We will remember the courage to tell the truth|Guo Jing's diary of covering sweat and dust|3/5-3/11

The dog that kept barking outside the window (picture provided by Guo Jing)

The dog that kept barking outside the window (picture provided by Guo Jing)

March 5

In the morning, my friend Zhu Xixi said that there was a girl in her community who was so unbearable because of her father's domestic violence that she wanted to jump off the building. Many people watched, some accused her father, and some persuaded the girl. People from the community went to her house to persuade the girl, and the security guard took a mattress and put it downstairs just in case. Thanks to the involvement of neighbors, communities, security and other parties, the crisis was resolved. This is the importance of bystander involvement.

Zhu Xixi has been involved in the neighbor's domestic violence before. When the neighbor's parents beat and scolded the child, she wrote a letter and stuffed it into the neighbor's house. After that, the domestic violence in the neighbor's house decreased. Today the neighbor's dad is also involved in persuading the girl, and he is the first to knock on the girl's door. Zhu Xixi also heard the neighbor talking on the phone that if the girl had nowhere to go, she could stay at his house.

Domestic violence is not a family matter, but a social event and social issue. Bystander intervention can stop and reduce violence to some extent. Therefore, when the social support system for victims of domestic violence is not yet sound, we need to be active bystanders and part of the victim support network.

Yesterday's dinner was fried bacon with peas and buns. The snap peas were so old that they tasted like chewing sugar cane.

In the evening, a friend in Jingzhou, Hubei said that yesterday Jingzhou.com posted a WeChat article predicting that the bans will be lifted in Jingzhou counties and cities on March 10, and also wrote "authoritative release". She said, "I hope it's not fake news." I was also very excited to hear the news. The unblocking of any city is good news, so I asked her for a link to the article. She said happily as she looked, "I want to go for a walk in the park after the lockdown is lifted."

As a result, the article I found was "The unblocking of Jingzhou No. 10 is a rumor, and it is true that Zf gives 10 catties of vegetables for free! ". The friend immediately felt lost, sighed and said, "I feel like a long way off again ."

I was also a little disappointed. Recent news reports have mentioned some patients who have "returned positive" for the new crown. These patients were discharged from the hospital after two negative nucleic acid tests. The results were re-examined during the isolation period and the nucleic acid test was positive. I don't know if it was a problem with nucleic acid testing, or if these patients were re-infected with the virus. This is very worrying. The virus seems to be stubborn and difficult to control. How far should ZF control the virus before it can be unblocked?

Sunshine all day today. The sun is warm again, and it warms up when the sun is basking.

A resident on the first floor of the second building has a brown poodle. When I passed by, it kept barking out the window, and a child was shouting, "Peppa, stop barking." Several women came down Throwing rubbish on the floor.

The cabbage moss purchased by the community has arrived. Mr. Zhou went downstairs to walk the dog, we said hello, and he asked me if I had any groceries. I said I still have vegetables at home, but I didn't buy them. He said enthusiastically, "My wife is a front-line worker, and I have some fruit at home, including a box of apples. You can tell me if you need it." I thanked him for his kindness and said that there is still fruit at home.

When I went upstairs, I found a sign with a "non-infection building" posted on the door of the building.

In the afternoon, the daily necessities for the group purchase arrived. I bought 5 bottles of Lao Ganma. When I placed the order, I wondered if it was not necessary to buy so many, but I still couldn't rationally judge how much to buy. I've been talking about hoarding with a lot of friends lately. Many people of the previous generation buy things in bags, which is also the result of lack of materials .

When I was a child, the transportation in our village was inconvenient. There were no small shops in the village. Very few people came to the village to sell things, and those who came to sell things were sold in bags. We have bags of onions in winter and watermelons in summer. At that time, everyone still had a granary at home, and sometimes they bought things in exchange for grain.

This epidemic may increase the material insecurity of many people and unconsciously hoard items . Hoarding items isn't necessarily a bad thing either. Fortunately, on Double Eleven last year, I bought a lot of daily necessities, including enough sanitary napkins for half a year. Therefore, there is not much worry about daily necessities after the closure of the city. Several friends said that they are now filling up their Taobao shopping carts and waiting to place orders when the lockdown is lifted. Everyone's shopping cart is dominated by food.

Shopping list for March 5 (photo courtesy of Guo Jing)

March 6

Many people are very nervous when posting anti-domestic violence proposals, and feel like they are thieves. Many perpetrators do not show restraint when they commit violence in public spaces. Their beatings and scolding will not decrease, but the victims always have scruples. Such public spaces are prone to breed violence.

