[Write a MV] 8|"Tree" Once the mermaid princess decides on a lover, there is no room to retreat

Funny isn't it? How can a mermaid fall in love with a tree that approaches the sky and only gets further and further away from the water? Because, I'm just paranoid, rooted in water.
Funny isn't it?

How can a mermaid fall in love with a tree that approaches the sky and only gets further and further away from the water?

Because, I'm just paranoid, rooted in water.

Are drinks ok?

There is a long table between you and me, a person, a pot of flowers, and a glass of wine at hand.

We met for a wine tasting, but we didn't see the shadow of the wine at all, we just stared at each other ecstatically.

The eyes met for a long time, and then they laughed in unison.

Do we remember the same thing?

That summer night was not cold at all .

But we clung to each other, slumped into the couch, engrossed in the TV, and clasped each other's sweaty hands.

When "Forrest Gump" came out, who would see his hands so painfully squeezed?


So what are we out of the ordinary?

Going against the world, you seemed unacceptable at that moment. After the play, you sat in the dining room until dawn, and even subconsciously took out the wine glass and unconsciously caressed the edge of the glass.

You caressed the glass back and forth with your fingertips, and wanted to drink, but the only trace of reason left restrained your urge to pour.

Seeing me approaching, you smiled.

I, who understand everything, simply pick up the wine bottle, remove the cork, and pour the wine.

"Again?" you asked, pretending to be relaxed, and I responded with a strange expression.

Why should you suppress your already emotional tear ducts?

Pour out the wine, and you speak out.

Take off the glasses, take off the disguise, the tears dare to flow freely.

I can't help but caress your face and wipe away a little teardrop.

Men's tears are very hot.

A man's kiss is of moderate temperature and warms the soul.

You kissed my forehead, I lightly rested on your shoulder, and the two heads were attached to each other like conjoined twins.

You have me, I have you, no matter what happens, we are not afraid, not afraid.

Therefore, it is normal to have an appointment for wine tasting but not to touch the wine, and to watch a drama so deeply that you cannot extricate yourself from it.

There is no need to be afraid of the eyes of others.

Besides, no matter how strange it is, it can't compare to me.

The drink is not good, how about the sweat?

You drag me into a party of lavish and lavish fans, and you seem to be more willing to show your heart under the crowds and feasts.

As you approached slowly, your hot and heavy breath sprayed directly onto my face, making my face even more red than a bright red dress.

There was a lot of people talking, and I only heard the breath of love, weak but very firm.

Another night.

I just fell asleep, my consciousness is not yet blurred, your hand caressed my face, I know it.

Soft and numb touch, I secretly look forward to it, just a little longer, just a little longer.

It's a pity, I forgot, the mermaid princess has no sweat you can wipe off.

Fingertips are warm and fleeting.

Sweat, I can't give it.

Sea water, I can't touch it.

Two people ship P, it is obviously a very romantic surprise date, but I feel like the eve of the breakup with hidden grief.

Sitting alone on the top of the yacht, watching you splashing in the sea, I felt extremely cold at the heights.

The ocean, I am more familiar than you, yet alienated like a stranger.

With a childish look on your face, you motioned for me to go into the water and play together, I could only smile and shake my head.

For you, I abandoned my home, but you fell in love with my home.

All this, I can only rot in my heart.

Not wanting to indulge in this melancholy, I held back tears and bid farewell to the gentle sea breeze as before, and turned around to get my lunch.

Oh, the only thing I can touch with confidence is drinking water.

I don't know when you got on the boat, you quietly walked up to me, picked up the freshly washed chervil, put it in your mouth, and then gradually approached my lips, just like you wanted to use Pretz to kiss.

I subconsciously turned my head to hide.

I'm sorry, I can't smell the sea water, it's like doing such shameful things in front of my family.

I never refused you anything, and I didn't expect that the only thing that was rejected was what you wanted most.

Sea, I can't give.

Tolerance is no longer exclusive to you, I can't.

Light the candle, close your eyes sincerely, clasp your fingers, and pray silently, God will let you come back to me.

Rolling a cigarette for you, lighting a cigarette for you, in order to teach you to enjoy the smell of cut tobacco.

Then you caress me, hold me, kiss me, don't you want to take me to taste the sweetness of love?

Now, why is there no text all of a sudden?

Could it be that I have never been fortunate enough to light a cigarette for you, I can only watch your slender fingers dancing gracefully from afar?

Could it be that I have never had the chance to meet your eyes while tasting wine, so I can only look into your charming eyes for half a second when I shake hands politely?

Could it be that I have never been fortunate enough to be in the same mood on a date with you, and I can only pretend to be tired and covet sitting on the same sofa with you for an hour?

