8 life goals you hope to achieve in 10 years


I plan to plan my life well and start by arranging my own life blueprint, so I start with the 10-year goal. So I asked myself: Where do you want to be in 10 years?

After thinking about it for a long time, I only have the following 8 goals for the time being. I hope that when I look back in 10 years, I can successfully achieve them.

Then I wrote down the following 8 goals:

1 Have at least 3 passive income sources

The older I get, the more I realize the importance of money. Money is not everything, but without money, there are really many limitations, and it is easy to become helpless. Just like the sudden outbreak of the epidemic now, many people are caught off guard. Many people are facing financial problems. Many offline stores are not making money, and even go bankrupt. On the contrary, online stores that usually have well-run online brands are not affected. , and many even earn more than before.

Therefore, I tend to build passive income online, and my current online writing is one of them. Although creating on various platforms also depends on whether people will pay for it, no matter how good your article is, it may be difficult to persist if no one appreciates it. But I still ask myself to create content according to what I feel in my heart, and don’t go against my heart by just writing what people like to see.

 I think a better way is to choose the intersection of what the audience likes to watch and what you like to write. In this way, you will be happy to write and the audience will be happy to read. This sentence can also be placed elsewhere. Don't follow the crowd easily when doing anything.

The stock god Warren Buffett also said: "If you don't have passive income, you will work until you die." I will start to create passive income from now on. One of them is to set up a website. It has been completed. The next step is to continue to create. I also hope that in the next 10 years, I can create at least 3 passive incomes that can bring me more than 50% of my income.

2 Have your own brand

In my opinion, everyone is a personal brand. I hope to create a household name brand in 10 years. As for what brand, it is still unknown. The author of "Notepad Dream Plan" set the goal of establishing a company , and finally achieved it 15 years later. I believe I can do it one day, but it may take longer than 10 years.

3 Complete economic independence

Being financially independent, not reaching out to anyone for money, and earning money myself is actually the most basic requirement I have for myself. I hope that in 10 years I will not only be financially independent, but also have at least NT$1.2 million in savings. On average, I will save at least NT$10,000 a month. As long as you persist, it can still be achieved.

4 Find your soul partner in life

I have always been a very unique person. I meet many people, but not at the same frequency as many others. I'm still looking for a partner who can work towards the same goal, encourage each other, and become a better version of myself. I've always wanted to have a partner like Buffett and Charlie Munger.

I have a hunch that in the near future, I will successfully find a partner to work with.

5. Travel with your family every year

Family is also important, don’t forget them. I hope that when I am in my 30s, I can take my family out for a walk every year. As long as the family is together, it doesn’t matter where I go.

10-year small goals. As long as the road is right, there is no need to worry about the distance.

6 Keep in touch with the coach every week

I currently have 4 coaches, 1 life planning and financial management coach, this coach is retired and from Hong Kong, this coach provides me with life planning and financial management advice; 1 writing coach, Malaysian, reminds me of the needs of creating content The corrections and additions have helped my website a lot; a motivational coach, Australian, achieved financial freedom at the age of 28, and realized the dream he has always wanted to achieve in Thailand; a WordPress coach, Taiwanese, this The coach not only taught me WordPress but also taught me the Go language. There is a story about how I got to know this coach, which I will share again when I have the opportunity.

These four coaches are all dear to me, but I have never regularly spent time communicating with these coaches, which I think is a pity. I also hope that I can keep in touch with these coaches in the next 10, 20, and 30 years, and at the same time create some value for the coaches.

7 Regular output and input

I foresee a fulfilling future for me. But no matter how busy I am, I also hope that I can invest in my brain and read at least 2 books every month. Then, I write every day, no matter what I write, how to better express my thoughts is my lifelong homework.

8 Become a person you like

I am what I like now, but I am still pursuing to become a better version of myself.

In addition, I am not sure whether I will like myself 10 years from now. Therefore, it is better to regard it as one of the goals.

Let me tell you what I like about myself: I have goals, I am willing to work hard, I am brave in pursuing my ideals, I am not afraid of failure, I do not hurt others or be hurt by others, I am not afraid of being abrupt, I am not afraid of being unique. I don’t need to be the best, but I must try my best and leave no regrets.

This is my 10-year goal.

I also hope that in 10 years I can achieve at least 75% of the total.

come on.


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