Who is the public space for? Today, public spaces are occupied by slogans and commercials that are the same. In recent years, the red brick walls and cement walls of my home village have been painted white uniformly, and I cannot write casually on my own walls. Public spaces are supposed to be public, but we have no right to use them. Even painting and painting on the walls of our homes are restricted.

In this way, everyone's nervousness is understandable, because we all rarely use public space, and rarely feel that public space belongs to us. From this point of view, posting an anti-domestic violence proposal is on the one hand to oppose domestic violence and support the victims, on the other hand, it is also to exercise one's right to use public space, change the public space and environment of violence, and make the perpetrators fearful.

Change is not easy, but it is happening. After the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, Hohhot issued the first personal safety protection order against breakup violence . Women's federations, public security departments, village committees and other departments have anti-domestic violence responsibilities, and we can work together to promote and supervise these departments to implement their responsibilities.

Yesterday's dinner was stir-fried pork with celery and steamed buns. I bought the celery and kept it in the refrigerator for a week. Several celery sticks were wilted and yellow, and the edible ones were a bit old.

Today is cloudy. The property director informed everyone in the group in the morning to receive love cabbage, and also said that there would be a small amount of 10 yuan Huimin dishes at 11 o'clock. A few days after the community was closed in mid-February, there was a notice from the zf department that there were 10 yuan Huimin dishes. This was the first time I came to our community.

Many measures to protect people's livelihood look good, but whether they can be implemented is another matter . Yesterday, when the Central Steering Team inspected the Kai-Yuan-Gong-Guan in the Cui-Yuan Community, Qingshan District, Muhan City, some residents were very dissatisfied with the community’s act of pretending to let volunteers deliver vegetables and meat, and shouted through the window at home. "Fake--, Fake--, Form-Form-ism". This is not the first time that the people who covered their sweat during the epidemic have voiced dissatisfaction. Hopefully this cry of dissatisfaction will not lead to a discussion of formalism.

I went downstairs for a walk around ten o'clock, and people came downstairs to pick up cabbage one after another. There have also been two more "volunteer guides" in the community these days, who are registering the distribution of items. There is a person at the gate of the community handing over things to people outside.

People are trying to break through the blockade, sellers are looking for channels to sell, and buyers are sharing channels with each other . Some people even started group buying of bread in the community group. Well-connected women are selling more and more types of things, adding sugar, yeast powder, detergent, etc.

There is someone at the gate of the community handing over things to people outside

A resident reminds the owner of the car: it is not good for the car if the car is not started for a long time. If it catches fire, let it start the idle state. When the water temperature reaches the temperature of the car you usually use, slowly step on the accelerator to blast the oil to a speed of more than 4000. Then slowly release the accelerator to idle. This is repeated 3 to 5 times. In this way, the oil circuit, lubrication, and charging system of the car are all in operation, and there is no problem if you leave it for another month. No wonder, I saw a resident hit the car a few days ago. At that time, I thought he was going to go out, but he didn't.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the property director told everyone to go down to pick up Huimin dishes. When I went down to pick up, I saw that there were indeed only "a small amount", about a dozen servings. Huimin dishes include lettuce, potatoes and carrots.

Around three o'clock, the eggs ordered a few days ago also arrived, 30 eggs 20 yuan. I went downstairs again and felt a little unable to walk the stairs, so I took the elevator downstairs. I went downstairs 3 times today, and every time I got home, I had to repeat the "cleaning ritual", taking off my mask, washing my hands, and taking off my coat to hang out, which was a bit tiresome .

30 eggs

March 7

The day before yesterday, there were people who covered the formalism who shouted "fake--". Yesterday, the city committee secretary--ji Wang- Zhong--Lin proposed to carry out dare education among the general public, which seemed to be a response. express dissatisfaction.

It is also unprecedented to carry out kang education in disasters .

Of course, many of us have to dare: front-line medical staff, sanitation workers, supermarket cashiers, community workers, volunteers, etc., they are helping patients, and they are ensuring the basic life of the people.

People who help others rarely ask for a dare. Then who needs to cover the sweat? People are not stingy with those who really help them.

There is one more thing that makes people dare not um. Tomorrow is Women's Day, a festival commemorating women's struggle for rights. Patriarchal societies have always differentiated women by various criteria such as age, appearance, marital status, chastity, etc.

