live with care

I think the children of this generation have suffered the most from the anti-epidemic life in the past few years. They have experienced anti-epidemic for a long time in their childhood. Schools are suddenly suspended again and again, and they are trapped at home and cannot go out again and again, which not only directly affects them. In fact, the normal learning will affect their mental development more or less.

Yesterday, I went back to the office to deal with some things, and then went to the national inspection as usual. On the way back, I ordered takeout with my mobile phone. Because people were on the street, of course they chose to pick it up. I took my lunch home and found a note attached to the lunch box. It turns out that this salad light food shop near my office will be closed after this week. Although this kind of thing is not directly related to me, it will always be sad if it happens unexpectedly. I buy lunch from this shop from time to time, but it is not surprising that they will not be able to withstand the impact of this plague. Many shops in this area have turned off their lights this year. Maybe similar small businesses will appear in the short term. This is a very cruel reality.

Recently, when I go out, I have always been cautious and dare not touch anything directly. I am often worried that my mask is not worn well enough, and I will sanitize my hands whenever I get a chance. Originally, I was also an informal person, but in the past few years, I have been subdued by various epidemic prevention propaganda. In fact, careful life always seems a bit neurotic, but we can no longer choose other attitudes and ways of coping. We can only remind ourselves not to be overly nervous and panic while cooperating with the epidemic.

My daughter had planned some summer vacation plans this year, but a plague prevented her from even getting a chance to take the exam, so she was promoted directly, and all the previously planned activities were terminated. I think the children of this generation have suffered the most from the anti-epidemic life in the past few years. They have experienced anti-epidemic for a long time in their childhood. Schools are suddenly suspended again and again, and they are trapped at home and cannot go out again and again, which not only directly affects them. In fact, the normal learning will affect their mental development more or less. We usually say that childhood is an important period for absorbing knowledge and life experience, but in recent years, the world has been fighting the epidemic, closing cities, suspending classes, and suspending markets. Will children in these epidemic prevention years become stronger or stronger in the end? Vulnerable? Because of the exposure, my daughter's attitude towards life is more cautious than I am. For example, she is very persistent in wearing a mask, never touches buttons and door handles in public places, and she immediately resents people who do not follow the epidemic prevention guidelines. Of course, these are all mass propaganda. normal result. Hopefully, after the lockdown is lifted in the future, these habits can be readjusted to a normal state.

The information is adjusted every day and updated from time to time. The latest statement is that Macau will enter a "consolidation period" on July 23, which is expected to last for two weeks. The specific arrangements will be announced later. People are guessing which industries can resume the market, and which stores are still closed. Some people will try to search for other places to implement measures such as "consolidation period" after the strict anti-epidemic, hoping to find some specific reference materials. I don't have the energy to follow these words and talk, anyway, I will cooperate with whatever they announce. No matter what new term is used, in my opinion, there are only the concepts of "blocking" and "unblocking". I hope the plague will subside soon. , Macau will be fully unblocked as soon as possible.

Yesterday I finally cooked kelp and mung bean paste. Drinking this dessert in summer is said to clear away heat and detoxify.

I asked my daughter where she would most like to go if Macau is lifted, and it turns out that she really wants to go to the stationery store to buy color pens. This was originally an extremely common little thing, but now it has become the "wish" of children. We never imagined that a free life could be deprived for such a long time!


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