Thinking of being fined from the entrusted principal. . .

In this issue, some validators made a Double-Sign error (that is, a validator issued two blocks at the same height at the same time, which usually occurs when two identical nodes are running at the same time, which is a capital crime in the Cosmos ecosystem), causing the node to die instantly. , and made the client suffer (loss of 5% of the principal), which is very unfortunate.

In this issue, some validators made a Double-Sign error (that is, a validator issued two blocks at the same height at the same time, which usually occurs when two identical nodes are running at the same time, which is a capital crime in the Cosmos ecosystem), causing the node to die instantly. , and made the client suffer (loss of 5% of the principal), which is very unfortunate.

Lao Mao absolutely believes that validator nodes have technical requirements, so I have reservations about establishing validator nodes for friends who do not have much technical background, but at the same time I understand that this kind of accident will always happen (yes, this kind of accident happens in It has happened on other blockchains, and it has happened to teams with technical backgrounds), like buying a plane ticket but a travel agency goes bankrupt, it takes a bit of vision and a bit of luck.

The old cat is more concerned about how to balance the gains and losses of all parties in the blockchain, a decentralized, anonymous and non-access mechanism environment. In traditional scenarios, banks in Hong Kong will have deposit guarantees (the ceiling amount is 500,000 in Hong Kong, mainly to protect small depositors), while travel and insurance have government-backed protection funds to collect customer taxes as compensation for accidents such as business failures. There are pros and cons, the main concept is to diversify personal risk, but at the same time customer spending has also increased (which naturally includes a lot of administrative fees). Decentralized scenarios lack such guarantees for the time being (the verifier may not actually be able to/will implement it if he promised to pay compensation before) or a risk diversification mechanism, whether it is necessary, how to set it up, how to deal with rights and responsibilities, and how to maintain it when there is no big platform. It is very worthwhile to think about the protection of individuals at the same time in the latitude of decentralization. It also depends on everyone's brainstorming and building a more intimate decentralized ecology. After all, blockchains are still very young.

As an individual, decentralizing assets is a great way to decentralize, but decentralization will increase management pressure, and how to choose is also your cultivation base. If you want freedom, don't want a big platform, you can't be lazy, " freedom is not free.


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老貓驗證人,愛閱讀、懶寫作。歡迎交流!Cosmos Validator like reading, Nice to meet you! Twitter / Telegram : oldcatv・Web:・Discord:Kcat | Oldcat#1539・Desmos : @oldcat・Liker Social : oldcat
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