"Women" used to be a political, progressive expression, and is now mostly used to refer to older, married women. And older married women are considered unattractive and backward women, which makes many young women reluctant to call themselves women. Girls' Day is set on the day before Women's Day, which itself implies sexual harassment.

In recent years, Girls' Day has become very popular in colleges and universities, and many colleges and universities will hang various banners on this day every year. These slogans seem to praise women, but in fact they are full of devaluation of women. They are full of evaluations of women's appearance, and they regard women as sexual objects, rather than independent individuals with ideals and ambitions.

Every year, women who "don't know what to do" shout out the slogan "Anti-Three-Seven and Go-Three-Eight" to protest. This year, the school did not start due to the epidemic, but Tsinghua University insisted on posting banners for the March 7th Festival online. Many slogans still emphasized women's appearance and love roles, rather than women's studies, careers and development.

Yesterday's dinner was fried bacon with peas and steamed buns. The snap peas were so old that I peeled the skin and left only the peas for frying.

The sun is shining today, and more people came downstairs for a walk. The Tongtong family lived on the same floor as me, and I heard voices from inside the house when they went downstairs. The toy that Tongtong brought downstairs today was a scooter, and she was playing with the scooter in the yard.

Another mother came out to play with her daughter. The girl was younger than Tongtong. Tongtong and the girl's mother walked around the yard holding the girl's hand on one side. They were pretending to race again for a while to see who was the fastest. Tongtong laughed out loud from time to time, the laughter was crisp and did not sound troubled. Her dad occasionally reminds her to "wear your mask."

In the second building, some people were holding their children and basking in the sun on the balcony, and some people were singing. There is a couple walking hand in hand and chatting. Sister Wu, a cleaner, said: "Today's sun is really comfortable."

In the morning, someone in the community group posted an article "The First Batch! Covering Khan Announces Epidemic-Free Community (Attached List)", I took a serious look, and my community is not among them. As a result, more than one person asked in the group: "Why isn't our community?" The property director said, "Our community is also a zero-infection community, because some people are still in quarantine." Some people said: " This kind of statistical table looks at Just look at it, it really doesn't make sense !"

Someone else sent a link to enter the location to learn about the situation of the new crown infection in the surrounding area. Cities outside Hubei have long been able to inquire about relevant information. Murphy can finally inquire about this kind of information today. I clicked in and took a look. In the morning, there were 75 confirmed cases within 1 km of where I lived, and in the afternoon the number became 78.

March 8

March 8th is a festival for women's rights, and women's rights activists from all over the world gather on this day to express the voice of women's rights. The spread of the new crown salt has now spread around the world, and feminist rallies have also been affected. Feminist activists in Italy have changed offline strikes to cloud rallies.

Salt is not the only thing holding us back. On March 9, 2018, the WeChat and Weibo accounts of Feminist Voices, the most influential feminist platform in China, were blocked. Voices representing women's rights activists were silenced after Women's Day. Some feminists are still calling for the return of Feminist Voices.

However, feminists have never given up their voices, and today social media is full of feminist voices. On March 7, 2018, students at Shandong University's Weihai campus protested by taking pictures in front of a banner that objectified women, holding signs that read "This is sexual harassment." This matter caused a lot of discussion at the time.

Today, Xianzi received a private message saying that before March 7 this year, the management of Shandong University communicated to the students internally through the class cadres of each class the request that "Girls' Day should not be celebrated again, and Girls' Day should not be discussed on public platforms". . It's a small victory.

Today, many netizens have become a small anti-domestic violence vaccine and posted anti-domestic violence proposals.

People have been looking for light and connection in darkness and blockade, the desire for change has never disappeared, and there is a huge burst of energy at any time.

Yesterday, my diary was posted on Weibo and Wechat three or four times. Either it could not be posted, or it was deleted soon after it was posted. I was a little discouraged, thinking that my diary wasn't that important, and wanted to give up. But someone sent me a private message saying why I didn't see yesterday's diary, and someone left a message under the deleted link saying I couldn't see it. If someone is watching, then I will insist on speaking up.

Yesterday's dinner was fried pork with lettuce and steamed buns.

In the evening, a resident posted a screenshot in the community group, which read:

Someone asked: Is this true or false?

"There is a community over there in Qingshan that has been posted"

"Is it a community application?"

