Who died?

Who can say for sure whether it will be the deer that dies or the deer that dies~

Rorschach's response yesterday suddenly reminded me of a scene... Let's take a look at the conversation between Rorschach and Xiaolu first, and then start today's story...


Just like that..., I remembered another legend in the deer world..., the mystery of the hunter's disappearance....

The story of Bambi... is actually quite sad. Although Bambi lived peacefully in the forest with his mother and friends at the beginning, his mother was killed by a hunter's gun one day... ., facing the pain of life and death, will Bambi take revenge or increase his abilities to protect the entire forest?

two deer

Bambi grows up, Bambi thrives, Bambi picks up a gun and brushes away the dust on his mother’s tombstone, Bambi kisses the fragrance of the earth

Bambi whispers, Bambi is loaded, Bambi has a gang
Thumper jumps, Thumper hits hard
How can Thumper eat Thumper if he is so cute?

" It's always something."
The skunk flower said so and pulled the trigger and let the hunter open the flower.

"If we're going out, we going out together"
Why are you killing us?
Money, masculinity or human pride that despises all living beings?

to go out, to go out
Let’s go out and play together! Let's see if we have a good time or if you log out from the world
buckGet buck

Taken by a friend

Listen, what is Bambi singing about when guns ring out?
The power of slaughtering you will also slaughter me. The process of devouring you will also devoure me. Your and my blood are nourishing the flowers of hell. When you chew my compatriots with your teeth, your heart's eyes are shouting:
That's your own flesh and blood

“By the same power that slays you,
I too am slain; and I too shall be consumed.
For the law that delivered you into my hand shall deliver me into a mightier hand."

Bambi murmurs, Bambi loads his gun, Bambi has the mother's head, the father's head, the black glass ball replaces the loving eyes. The hunters disappear, the hunters are silent, the hunters are peaceful in the soil

The forest is calm, the forest spreads, the path leads to a path undisturbed by arrogance

Always feel a little scary

Please rest assured 0.0 Bambi and his friends are still very kind. They just want to drive away hunters and have no plans to invade human society~

The last paragraph quotes the prophet Gibran’s diet, by the way.
The English in the middle is related to the pun in the video, but my English is not very good. If I make a mistake..., you are talking to me.

It’s another peaceful day, which is gratifying and congratulatory.


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