2021 Matters Annual Questionnaire|Live Free

Without freedom, nothing matters

(1) Write down one thing that happened this year that you want to record permanently.

The thing is that Apple Daily was destroyed. From the wind and grass to the fire, and finally watching the "apple" burn to the ground, it was the most painful this year. I don't necessarily agree with all the views of "Apple" in the past, but I wish I could defend her freedom of speech, but I don't and can't.

(2) Two full years have passed, and the epidemic is still continuing. How has the pandemic changed your life compared to two years ago? Do you think it can be restored?

Wearing a mask every day makes me very restless and restless. The world will never return to the way it was before the epidemic. It is more important to learn to walk with the virus, and it is good to live.

(3) Where will you (finally) lie flat in 2021?

I have completely flattened on giving children freedom of speech. I have no bottom line to encourage my children to express their opinions bravely on various matters, whether mature or naive, say whatever you want, and when the sky falls, there are grandma to help you support .

(4) In 2021, what will give you the deepest sense of meaning or give you the greatest sense of power?

Matters' proposals and reviewers saw me and gave me the courage to persevere, and the comments that I couldn't write gave me the greatest sense of strength. He KO'd a bunch of my wordy words in a simple and precise sentence. Now, it feels good to have someone who understands me, and it makes me feel less lonely when I grope at the bottom of the text world.

(5) In 2021, a farewell or an encounter you experienced.

In 2021, I have experienced a huge farewell, which is made up of one small farewell after another caused by forced relocation. Watching friends leave Hong Kong through social media, scattered all over the place, is sad but I hope they can be healed in the end.

(6) How has your relationship with your body changed compared to last year? Do you like your current body more?

I lost two kilos this year, but I'm still fat, I don't like or dislike my body more. Compared with the expectations of the physical body, I hope that I can have an interesting soul in my body.

(7) Share with us a good book, a good movie or a good song you meet in 2021

Good movie: Dune (Hong Kong translation of Dune Han Battle), I prefer the free translation of Hong Kong compared to the literal translation of Taiwan. The word "Han" just means that this is a story with a grand structure. There are many metaphors in the movie. People who have just climbed out of the mud , especially emotional.

Good book: No Reservations, which I bought from the Bookdepository on a whim this year to complete Anthony Bourdain's book. Anthony's writing is still as spicy and interesting as always, especially when I saw him writing about the bathroom he went to during the filming of the show, I had the same experience and I burst into tears, "Fighting off carnivorous insects while squatting with one's pants around one's ankles, trying not to slip in the muck while at the same time nervously monitoring the unlocked "door" and tearing a piece out of the local newspaper -- this is a skill set one must quickly master in the steppes of central Asia"

Good song: Renegades of One OK Rock, every time we sing this song in the car with the kids, Mr. and adults look helpless, and we feel very fulfilled. Excerpt the following lyrics, I think you will understand why I love this song.

They've been telling us to change our voices

But we're not part of that crowd

We made our bed and we'll make our own choices

We're maybe underestimated

But I know one day we will make it

Time to say it out loud

We are young and we're proud

(8) Share a moment that meant a lot to you in 2021 with a single photo.

Yuanzui Mountain, which has been in my heart since the beginning of the year, was finally conquered at the end of the year. I am actually a person who is afraid of heights. I clenched my teeth and climbed to the top. I came down from the cliff with soft legs. I really responded to the saying "No matter how difficult the road is, there will always be a moment to finish it." Just be patient! I was still a little way from the top of the mountain when I took this photo, but I knew I was in sight, and embraced the free sun and air with open arms.

on the mouth of the kite

(9) Please fill in the blank: 2021, ___ matters

2021, without freedom, nothing matters

(10) What do you expect from yourself in 2022?

I hope that I can be less pessimistic and world-weary. In the coming year, when I seriously encourage children to be optimistic and positive, I can despise myself less in my heart.


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