"Lan Tinghui over in Hanyang has already bought ZF's reserved frozen meat, 10 yuan a pound, and our community is still making (his sweat: no) movement."

Neither staff at the property nor community volunteers responded.

Huimin dishes received on March 6

Last night, I dreamed that I wanted to climb the mountain, but inexplicably returned to the middle school. I had to go to class, and I couldn’t skip class to climb the mountain, so I was trapped in the school.

The weather today is very changeable. It was cloudy in the morning, the sun came out for a while at noon, and it started to rain in the afternoon.

I didn't go downstairs today. In the morning, Tongtong was playing in the yard with her grandmother and another mother and daughter. I don't know how many women, like this grandmother and mother, still have to take care of children today. How many people see women doing unpaid care work and housework for years and months.

The property director sent a message to the group in the morning: We are now registering babies under the age of two in order to facilitate the baby to buy daily necessities. Please register children under the age of two at home in the community. Looking at the registration, there are 10 babies under the age of two in our community.

Someone asked: "How do I get the vaccine?"

The property director replied: "Register first, then make a request."

Other residents responded: "Vaccines are now stopped. I called in mid-February and asked me to call again in March to see what's going on."

Some residents spontaneously buy fish in the group.

people playing in the yard on March 8

March 9

Yesterday, I received a consultation from a hotline. The seeker was working in education and training in Beijing. After returning to his hometown during the Chinese New Year, traffic controls were implemented in various places due to the epidemic. On February 7, the company asked everyone to resume work, but she was unable to return to Beijing. She has a computer and can work online from home, but the department manager of the company thinks that she does not have the working conditions and does not arrange work for her, but treats her as a leave of absence.

On March 6, the department manager told her, " Either go back to Beijing to work or leave ." She returned to Beijing on March 7, but the company asked her to apply for resignation the next day . Others in the company have not encountered a similar situation to her for the time being.

A friend who works in the tourism industry has also been affected by the epidemic recently. Her company did not pay her salary in January. It is said that it will be paid again in May and June, and there will be no salary in February. The company is also preparing to lay off employees, saying that they will be called back after the epidemic has passed.

If the company is dismissed illegally, the employee can of course apply for labor arbitration and claim compensation. However, dismissed employees may now find it difficult to find new jobs. Structural unemployment has once again become a contradiction between employers and workers .

During the epidemic, the whole country was in a state of blockade for a time, and there were many cities outside Hubei where employees could not return to work in time, and enterprises were not profitable because of the shutdown. If the state does not take responsibility, more and more companies will go bankrupt and employees will lose their jobs .

Yesterday's dinner was stir-fried pork with celery and steamed buns.

I had a lot of dreams last night, two of which I remember relatively clearly. First, I dreamed that I was hanging out with a group of friends and got separated from others. I saw someone protesting in a rally in one place, and I picked up my phone to take a picture. Suddenly, someone grabbed my phone from behind, and I woke up suddenly. When I woke up I found my hands clasped tightly together .

Then I dreamed that a woman encountered gender discrimination in employment and went to court to sue, but the judge refused to file the case. I went to the judge's theory of the case filing court, and introduced to him that in 2019, the Supreme Court added "dispute on equal employment rights" as a cause of action. The judge said they had never received such a lawsuit before, it was difficult to handle, and it was not guaranteed to win if the case was filed. I said that whether or not we can win is after the case is filed.

The weather is cloudy and cold today, and there is a lot of wind. The courtyard of the community is relatively deserted. In the afternoon, the man who played the opera went downstairs for a walk.

A resident once again posted the list of the non-epidemic communities in the group today and asked, "Why isn't there our community? Is the community underreporting?"

A resident initiated a group purchase of fruit, which was grouped together with a nearby community.

A resident sent a picture to the group. The picture is a small person made of several kinds of vegetables, including potatoes, carrots, white radishes, green peppers, cabbage, etc. The picture reads "After the lockdown is lifted, I don't want to eat this anymore. Several dishes." It seems that monotony and repetition in any aspect can be tiresome.

I remembered a discussion with a friend about "if you can only choose to eat one kind of food in the future, what to eat". The most popular are potatoes and beans. I chose potatoes. Potatoes are easy to fill. There are many ways to make them, and they are delicious. After the closure of the city, I saved some potatoes, but I still have green vegetables to eat, so I haven't started eating potatoes.

March 10

Dr. Ai Fen, the person who spoke out, also stood up. She was the one who photographed the report with the words "SARS coronavirus" and sent it to her classmates. Today, the character posted an interview with ai Fen. When I saw it, I thought the article might be deleted, so I took a screenshot.

