six lying college students

Is there really a fair and just interview in this world? Why do job selections that have experienced many difficulties often select bastards with average abilities and bad attitudes?

This is a mystery novel based on job interviews. Because of the economic downturn and difficult to find jobs, the recruitment of large companies always attracts a large number of fresh graduates to apply. The six protagonists in the story have overcome difficulties and always come to the final stage , but encounters an unexpected human test.

The layout of Asakura Akicheng is very clever, and the narrative techniques are also flexible and changeable. It is interesting to start a debate through an interview, so that readers can understand how absurd laws operate in this society.

Is there really a fair and just interview in this world? Why do job selections that have experienced many difficulties often select bastards with average abilities and bad attitudes? Why are elites with both knowledge and courage not easily appreciated? Do those chief examiners actually have a set of objective methods for recruiting talents for enterprises? Or is it just based on subjective impressions? When reading this novel, these questions come to mind inadvertently, but the specific plot of the story can be described as gripping, and the process of solving the puzzle can be described as intense and exciting.

An important element of the book is the whistleblower in order to compete for a position, but the author's arrangement is extraordinary. The design of the whistleblower takes a twist, and it is not easy to guess the truth before the end. The six protagonists face this rather terrifying, It is an unscrupulous job battle, and of course it will have a major impact on the road of life in the future. The genius of the novel is that it makes readers think about how the infighting in the workplace distorts human nature through the plot of the whistleblower.

In real life, there are also some companies that use social platforms to check the daily messages and dynamics of job seekers, so as to conduct "thought review", tend to choose some guys who are used to blindly agreeing, and refuse to accept normal people who have ideas and dare to speak. Of course, such narrow selection criteria can only hire mediocrities and hypocrites, which will not bring practical benefits to the development of the enterprise, and even create a bad culture that will damage long-term interests. There is also a plot in this novel that mentions the possible future troubles caused by disclosing one's daily life on social platforms. People with ulterior motives can easily obtain this information without much effort, leaving the parties in a situation where they cannot make sense.

The reasoning plot designed by the author is unexpected. The main focus is to write an interview, but it draws a story that is intertwined with each other, and the lethality of lies is revealed everywhere. In the current social atmosphere of economic depression and crookedness, reading this The novel is particularly interesting.


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