Husband and wife are unsuitable for divorce? Attorney Throws Divorce Indicators:

Many people have suffered too many grievances in their marriage, and they only want to return to freedom, but when they think of life after divorce, they will be at a loss and dare not divorce. "Actually, divorce is not so scary. What is scary is regretting divorce." You don't have to worry too much about the economy and loneliness. Many people adapt very quickly after a divorce. , has also become accustomed to this pace of life.

After a husband and wife quarrel, many people will have the idea of divorce. If it is only a temporary emotion, then it will be fine after the time has passed, but many people have long been separated from each other, and they continue to stay in the marriage for the sake of their children, wasting each other's money. time. But sometimes you can't figure out whether you want to divorce because of too much pressure, or it's really not suitable. At this time, you can think about these five questions again and again.

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1. How to resolve the quarrel between husband and wife

You must have thought about it more than once, how to resolve the problem of quarreling all the time, and you may not even be sure, whether it is because the husband and wife are incompatible, or the long-term pressure is too great. If you really value this marriage, it is recommended not to exclude marriage counseling, try to squeeze out a little money and a little time, and give this marriage a chance, even if the other party refuses to cooperate, then at least do it yourself first. If you can't even take this step, maybe you don't take this marriage as seriously as you think. But if you have already done it, but there is still no improvement in the end, it may not be your own fault, because a marriage cannot be consummated by just one person's efforts.

(Selected article: What should I ask in divorce counseling? What should I pay attention to when filing a divorce lawsuit? )

2. Child custody and future development

It is necessary to think carefully about who to give guardianship in the future. Many people think that it is best to give guardianship to the party with better economic conditions, but if you really think about the child, please give it to someone who can accompany the child to grow up, or play the role of the child. The primary caregiver's party . Because companionship is irreplaceable by money and living environment, it doesn’t matter if there is not much money. The other party is obliged to share the maintenance fee . If the other party is worried that there is no guarantee, he also has the right to visit to protect his rights and interests and let the other party accompany the child. This is completely You can rest assured!

(Featured Article: Child Rights in Divorce Proceedings: Custody, Visitation, Support )

3. Are you worried about affecting your child's inheritance rights?

Some people will threaten to take away the child for divorce, and the future inheritance will not be distributed to the child. You don't have to worry about this. Unless your child voluntarily abandons the inheritance in the future, even if the other party remarrys, it is written in black and white that the parent and child will be cut off. relationship, nor can it shake the right of inheritance . Instead, you have to think about why the other party threatens you so unscrupulously? What kind of education will the child be given to him? If you continue this marriage in the future, will it be good or bad for the child and for yourself?

(Selected article: Who has the right of inheritance? A picture to easily understand the order of inheritance! )

4. How should marital property be divided?

The distribution of the remaining property after divorce is a difficult thing to coordinate. The most difficult mentality to coordinate is usually the man who thinks it is his hard earned money, why should he share it with the other party? The woman thinks that she sacrificed herself to the family, and should get more property and alimony after the divorce. The man has always maintained his social status and competitiveness, and will be able to earn it back soon. ? The whole meeting is over. And you also need to think about how to start over after the divorce, try to get conditions that both parties can accept and that will not be too harsh on you.

(Selected article: Distribution of remaining property! How to divide marital property after divorce? )

5. What should I do after a divorce?

Many people have suffered too many grievances in their marriage, and they only want to return to freedom, but when they think of life after divorce, they will be at a loss and dare not divorce . "Actually, divorce is not so scary. What is scary is regretting divorce." You don't have to worry too much about the economy and loneliness. Many people adapt very quickly after a divorce. , has also become accustomed to this pace of life.

So divorce is not really scary at all, what is scary is marrying the wrong person or leaving the right person impulsively.

(Selected article: Divorce lawyer recommendation, teach you how to choose a divorce lawyer! )

Zhibang Law Firm cooperates with professional lawyers in divorce consultation , affair claims , child custody , investigation and evidence collection , and criminal defense , and is committed to helping people overcome difficulties.


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