Grey Lecture Hall - Capitalism Trap 03: The Confinement Center That Harms Your Health and Charges You

The risk of premature birth, maternal death, miscarriage, and various diseases caused by delayed delivery of mothers is the greatest harm to women, but it is the confinement center that makes money?

The last article mentioned that capitalists have adopted many “negative business practices” in order to earn improper income. This article will talk about the “confinement center” that harms Taiwanese women the most. First of all, although only the Chinese society is doing confinement, the academic I don’t oppose women’s confinement. After all, it’s not easy to get pregnant for ten months. It’s not too much to rest and recuperate, but is it worth spending 300,000-400,000 yuan for confinement? Please calm down and listen carefully. Scholarly analyzes the benefits and benefits for everyone to know.

Nowadays, it is very common to live in a confinement center for at least NT$6,000 a day and start from NT$10,000. The operators of this kind of price are also very smart. If they use the concept of household expenditure for marketing, women will definitely think about whether the charges are reasonable? Therefore, the industry finds some small stars to appear on the talk show, and constantly carries out "negative business tactics" to package you as your man. After ten months of pregnancy, you have worked hard to give birth to a baby. After giving birth, you should avoid taking care of children. Boys should love you, Reward you and let you rest for a month after giving birth. Not only that, women should compete with each other for the postpartum treatment of their sisters, to consider whether this husband loves you or not. Anyway, the ultimate goal is to let you know if your man is reluctant to let you. Live, you shouldn't be born.

To be honest, these "negative business practices" that mislead the public, if the Taiwan government does not learn from the mainland's control and control, it will soon suffer from the deterioration of the population structure. First of all, these female celebrities who are interviewed and endorsed on TV, It is simply a business behavior out of nothing. If you think about it, you will know that most female stars marry into wealthy families. That wealthy family does not have a big career. Let alone three or four empty rooms at home, there are also a bunch of three or four empty houses. Just ask professional staff to come to your home for confinement, why do you want to live outside?

The wealthy father-in-law, mother-in-law, and husband have such a big career, and there is no room at home. If you want to see a child or grandson, you have to make a detour to the confinement center. It is unnecessary to take off your pants and fart. It is impossible to provide such an expense. The vernacular is that your man has to save money for your expenses for nearly 1-2 years, in order to save an additional 300,000-400,000 yuan.

What is the difference in one or two years, let alone the compound interest generated by saving 300,000 shares for the child, the biggest difference is that the birth period of women will be postponed, and the average male graduates from college and completes the military service to the real investment. In the workplace, I am almost 24 years old. In addition to paying filial piety every month, I have to pay for most of the dating expenses, the down payment for saving money to buy a house, and marriage. These are not small expenses unless the original family Rich in itself, otherwise it is fairly common to spend 6 or 7 years saving the above expenses.

That is to say, when the two people start to have a certain basis to talk about marriage, the woman is already around 30 years old at this time. .) Then, just to spend another 1-2 years to save money for a month at the Confinement Center, on the surface, the Confinement Center provides a place for your man to have the opportunity to prove his love for you, in fact, when he is old It's you who is at risk for the mother, does it sound weird? The risk of premature birth, maternal death, miscarriage, and various diseases caused by delayed delivery of mothers is the greatest harm to women, but it is the confinement center that makes money?

And after a woman's nature gives birth to a child, the person she loves most in the world is also transferred from her parents or another partner to the child. As a result, not only did the woman not get the 300,000 yuan, but the child did not get it, but was deprived of nutrition for this. You have to live frugally in the future, so why spend this money to make yourself a miserable life? And it has also helped to increase the price of this business indiscriminately. Why do women make it difficult for women?

So the pedant reminds young mothers in ordinary families (you can spend whatever money you want.) If you really want your husband to prove his love for you, you might as well put 300,000 into your own pocket first, anyway, you have at least 9-10 months. Think carefully about how to plan the most beneficial to yourself, please believe that the same amount of money is pedantically stored, and the smartest usage will be different in different locations.


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