EP.02|Childhood, popular things.

This episode is going to talk about it. In Xiaoben's "Childhood, Popular Things", a lot of things were popular at that time, such as fighting cards that boys like to play, game king cards, kicking shuttlecock, and Cullo that girls like to watch Magicians, Sakura Maruko, and the popular activity of femininity among little girls - knitting scarves...etc.

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(00:00) [Opening song_Opening remarks_Ladies first]

This is komoto's podcast

(00:11) [Opening music_About?]

Hey~ Hello everyone~ I'm Xiaoben, how is your day?

After the Lunar New Year, do you feel that it will be March, time flies so fast! It seems that there are no national holidays at all in March, so I really want to continue the holiday~ Well... We can only wait until the Qingming holiday in April, and then we can put it on for 4 consecutive days, and we can spend the time of being a rice bug at home refreshingly. We can look forward to it. Come on, the consecutive Qingming holidays should be regarded as Taiwan's version of the Golden Week.

(00:54) What was popular in my childhood?

Today I want to talk about "popular things in childhood". I have shared it before. The happiest time of my childhood was in the elementary school. No time can replace the memory of that time. It is the purest and my I feel the happiest time from my heart.

I don't know how your childhood was like? You can leave a message to share your story

Let’s talk about our family first. I have a brother who is two years older than me. Basically, I’m my brother’s follower. I will follow him wherever he goes, and I will play whatever he plays. Even cartoons are the first to contact me. Cartoons that boys like to watch, such as Dragon Ball, Rockman, etc., but I still have cartoons that girls like to watch, such as Sakura Maruko, Kolo Magician, etc. After all, the topics of chatting in school are mostly about Discuss the plot content in the cartoon, for example: What did Maruko do to make his mother angry in the last episode.

(02:00) Fighting cards: How to judge the combat effectiveness of classmates?

I still remember when I was in elementary school, it was very popular among little boys to play games like "fighting cards". As long as the class was over, the little boys would take out their belongings from their schoolbags and take out a bag like a plastic bag from a breakfast shop. With a bag of fighting cards, how to judge the combat effectiveness of the classmates and the opponent depends on the number of the bag. The bigger the bag, the stronger the strength, because the little boys will show off their strengths to each other. . . . "sai-kya (Taiwanese)" means "private inventory". Students with smaller bags usually have two situations, one is a low-key strong man, and the other is a warrior with low combat effectiveness, and I am the latter. Usually, the "sai-kya" in the plastic bag are the ones that are out of stock. .

Doupai is made of plastic. Most of the shapes are round. Of course, there are squares, diamonds, and strange shapes. The weight is not heavy, probably a little lighter than the identification card of the office worker. In terms of size, the biggest one is as big as a fist, and the small one is a fighting card as small as the current 50 yuan coin. What about the color... Most of the fighting cards are the same color in the end. The patterns in the middle of the fighting cards are usually in the style of cartoon seven dragon balls, such as the characters of Sun Wukong, Dahl, Majin Puwu, Pic and so on.

As for how to play, it is to touch the fingertips of the thumb and index finger of one hand together, which is a bit like a gesture when picking something. Use the two fingertips that touch each other to advance your fighting cards. The opponent's fighting card is covered under his own fighting card, even if he wins. The battle cards that are usually covered and eaten will become the winner's trophy, so the inventory is expanded at this time.

Some little boys will be clever, and they will put their fighting cards on the side, whether they have them or not, and paint them with a thick layer of white, which will increase the height of the fighting cards, and it will be less likely to be eaten by the opponent. Those who can play tricks will use the principle of leverage (laughs), tap the edge of the fighting card with your fingertips, and the fighting card will bounce up at this time, turn it around for 1~2 turns, and you can easily knock the opponent's fight. The card becomes the soul of the war.

Of course, this "tsu-tau (Taiwanese/pattern)" sometimes capsizes in the gutter. There was a young boy who was playing against me. He took out his favorite ace from a plastic bag and played against it. When he used this trick "flipping", his fighting card flipped 2 times in the air. When we thought my fighting card was about to be eaten, his fighting card suddenly hit mine. The corner of the card, then this fighting card of mine jumped up in high spirits, and in turn covered his trump card.