Could it be, could it be, could it be that you never waited for me to pour that glass of wine for you, and you never waited for me to comfort you before releasing those tears?

Actually, have you never needed me?

Thinking about it, I clenched my hands tightly, my nails pierced deeply into the skin, and I didn't even notice the blood when I scratched it.

The pillow that you and I once fell in love with, the potted flower between you and me, the beacon beside me when you and I were in love with me, the painting behind the moment when you and I were close to each other...all things related to you are in succession Rise up, I want to take a closer look, to see the traces of our love...  

In a flash, a dark blue of extreme melancholy shrouded the whole world, faces vaguely emerged, and figures flickered frequently. However, no matter how blurry the outline is, I can see that no one is you.

The dark blue changes to sky blue and then to sea blue. The ever-changing blue makes my tense nerves breathe for a moment. It is the breath of home. I'm sitting on the bow very close to the water, with a familiar home within my reach. Just as I was looking out at the endless sea, trying to find you, who was just playing in the water, I found that there were bursts of cooking noises behind me, and you were standing behind me.

In the end, which moment is real and which you are hallucinations?

At this moment, you, with no love in your eyes, glanced at me in the stormy sea.

The alarm bell in my heart suddenly rang, and the legend of the mermaid family that has been passed down for thousands of generations is going to be staged again?

When the prince was shipwrecked, I rescued him, and he was very grateful to me; I took care of him, and he was very grateful to me; I fell in love with him, and he was very grateful to me.

Be thankful that I love him, not that I love him too.

Because, the prince has never loved the mermaid princess.

"Crack!", with a loud noise, the gorgeous flowers, the translucent vase, and the pliable water all shattered completely.

If I could dig out my heart, it should be like this at the moment.

It's time to get back to reality.

There is no need to continue praying, the flow of time has no meaning, stop here.

I opened my eyes, hehe, it turned out that the mirror in front of me was fake, I couldn't see myself at all, and the mirror beside the bed was honest. You see, the light green dress suits me very well, and the strings of green flowers on the satin just remind me that it is time to take the last step and cut down the forest.

Leisurely, I walked out of the room calmly, and when I was about to go out, I passed you who were sleeping on the sofa.

Still couldn't help but stop.

You sleep like a child, so cute that I want to caress your face and feel the mesmerizing soft touch.

However, this time I learned to be good and managed to stop all movements before losing my mind.

Let me ask, who can bear the pain of dismantling the illusion with one's own hands?

Who can guarantee that you are real?

"It's there. It's not there. It's there. But it's not there."

I walked out of the house proudly, trying to escape from the chattering magic voice in my ears. Who would have thought that the first poem I saw when I was just transformed into a human form and enjoyed the sunbathing in the bathroom like floating on the sea actually predicted the end of my life.

Without you, this house would no longer be home.

Then, if I leave like this, it shouldn't be regarded as running away from home. It was just a trip to a distant place to attend a funeral.

There's a lot to do today, so I sit down on the stairs and double-check the to-do list before leaving.

"Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone..." Well, that's done.

The next thing to do is:

"The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,

Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,

Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood;

For nothing now can ever come to any good.”

I walked through the park, over the cemetery, into the depths of the forest, and stroked the tree again.

Yes, the mermaid fell in love with the tree, the mermaid delusional water rooted, and the mermaid delusionally thought that he could give what he wanted, which is very ridiculous.

But I don't regret it.

It's just a pity. It's a pity that I didn't know before the hallucination disappeared. If alcohol and sweat are not the only nutrients that I can give, then tears, are they okay?

Regret is a pearl necklace made of tears, and it takes shape at this moment.

It's fate.

Too late to cry, too late to send you, too late to love you, too late to be loved by you.

Maybe it's just time to say goodbye.

A parting gift, I put it on the coffee table, I believe you will find it.

If you are sleeping, you are not an illusion.

The world where the sun, moon and stars are lost is extremely dark, which means that it is time for everything.

"Funeral Blues" by Wystan Hugh Auden.

When I was young, I didn't understand the meaning of the poem, but when I read it, I was the person in the poem.

Today, I finally understand.

good bye my love.

Goodbye, this world.

For the rest of my life, never see each other again.

No, there is no such thing as the rest of your life.


“He was my North, my South, my East and West,

My working week and my Sunday rest,

My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;

I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong."

"See through after the kiss. Love is earth-shattering. I was swallowed up by the whirlpool and wandering in the universe. If no one hesitates like me, how can love deal with the aftermath. Love that has no heart to give, I will have the will to let go."


All of the above are mind-boggling.

Why I think of the poem "Funeral Blues" is because of the YouTube profile of the MV (but maybe I think too much haha)


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