Suspected of doubting his professionalism

According to a friend's analysis, the chief executive at the prince level lacks practical experience in successful business operations, does not understand many things, and is afraid that people will see through his incompetence, so he will deliberately pick faults and show his prestige.

"He made the professional designers in the unit suspect that he would not be able to do design!" Talking to the junior supervisor of another unit about the various problems caused by the unprofessional command of the prince-level senior supervisor, the junior supervisor said this sentence , people suddenly understand that "it turns out, it's not just me", and then let go.

The prince-level superintendent of universities and research institutes studied interior design and real estate related majors in the United States. When he returned to Taiwan, he had never engaged in related work. He lived in Tianlong Kingdom, and he was familiar with many rich second-generation and celebrities. He invested at home. Below, I have opened a restaurant, a cosmetics company, and a trading company. However, all three companies ended up at a loss, and I entered the company in my 40s to prepare for succession.

The prince-level executive who prides himself on the high taste, looks at commercial design with the concept of interior design, and is responsible for every design of the packaging design designer. It is common practice to change the packaging more than 5 times.

The junior director in charge of product development said that once the designer couldn't stand the change, and he deeply doubted that he would not be able to do design. He took out the first version of the design and slightly adjusted the main color. On that day, the prince-level senior director may be in a particularly good mood. The product launch date and the packaging design were eagerly finalized, but they agreed.

My situation is that after the Chinese introduction of the product is completed, I will do a Japanese and English introduction, and undertake the English introduction translated by the shooting company. , invite Japanese engineers who are familiar with Chinese and colleagues who have studied in Japan and have worked in related industries for many years to be proficient in Japanese to translate together.

It took a month and a half of back and forth to translate, confirm, and cross-comparison, and finally finalized the draft. Unexpectedly, today the shooting company made a Japanese version of the introduction based on the finalized Japanese product translation. A foreign language proper noun begins with a lowercase English letter "weird" and should be capitalized like an English name.

I took pains to ask the engineers and colleagues who assisted in the translation again, and it was true that I did not use it wrongly. It is not surprising that I dared not point out the prince-level chief executive, so I could only reply: "After asking the engineer and XXX colleagues, this is the usual Japanese way of writing. ” only to block the self-righteous “correction” suggestion of the prince-level chief executive. There are countless incidents in the company that turn professionals into unprofessionals.

According to a friend's analysis, the chief executive at the prince level lacks practical experience in successful business operations, does not understand many things, and is afraid that people will see through his incompetence, so he will deliberately pick faults and show his prestige.

It is rumored within the company that the prince-level chief executive will officially take over in August. We, the queen-level chief executive, have recruited ministers with different positions. In the eyes of the prince-level chief executive, we are conservative and ignorant of innovation. It's a painful period for succession, and life will not be easy.


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