I still remember the little boy at that time crying and saying "this game doesn't count" because I didn't even move a step~ I ate his fighting cards. However, on the battlefield only you die or I die, and being kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself, so I silently include his favorite ace in my plastic bag inventory. In the case of my victory without a fight, my brother said that I was "matched (Taiwanese/good luck)", but every time I lose, I should always win once.

(05:33) The once-popular "Yu-Gi-Oh" is as fiery as the current Demon Slayer.

In addition to fighting cards, there is also the popular Yu-Gi-Oh card game. The cartoons of Yu-Gi-Oh are often broadcast on TV. Yu-Gi-Oh! was at the time, but it was as red as Ghost Slayer now, and the little boys also had a stack of cards in their hands. Collet.

Yu-Gi-Oh cards can also compete with each other like a cartoon. In the impression, everyone can customize the life value ranging from 4000 points or 8000 points, and they have a set of cards to start the battle of offense and defense of monsters. At that time, the most powerful card in my mind was "Three-Headed Blue-Eyes White Dragon", with an attack power of 4500 and a defense of 3800. A card that can advance, attack, retreat and defend is simply an invincible card.

Some little boys don't compete with others, but simply collect them. Occasionally, they will pretend to bring some rare and rare monster cards. They will put them in their pockets after class. Deliberately took it out of the pocket, and quickly put it back in the pocket. When the other little boys saw it, they would be very excited to surround them and ask, "Did he see a legendary limited-edition monster card just now?" Then... the "middle second (meaning: inexplicable self-confidence)" The little boy would say, "Well, it's nothing, it's just a collection" and so on. Among the game ace friends, there will always be a few classmates who act as "secondary students".

(07:05) He is good at kicking "Yin Yang, Chocolate" shuttlecock moves.

If you don’t play card fights and game king cards, athletic boys will play shuttlecocks in the corridors, and go outside to PK after class. At that time, I also liked this kind of dynamic activities, and I would go there together. Kick shuttlecock in the hallway, but my moves are relatively simple. I am good at kicking like "yin and yang" ~ that is left and right feet (kicks in turn), and "chocolate" is jumping up and kicking, and occasionally I will do great things like It's "Booming Thunder"~ and "Strong Hole", but it's not always successful.

Well, I found a video on the Internet that brought back my childhood memories of kicking shuttlecocks. There are detailed explanations and some moves that I thought I had forgotten, but I actually remember these fancy kicks, that is, there are impression. Then I will put the link on the square side. Interested friends can click here to see if it is similar to the moves you knew when you were a child?

Youtube: Retrieving the Soul of Shuttlecock in 1995 - Simple Fancy Shuttlecock Sharing 1

(08:10) Elementary school is good at playing basketball and swimming

When I was a child, my favorite sport was basketball, but boys didn’t like to play with girls, and ordinary girls didn’t like to play basketball. So when I was going to play basketball in physical education class, I always held the basketball by myself. Practice shooting under the rim. By the end of the practice, my three-point line has become very strong. I have practiced hundreds of times from almost every angle. I just like basketball, and I didn’t say that I should practice shooting from the three-point line.

There was a time when I practiced 100%, and even the little boys wanted me to play with them. Of course, I was in charge of the 3-point line. If the enemy knew that I was good at shooting the 3-point line, they would deliberately send a taller boy. Come to guard me, but fortunately I am a girl, and my body is relatively petite compared to tall boys, so I can also flexibly avoid people who are guarding me. Well...but usually boys play with me, and they are only a few. It should be because there are not enough people at the moment. I found someone to join the team, and I just found out that I have a strength at the three-point line, and at that time, it was beyond the reach of the little boys at that time. The three-point line~ In most cases, in fact, I still practice shooting under the basket by myself.

How much do I love basketball? During the summer vacation, I would go to the elementary school with a basketball by myself to practice shooting. I would not get bored or have any problems with shooting for a day. I just like to shoot. , maybe I wasn't tall at the time, and I couldn't practice any layups, or slam dunks. I still remember several summer vacations, I was like a little black man, not like an ordinary girl at all. At that time, I was also a hot personality.

Later, around the fifth grade of elementary school, my parents helped me sign up for a group swimming class. However, there were not many people who learned to swim in elementary school at that time. My parents were probably afraid that I would be bored at home during the summer vacation, so I signed up. Let me learn to swim.

