"The Man Who Can't Leave": Use VR device to see the history of white terror


"The Man Who Can't Leave" is a short VR film about white terror, which can only be watched by wearing a device. Regarding the themes of political prisoners and white terror, which my stratosphere may be relatively familiar with, the one I want to share specifically is the VR device

This was my first time watching VR, and I was actually a little nervous beforehand because I didn’t know what kind of experience this new medium would bring. Sure enough, the opening is a bit shocking, because VR emphasizes being immersed in the situation. The word looks very abstract, and you can understand it immediately after putting on the glasses. The opening throws you to the beach of Green Island. One second, your eyes are blank, and the next Within seconds you are already on the sea trail. The waves are hitting you. There are sounds and panoramic images. You feel like you are standing on the sea. The sense of presence is truly unprecedented.

The protagonist of the first half of the narrative is Kun Bo, who tells the story of political prisoners in Green Island Prison. Because it is VR, Kun Bo is basically a living person standing in front of you, and then retracing the story between him and his inmate Chen Qing. There are many scenes, including prison, death sentence, police arrest, the home of Chen Qing's wife and daughter, Chen Qing's wife Jiamei looking for her husband but only seeing the deathbed photo, and the scene where Chen Qing and Jiamei met when they were young, which made me cry.

The difference between VR and movies is that in movies, you still watch the plot through a screen, but VR throws you directly into the scene, and you can also turn around 360 degrees, as if you are at the scene. You may be distracted when watching a movie, but it is difficult to be distracted when watching VR because you are completely taken in. Therefore, if it is a larger scene, the shock will be greater, such as the final farewell or the roll call in prison. I admit that I was a little scared at the time, but because of this, I also felt twice as much about the emotions that the plot wanted to convey.

In addition, the actors performed very well. The actor who played Kun Bo should be a senior actor, and his acting skills are not to mention. The actor who played Chen Qing mastered the atmosphere very well. I felt the plot through his eyes and hands, and with Jiamei When we met, that hand that reluctantly wanted to touch but had nowhere to put it really made me cry.

"The One Who Can't Leave" will resume its tour in Kinmen Village soon, and will also visit Taoyuan, Chiayi and Hualien later. I recommend everyone to seize the opportunity.


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