I started trying to publish my novel on Matters

The biggest dream in life is to earn a living by writing.

I was born with a bad habit of "laziness", and I didn't persist in doing many things for a long time.

Although "writing" has been started since I was in middle school in my country, it sounds like it is the only thing I have been doing continuously, but I am ashamed to say that I often write intermittently, and writing is like language. If you don't use it, you will get rusty, so whenever I come back to writing, I have to spend a lot of time to get back the feeling.

In addition to the writing style, the next thing to look for is the platform for writing.

It has been four years since my last serialized novel. At that time, I put the work on the Internet for the first time, and the word file that had been stored in the laptop for many years finally had a day of public publication. At that time, I chose to publish it in " POPO Original” has been deeply cultivated on this platform. I still remember that I was squatting in front of the computer after work and insisted on updating every day. Although I was very tired, I also gained some readers and received good reviews. A small successful case, this time I went back to the pot to write the article, the first thing I thought of was the familiar old place.

But I can only say that I am too naive. The online world changes much faster than the real life. The old place I am familiar with, although the web interface has not changed much (is this an advantage or a disadvantage?), but the flow of people is obviously no longer what it used to be , The style of the platform work is not the same as the story I want to write, so I began to look for other ways out.

I noticed Matters several months ago, but I was hesitant to post here for many reasons. First of all, the atmosphere of articles here seems to be different from what I want to write stories. Second, it is what I am most afraid of. " Can't delete the text" and "Can't modify" these two things, for people like me who are super serious about ghosts, it's terrible that they can't be changed!

Although I can understand the starting point of the platform's advocacy of "responsibility for one's own speech", because it is not possible to delete articles, everyone should be more cautious in words and deeds (but can it be hidden?)

But I am still very troubled, although the platform has told everyone that you can’t delete the article but you can hide it, but for someone like me who is a 10-level scumbag, the backstage article is somewhat public and some is hidden, so I just don’t like it...

Even if there are relaxed conditions now, you can edit the article twice after posting, within 50 characters, and as expected, I used my ghost-covering ability yesterday. When I uploaded the novel from other platforms to publish, I copied the title by mistake!

When I sent it out, my face turned green. I thought it would be okay to modify it, but after I clicked in to modify the page, my face turned greener...

The title cannot be changed! ! !

I was really hit hard. Unexpectedly, on the third day after I came to Matters, I used the function of hiding articles, which caused me to think repeatedly whether I could survive on this platform, and what is "IPFS", the so-called The article exists permanently, which means that even though the article is hidden, it can still be searched?

I am very moved to find a place where I want to settle down, but I am still hesitant because of many functional incompatibility.

At present, the flow of people in Matters is not bad, and everyone is willing to interact, but because there is no function of viewing and clicking, it is impossible to calculate the data of pure readers. If it is just writers who drop by, is it a bit too biased? A social platform, but maybe not what I want...

All in all, I will stay with Matter for a while to see if there is any chemical change (?), but will continue to look for other platforms that are more suitable.

Sad, I have never thought that Taiwanese people read less, and I often see many people reading novels on their mobile phones on the road. However, Taiwan’s online literature market is not very mature, and the number of readers is relatively small. In the end, I know where everyone has gone, but I still hope that this field will get better and better, or be more valued.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

水京人生最大的夢想是靠寫作吃飯。 原創小說—《七餘》連載中...... 喜歡這個故事歡迎留言給我, 你的支持是我創作的最大動力❤️
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原創小說|七餘 一、【千年之餘】-緣起

原創小說|七餘 一、【千年之餘】-初遇

原創小說|七餘 一、【千年之餘】-啟程