembling, like fear and excitement: "Yes! He secretly filmed my video, and he wants to hold me!"

Fu Qinghuai's heart skipped a beat, glanced at Pei Yuan, and asked with confirmation, "Your boyfriend secretly filmed your video, and he wants to hold you back?"

Hearing this, Pei Yuan suddenly looked solemn, pointed to herself, and said with her mouth: "I'll go with you."

Fu Qinghuai nodded, "Yang Jingyue, listen to me, I'll go right now. Before I arrive, no matter how they persuade you, you ignore it and insist on waiting for Teacher Fu to come, you know?"

The girl on the other end of the phone took a deep breath, "Yeah."

"Also, are you and your boyfriend separated? You just answer 'yes' or 'no'."


"Are there any distances?"


"Okay. I can understand that you are probably nervous and angry now, but you try not to get excited and don't talk too much. If your words irritate him, I'm afraid he will hurt you. Also, are there any other women on your side? ?"


It's ridiculous, Fu Qinghuai sighed secretly, "I'll come over as soon as possible, you give the call to the person just now. I'll tell him a few words."

"it is good."

A middle-aged male's voice sounded, "Mr. Fu, what do you say?"

"Oh, I persuaded her to come over now." Fu Qinghuai had already judged that the other party wanted to put things to rest, so he gave a sloppy look, "The little girl is frightened, I told her not to get excited. What about the boy, He is also my student. I turned around and persuaded the two of them together, not to let him go. Oh, and also, Miss Pei and I are also here, and she is here too."

Although Mr. Pei has never caused trouble, he is still very famous in the school. After all, the amount of money that Professor Pei brings to the school in a year is not a small amount.

This face, the security department has to give it no matter what, the man replied: "It's easy to talk, then we'll wait for you to come over. Both children are watching, don't worry."


This time, Lu Sinian was the driver, driving a top-end Volvo.

Fu Qinghuai once mentioned casually that when almost all car brands do safety tests, the dummies used are standard males. Only Volvo will also use dummies for adult women and pregnant women for testing, so it is the most suitable for women. Safe car brand.

Although she was only complaining about the world's disregard for women, and at the same time complaining that the seat belts of all cars would get stuck on women's necks, but he took it to heart, and immediately ordered a Volvo in addition to the Audi he ordered earlier.

He almost had a car accident when he was young, and he was very concerned about the safety of the car, so as long as Fu Qinghuai was around, he would drive this car.

Fu Qinghuai and Pei Yuan sat in the back seat together, both of them seemed to be thinking about something, and didn't say much the whole way.

It wasn't until he got out of the car that Fu Qinghuai said to Lu Sinian, "I'm sorry, I want you to come here at night."

Lu Sinian smiled: "Don't say it's only early eight o'clock, it's fine even at three in the morning. Besides, such a shameless thing, listen to you, the grandchildren of the security department still want to protect him? I It's not so easy to see this, and I can't be relieved if I don't accompany you."

On the way, he heard Pei Yuan and Fu Qinghuai talk about it, and he laughed angrily at the time, "This is all a nest of snakes and rats".

The three stepped into the magnificent security office of Yongning University together, and soon saw two young men sitting on the metal benches against the wall in the door.

The boy's face was stern, and his vicious eyes fell on Yang Jingyue at the other end from time to time.

Yang Jingyue seemed unaware, her face was blue, and her hand was tightly holding her phone, her knuckles were white because of too much force.

She listened to Fu Qinghuai's words, without arguing or saying anything, she just said over and over: "I don't understand what you said, wait for Teacher Fu to come."

Sitting between the two was a middle-aged and fat man, dressed in a dark blue uniform. At first glance, he looked rather majestic, and he was probably the one who called him just now.

He turned his back to the boy and ignored him, doing Yang Jingyue's work.

On the way, Fu Qinghuai thought of Yang Jingyue as a child. She knew that her head teacher was the daughter-in-law of the vice-principal. She only received salary and did not work.

This child is also a local, as his name suggests, he is usually quiet and does not like to get ahead, and his grades are not too high. I don't know what video my boyfriend is holding, forcing such an honest child to call the police


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