At the beginning, the first article published on the character was deleted, and then everyone started to repost the article reprinted by other media, and soon the reprinted article was also deleted, and some people made the article into a PDF for everyone to collect on WeChat. share. Throughout the day, the circle of friends was swiped by the article "The Whistleblower".

This collective tacit resistance is not the first, nor will it be the last. Everyone knows that sometimes speaking the truth is not allowed and will be punished, but there are still people who have the courage to speak the truth, and people cherish those who speak the truth very much, and try their best to spread the truth. Hopefully one day people will stop paying the price for telling the truth .

Yesterday's dinner was stewed pork ribs with potatoes and egg pancakes. I mentioned potatoes in my diary yesterday. I haven't eaten potatoes for a long time, and my appetite was hooked. I finally dismantled the flour and made egg pancakes for a great dinner in the evening.

The sun is shining brightly today, and it seems that yesterday's coldness has suddenly become a bit long. The courtyard of the community has regained some vitality.

Tongtong's family was playing in the yard. At 11 o'clock, Tongtong's father greeted her to go home, and Tongtong said "don't go home". Dad brought her children's scooter again and played with her for a while.

There was a woman in the second building who came out to walk the dog. She had two dogs at home, one named Tofu and the other named Pippi. Her family lived on the first floor, and I heard a voice calling "Pippi come back" from the house, and Pippi disappeared in a flash.

Mr. Zhou also went downstairs to walk his dog. His dog was named Fat Ding. He said that he only helped his daughter raise a dog at first, but he developed a relationship as a result. Now, Fat Ding has been at his house for more than two years. Dogs are not easy to wash at home. Mr. Zhou always took Fat Ding to take a bath in the pet shop. He hadn't bathed since the city was closed, so it was a little dirty. He proudly said, "It's hair looks good without curling."

We talked about the epidemic again. Mr. Zhou said that he had a few friends who went on a trip, but now he wants to go back, but he can't come back. He will spend eight or nine hundred yuan for accommodation a day outside. Two of his friends died of infection, one in their 40s and the other in their 80s, and they can't get their ashes now.

Mr. Zhou said: "It was too sudden. They died within a week or two of the disease, faster than cancer." He also had a friend whose father died of a cerebral infarction during the epidemic, and no body could be seen.

After eleven o'clock, Mr. Zhou called out, "Fat Ding, go back." Fat Ding ran over at once. He told me, "Don't let it come out, it's just scratching the door at home."

It's hair looks good without curling

In the morning, a resident sent a photo to the community in the community. The photo was of a corner full of garbage, including cigarette boxes, drink bottles, disposable lunch boxes, and foam boxes. The resident pointed out: "The rubbish on the construction room of Room 306 and Room 307 in Building 1. Director, you can send this to the community for a look."

Then more people started to join the discussion.

"Those living upstairs don't want to throw rubbish. Such people lack morality. In the second building, there are people who spit and throw rubbish, and some people often throw cigarette butts."

"Don't Throw Trash Down"

"Someone threw cigarette butts on the roof of the car"

"Warn these bad people (covering the sweat: bad, immoral) not to do evil, once you are caught, everyone will not let you go!"

"Someone in the second building often pours tea leaves, leftover soup, spit purulent phlegm, throws debris, and a small hole is smashed on the roof of the car!"

"Let's all stare at him, grab him, beat him hard and send him to the police station!"

"I caught it at the scene and exposed the house number to the owners of the community, making everyone spurn him and see if he still has a face."

"It's not just spit, it has to be beaten! Such a bad fire is very perverted and needs to be repaired by force!"

Property Director: "It's the epidemic period now, and the community really can't spare people to clean up the garbage. I have submitted the report and photos to the community, and I will only clean up after the epidemic is over. At present, only disinfection."

Someone suggested "Can I apply to the community to add a few high-definition cameras to the community?" Some people agreed.

I'm starting to worry that having cameras means we all have to surrender our privacy. If a camera is installed, it is not up to us to decide how it is managed. Ordinary households may not be able to find out who threw the garbage.

A group purchase of fruit organized by the residents the day before yesterday arrived in the afternoon. The fruit deliverer works in a pharmaceutical company and has a purchase certificate and pass. Selling fruit is his private act. I bought a sugar orange, 5 catties, 28 yuan.

