【Daily Exercise Book】Change Your Life, Say Goodbye with Sofa Potatoes

兩謙 Ruth
Freshman time management methods, more recently relying on electronic models. I will share with you after the update~

Hello everyone! I am Liang Qian!

This article is biased towards life, and I hope it can give you some practical help.

The content is about lifestyle, time management and sharing with some Youtubers.

If you are interested, please keep reading!

This article is divided into the following parts:

  1. Have you made up your mind to change your life?
  2. Routines are boring? How do I distribute my own electricity?
  3. Large-scale planning mobile phone processing, the week's notes are written on paper
  4. How to live about life
  5. Power Supplies
  6. Quick link hub

【Change your life, have you made up your mind? 】

I think ah a lot of times want to do something, it is very sudden.

There are hundreds of reasons, but if you make up your mind and understand your motivation for change, you will be able to persevere in the days to come.

Forgot to read such a passage in the book or in the movie, the gist is this:

The reason why we admire geniuses and successful people is because they are in the minority. This kind of cognition becomes an excuse for us not to work hard, and it also creates a mentality of our reluctance to work hard. Because of the different starting points, they put wrong labels on themselves that cannot be changed.

This sentence directly wakes up the self at that time. Before going to college, one day was counted as one day in confusion and confusion. It would be fine if others didn't like him, and he even gave up on himself.

It was probably like being beaten, and suddenly I felt that I couldn't go on like this anymore!

So I started watching videos slowly, learning about other people's lifestyles, and making some fine-tuning to find out the rules that suit me.

That's why I'll be sharing a Youtuber later, because I'm not the type to be disciplined in the first place, procrastinating, lazy, and lying on the couch like a potato.

So I hope to share different methods, so that everyone can find the part of Europe that suits them best!

【Routine things are boring? How do I distribute my own electricity? 】

After college, there are many more routines every day, such as cleaning the environment, washing clothes, and when to change the sheets and so on.

A lot of times I feel that doing this is boring, but if you finish it, you will feel a sense of accomplishment, and it has an inexplicable healing effect.

So my habit is "do the time-consuming and labor-intensive things first, and save the trivial things to do when I feel irritable and don't want to move."

Because usually when you are the least motivated, you will start to waste time, and once the phone is taken out, it will be an endless waste of time! ! !

Never slide your phone when your willpower is weak! Never slide your phone when your willpower is weak! Never slide your phone when your willpower is weak! Very important so say it three times!

Do things that don't use your brain, but make you move your muscles!

If you don't like cleaning, check out the things that make you stand up from your seat, like walking to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee, going to the closet, etc. to wear clothes when you go out...

All in all, list some things you can do to relieve stress (provided you have to move.

It is necessary to move somewhere else.

[Large-scale planning mobile phone processing, writing the week's notes on paper]

If you search for a keyword about time now, nine times out of ten, "Write it down" will appear.

But how to remember it without being complicated? I've tried many methods, from the most basic sticky notes, different bullet notes, and now weekly plans, until I finally found the one I like the most.

"The large-scale planning is handed over to the mobile phone, and the weekly notes are written on the weekly plan"

Things with multiple days will be planned with Timetree. On the one hand, it is easier to move when changes are made, and on the other hand, a notification will pop up in the morning to know what to do today.

Friends who are accustomed to computers can directly search the Internet, and it also has a web version!

As for the events of the week, I used to write them down on the weekly diary, including homework, agency...

Because it needs to be clear at a glance, I put a board on the table.

(As shown below)

Every Sunday will write down what has been decided for the following week.

Most of our homework is for one week. The homework of each subject is different every week, and it is easy to miss it accidentally, so we are used to writing it down to strengthen the impression and allocate time.

The frame is a fixed time, which is convenient to see how much time is suitable for doing things in the empty hall.

On the right is the habit record, homework Deadline, own Deadline, some To do and monthly and weekly goals.

This part is very helpful for me, it is a fine-tuning of the template of "Qingqing".

(as follows)

Video Link: 2020 Weekly Planner to Keep You Efficient | Printable Template | Tutorial (ElenaLin_青青)

She is a very serious girl. She has a lot of things about handbooks, bullet notes, etc. The planning method is very special, so I will share it with everyone for reference.

Remarks: I also used bullet notes at the beginning, but since bullet notes are recorded in a notebook, it is not intuitive and efficient for me, but the concept of symbols in it is quite practical.

【About life, how to live】

I used to be a person who didn't like to throw things away very much. I was too nostalgic and left a bunch of irrelevant debris.

But after seeing the minimalist life, I like to organize my environment more and more, and it is very healing to see things neat and tidy.

Recommended Youtubers about life: Mo Yangzi, NanaQ, Yale Chen (mainly financial management, but also talk about how to live efficiently and cultivate habits)

Note: They weren't that minimal to begin with either, so that's very motivating for me XD.

BTW, there are quick links at the bottom of the article

【Power Supplies】

Occasionally, there will be a time when the power runs out, and then some supplies are needed.

Recharge your brain: Reader

(A series of storytelling, before I borrow books, I will go up and slide to see if I am interested)

Charge the coward: SALU, Bai Kunhe

(Some things you want to do, but don't dare to do, can be motivating to watch their videos.)

【Quick link to distribution center】

All the links mentioned above are here!

ElenaLin_Qingqing (Youtube):


ElenaLin_Qingqing (IG):


Nana Q (YouTube):


Nana Q (IG):


The Last Sheep (Youtube):


The Last Sheep (IG):


Yale Chen (YouTube):


Yale Chen (IG):


SALU (YouTube):




Bai Kunhe (Youtube):


Bai Kunhe (IG):


Reader (Youtube):


Reader (IG):


Finally, thank you for reading the article, I hope it can be of some help to you/you.

Further reading:

[Rensen Mantoubao Series] We all grew up bumpy, and you who want to change but feel lost.

【Rensen Mantoubao Series】How high is the wall in your heart? What kind of stories lie behind those smiles?

Welcome to my den:

IG Liangqian: https://www.instagram.com/ruth_draw.dsgn/?hl=zh-tw

(Photo/picture source: Liang Qian)


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

兩謙 Ruth我是兩謙,有著多從身份與不同標籤,但我期望我是我自己,能真實活著的我自己。如果用幾個關鍵字快速認識我,約莫為 寫作 × 設計 × 插畫 × 攝影 × 街頭 × NGO,但期望你能透過筆下的我,與實際對話後的我,了解我是什麼樣子,也讓我學習認識你的樣子。 這裡大多分享我的想法與生活, 藝術創作的部分則以IG居多!歡迎大家來走跳走跳! Instagram : @ruth_draw.dsgn
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