I am quite independent, and I take the bus to the swimming pool to report to the swimming class. I have strong motor skills. I quickly learned breaststroke, freestyle, side-swim, and float, etc. I still remember that when I finished my training, I had to take an exam. I had to swim 50 meters, and then I was considered a passer if my feet couldn’t land on the ground. No matter if you want to float or swim like a dog, as long as you can survive the 50 meters, you will be considered a pass. I was considered one of the top 10 gifted students who passed first, and the gifted students said so themselves (laughs), but at that time I was really quite good, I learned fast and swam very fast.

(10:58) Women's Activities: Scarf knitting, Clow magician, exchange diary

Why does it seem like I'm talking about the world of elementary school boys, but I can't help it~ Because I have a brother, and I like everything my brother likes to play. However, I still have things to do with little girls, such as knitting scarves, collecting cards from the Cullo Magician, and writing exchange diaries with my good friends. I also touched on some of them.

The world of elementary school girls is more static and youthful. They will learn to knit scarves by seeing their classmates knitting scarves, but they are knitting with hook needles. Learn how to knit with hooks from her. I don't know what's going on, I can't learn how to learn. Later, when I went to the bookstore to read the book, I realized that the tools for knitting scarves are not only hook needles, but also stick needles and nail boards. With a ball and a pair of needles, I started to knit a scarf according to the instructions in the book. The weaving method (of needles) is simpler than that of hook needles. I think the weaving method of needles is simpler than that of hook needles.

I didn't expect that I could actually knit a scarf that was quite satisfactory, but I was knitting the basic method of knitting up, down, up and down, but if I could knit it by myself, it would be considered a passable level of female power. , I remember that the scarf was a coffee mix scarf.

As an aside, the scarf I just mentioned is the first scarf I knitted. In the winter of a few years ago, I saw my brother take out the scarf from our country's small knitting?! I really don't know, brother Where did it come from, I thought I lost this scarf (laughs).

The scarf that has been woven recently should be about 7 years ago. I knitted the wool scarf for the little boss. The price of the finished scarf should be super expensive, because I bought four wool wool balls, and each one cost 500 It costs more than 500 yuan for one piece. Then I bought four pieces, which cost more than 2,000 Taiwan dollars. After weaving this scarf, it should be able to sell for about 3,000-4,000 yuan.

Fortunately, the little boss still likes it, and every year (winter), he will take it out and wrap it. If the little boss doesn't like it, I will definitely take this scarf back and wrap it around until I get back to my basics, and wrap it around until I die of old age. I will take a photo of this scarf and put it on the checkered side (the scarf is the photo above), it is nothing special, but the color is gray mixed color, it goes well with clothes, and its The texture is how close it is to the skin, it won't make you feel that it will bite your neck, it will be uncomfortable, dry and itchy (and it is not easy to pill).

Then there was "The Magician of Clow". At that time, another cartoon called "The Magician of Clow" was often broadcast on TV. I was also fascinated by it. Basically, it was saying that a little girl's name was Sakura, and she accidentally opened it. A magic book with a long history, all the cards that were sealed in the magic book escaped, so Xiao Sakura had to find a way to seal these cards that would be evil outside, one by one into the brand.

In the cartoon, Sakura will always carry a magic wand. I actually went to the bookstore and bought a Sakura's magic wand and cards, but girls' cards won't fight like a boy's Yu-Gi-Oh! go. At most, exchange cards with each other, or talk about which card Sakura caught in the previous episode. After all, I'm still a girl, and I always need to understand some topics that girls usually talk about, so I also watch cartoons, and of course I like this cartoon very much.

Exchange diaries were also popular at the time, um...why are exchange diaries popular? I thought about it later... It should be in elementary school, didn't it have to be divided into classes every two years? Well, if it was the first and second graders who finally got to know good friends, then when the third grade was about to split classes, they would definitely be reluctant to part with them, so this model of exchanging diaries was developed. After all, there were no LINE or smartphones at that time.

