inaudible frog


Share a fable.

Once upon a time, there was a group of frogs traveling. Two of the frogs didn't notice that there was a big deep hole in front of them and fell into it. Now they are very active and want to jump out of it, but because the hole is too deep, the other frogs probed into it and told Those two frogs, don't waste your energy, you are all dead, the pit is too deep to climb out.

One of the frogs believed their words, gave up the struggle, and died slowly.

The other frog was still jumping and jumping hard, and finally the frog jumped out of the deep hole. It turned out that the frog was deaf.

What does this story tell us?

It's good to be encouraged by others for what you're trying to do, but there will always be people who don't support you and deny you. That dead frog just had too good ears, and cared too much about the words of the crowd, so he gave up trying to survive.

Some people's negative and pessimistic evaluations are good to listen selectively. Those who will destroy others' perseverance and pour cold water on others don't need to waste your time explaining your life. Silence is golden. You can't control other people's mouths, but you can control your own life. Why don't you try to cover your ears next time and enjoy the life journey you like, and your ears will be much cleaner.

Fables tell us that in time we can learn to be a deaf frog.


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