About my new book, The Rebirth of Liberalism and Political Virtue


My book is finally out, thanks to Mr. Rong Wei, who published it for me, and Mr. Qian Yongxiang, who wrote the preface for me.

For the publication of this book, I also have to thank Zou Sicong, Gong Ke, Fu Yuxin, and teachers Chen Yizhong and Zhou Baosong who have asked me for drafts, especially Zou Sicong, without his earliest invitations, I would not have started writing about Chinese reality. political philosophy.

Google Books link: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=%E8%87%AA%E7%94%B1%E4%B8%BB%E4%B9%89%E7%9A%84 %E9%87%8D%E7%94%9F%E4%B8%8E%E6%94%BF%E6%B2%BB%E5%BE%B7%E6%80%A7&c=books

It may take a few days for the paper version to arrive on the shelves, and it can be purchased on Amazon, but I don't know if it can be sent to the mainland.

Table of contents:

History of Contemporary Chinese Thought:

The "advance" and "retreat" of liberalism

Why Mainland New Confucianism is Doomed to Fail

The Twilight of Liberal Conservatism in China

Chinese Berlin

Mainland liberals in Taiwan IV: The Chinese Strauss School from Four Perspectives

Eliminate "Enlightenment" Poison - Liu Xiaofeng's Anti-Egalitarianism

Liberalism and the Restoration of the Political Order:

The "Sinicization" of Left-wing Liberalism

Looking at the future of liberals from the struggle for reform and change

The Dangers of Dispatching, and the Limits of Intellectuals

Cultural Conservatism and Anxiety of Order

Why China's Left Liberals Shouldn't Be "White Left"

Mainland liberals in Taiwan 1: Leader of the Mouth Cannon Party

Mainland Liberals in Taiwan II: The First Niche

Chinese contemporary political culture:

The Great Power Philosophy Behind Mourning Culture and Midlife Crisis

Education in China, Little Pinks and Unmarriage

The emergence of public culture through three waves of criticism of #MeToo

How to understand the cultural merchants of this era

What kind of young people does this country want

The Value Consensus of Chinese Elites from Ren Zhengfei's Interview

The Split of Intellectuals and the Polarization of Public Opinion

Lao Zhu - The "Depoliticization" and "Repoliticization" of the Chinese Middle Class

Pink Mania and Totalitarianism Outside the System

Political cognitivism and political behaviorism

Left wing of this era:

Mainland liberals in Taiwan III: Cong Tou and Sheng Ge

The spiritual civil war that has begun

The Chinese Heir to the May Storm

The Rebirth of Liberalism and Political Virtue

Left-wing youth of this era

Academic Monthly Comments:

Spike's brilliance

Impressions of the Plough

Political "philosopher" Gan Yang

The "Heart Power" of Liberals

Sometimes you need to stand up to your immoral predecessors


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