In the exchange diary, some troubles between little girls will be written about each other, such as how to get along with new classmates in the class, which class of boys you secretly have a crush on, or, small gossip about which girl you hate, which is private for little girls. A topic. I have also exchanged diaries with others, but now I can't think of what I wrote at that time, and I don't know where the diary is now. Is it on my side? Or on the other side? But I'm pretty sure there's no elementary school stuff on my side anymore. If it's still there, I'll definitely come and share it for you to see, maybe I'll even laugh when I see it myself.

(15:54) Handwritten letters worth the wait vs modern instant messaging LINE

It suddenly occurred to me that "pen pals", a literary activity that was popular at the time, was the kind of people who would really write letters on letter paper, then seal them in envelopes, affix stamps, and send letters to the post office or mailbox.

I seem to have written it with someone, but I don't remember it. There should be very few people writing letters by hand now, right?! After all, the Internet is so developed now, just pass it directly on LINE, and there is no need to wait at all. But think about it carefully. The development of the Internet has made communication more convenient and efficient. Has everyone’s silence with each other become more?

It doesn't seem to be the same as before, expecting the postman to come to our house and hand over the letter to me, the sense of steadiness, um~ It's the kind of can't wait to open the envelope... tsk... The feeling of anticipation? Well~ it should be this feeling (sense of anticipation). On the contrary, seeing too many messages on LINE now, I still feel a little anxious and don’t want to open it.

I don't know if you have the same feeling as me?

(16:55) Bookstores gradually became popular and took a multi-line approach.

Just now I talked about the world of elementary school boys and girls. Are men and women much different? But at that time, I seemed to take everything. I could play with boys and girls, and I had no interpersonal troubles at all, and it was the most carefree time.

Well... let's not talk about the world of boys and girls separately, of course, they still have something in common, that is, everyone loves to go to the bookstore. That was when the bookstore (started) was the most diverse. Originally, they only sold stationery, books, etc., but later extended to sell all kinds of goods, such as rare pens, clocks, business card photos of star shrines, and what cartoons are popular on TV now, just sell them That cartoon merchandise is like this.

Everyone will go to the bookstore to find cartoon merchandise, cards, or key rings. They will also buy a bunch of ballpoint pens that can never be used up, as well as notebooks and stationery. They will also go to the bookstore to buy comics to collect, at home. I slowly finished the comics, and the classmates would exchange comics with each other.

Every birthday, Christmas, and Chinese New Year, everyone will go to the bookstore to buy cards for their classmates, pick small cards in person, and write blessings in their own hands. At that time, as long as they receive the card, it is like receiving a card. Like a beautiful gift, um.. the feeling of happiness and joy at that time (simple happiness) is not the same as the feeling of receiving a gift when you grow up. But that era is gone forever, and I can only save it for this episode to savor it slowly.

The bookstore at that time was a place full of surprises for me when I was a child. There was a Jinshitang near the elementary school. The Jinshitang had already adopted a compound business model when I was in the elementary school. The bookstore combined coffee. Hall, quite powerful. However, this Golden Stone Hall has been closed, otherwise it would have been in the Bade area of Taoyuan, and it has lasted for dozens of years.

At that time, I really liked the work of an illustrator in a stationery store. The name of this work is "Cathy". I wonder if you have heard of it? The character "Cathy" will appear in my notebook, pencil case, and A4 L folder. Even in class, I would be bored and draw Casey's illustrations on the textbook. , is my thing, you can know that I like Kathy's illustration very much.

(19:36) [Ending song _ちょっと rest (break)]

Well... there are so many things I want to talk about, but I'm afraid I won't be able to finish it in three days and three nights, so today I'm going to share a few things that were popular when I was a kid. To be honest, doing this episode reminded me of a lot of happy things in my childhood, and I also did a lot of interesting things with my classmates. I miss that carefree time. Fortunately, there was a happy childhood that allowed me to be like this to miss.

Well...then~ that's the end of today~ Thank you all for listening to my show today :D I'm Xiaoben.

If you have anything to talk to me, you can leave a message on the Fanggezi platform or privately message me on IG; then if you want to invite me to a cup of coffee, you can also go to the Fanggezi platform and support Xiaoben in Dou Nei . thank you~

It doesn't matter if you don't have Dou Nei, you can also choose to subscribe to me, or share the show with all your friends around you, which is also a way to support Xiaoben.

Don't forget to listen to the latest uploaded audiobook next time~ See you next time, bye.

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