Q Bo is not doing business with a small diary-Day 61

Talk to yourself

Sometimes I still wonder how I got here

Sometimes when I walk, I will encounter some bottlenecks and then my heart will suddenly become a ball. I am a little anxious about what to do to get better

I used to be so depressed I couldn't sleep

Now I ask myself "Have you been happy in your recent life?"

"Yes, very happy!"

Then let your heart relax a little and don't worry!
Because as long as you accept the challenge with a happy attitude, no matter what the result is, it will be a happy process and the best memory!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

AmyQHi, 我是AmyQ,一個來自台灣的活潑女孩。天生喜歡和人群接觸,卻走上一條需要時常獨自潛心修練的"科學家奇幻之旅"。曾旅居歐洲,目前繼續學習如何當一名專業且優秀的生物醫學研究人員。近期,腦筋急轉彎!想開啟人生新方向!期許在追逐自我實現的過程中,能傳遞愛與勇氣給這世界,感悟生命的奧義與美好!
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