March 11

Today, people are still relaying "The Man Who Speaks Out", and there are more and more versions, including English, Japanese, Vietnamese, Braille, Oracle, hexadecimal, Morse code, and blank. ...this is art under lockdown, a kind of world spectacle. People are no longer forwarding the article itself, but expressing their emotions, including anger at the censorship, admiration for the whistleblower, and unyielding persistence in speaking up. Such a spectacle is astounding and touching.

One more thing is touching. Dr. Liwen · Liang's Weibo has more than 1.3 million followers. On February 1, he posted a confirmed Weibo: Today, the nucleic acid test result was positive, the dust settled, and the diagnosis was finally confirmed. There are 570,000 comments on this Weibo, which made me cry. Below are some comments.

February 7: "It seems that I can't wait for the news of your return. Good luck! Also, thank you!"

February 8: "I bought all the ones you liked. Dicos ran three and none of them opened, so I can only buy pistol legs like this. Eat more cherries! Thank you for your voice! Thank you"

February 10: "Today is my eighteenth birthday. My wish is for your family to be safe and happy for a lifetime, and your children to grow up healthily . On February 10, thank you for your dedication."

February 18: "Doctor Li, I can no longer forward this Weibo of yours. It was blocked. It's really disgusting."

February 24: "Dr. Li, I want to tell you that Academician Zhong Nanshan said with tears in his eyes: Dr. Li Wen··Liang is his hero! Liangliang, good night!"

March 1: "I was writing an English composition, and I wrote you in."

March 10: "Dr. Li, today's article by Dr. ai Fen keeps getting deleted. I feel bad."

March 11: "Today, the character posted an article, which was quickly deleted, but many people are trying their best to retweet and continue the relay. Although it will be deleted after the repost, but until now, the relay has not been completed. Stop. We'll remember the courage to tell the truth, the price of lies and escape, and this tragedy that never wanted to happen again ."

Yesterday's dinner was fried pork with lettuce and porridge.

Last night I dreamed that the sweat was unblocked. In the dream, the Muihan Yangtze River Bridge has three floors, and the bridge is densely populated with people. Under the bridge is no longer a river, but a square, which is also crowded with people. Some people are discussing the quality of the bridge, worrying that the bridge will break. I was looking around at the crowd under the bridge, a little bit in disbelief.

Yesterday, the community group issued a "Notice on the Implementation of Real-Name Registration and Ride Measures". The notice was issued by the Municipal Passenger Taxi Management Office, pointing out: According to the instructions of the Municipal Government's Epidemic Prevention Headquarters, after the city resumes public transport operations, passengers must register with their real names to take public transport (including subways, conventional buses, and cruise taxis) . In order to realize the traceability of passengers' travel information, the Municipal Transportation Bureau commissioned a professional organization to develop a real-name travel code scanning registration system.

The weather is not bad today, there is sunshine in the morning.

When I went downstairs for a walk, I came across a street sanitation officer who came to disinfect the community. Two people went upstairs with a spray box on their backs, and a person in charge of taking pictures was waiting downstairs. I chatted with the elder sister who was waiting downstairs. She said that these sanitation workers are not only cleaning the streets on a daily basis, but also cleaning in some old communities. There are usually no stairs in these communities. After the spray box is filled with water, it weighs 40 to 50 pounds. The sanitation workers carry the spray box up and down .

The eldest sister said that there are more cars on the road outside now, and more vegetables are sold. Some people buy vegetables through their own channels and then sell them themselves. Their unit has colleagues who are responsible for group buying and will also help them buy vegetables. Many of their dishes are bought from Baishazhou, which is cheaper and fresher than those bought in the community, and there are more choices. Green vegetables cost two or three yuan a pound, and a plate of 30 eggs is 13.5 yuan. The eggs I bought before. It is 30 pieces of 20 yuan.

No one in the community group has asked the property to help with grocery shopping in the past few days. There are more channels for everyone to buy. I saw someone coming home with a few bags. I asked, and he said it was online.

Everyone doesn't like to rely on others to live , and they don't want to trouble others.

Mr. Zhou came down to walk the dog. He said that his wife received a notice from the hospital to let all departments start work on the 16th . I don't have much inside information, this news is too precious to me. This news is also good news, too rare.

We chatted for a few days, and Mr. Zhou was talking in sweaty words. He asked me today, "Can you understand what we said in sweaty words?" I said that I was still learning, and I could hear the general situation in the context.


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