Reading / What books do I usually read∥ e-books

Photo by Aliis Sinisalu on Unsplash

As mentioned in the previous article , I regard "reading books" as my main job during the long vacation. Today, I will talk about my book selection principles and recent studies.

The general direction is: don't be idle or read. I read books in order to stop the brain from working and to slow down my emotional agitation, so my book selection principle is "books that can be read entirely by emotional rendering." Leaving aside books like studying astrology, numerology, or the occasional interest in office productivity, I don't like books that teach people to think, much less share a bunch of stories and then make sense. Writing is private, reading is private, I hate being deprived of "empathy", so I can't read emotional things, and I don't like them either.

So tell me what I like - I especially like overhead, fantasy and derivative works (fans are not counted), such as the Dayan Dynasty series written by Seba, which is worn again and again, especially "Deep Court Moon", "Linjiang" Immortals" and "The Song of the Cuilou", I like her life and the resentment she writes about life, and I like her quotes again and again: "Life is not a woman's body, a hundred years of pain and happiness are left to others." It is simply an antidote. Between the restless adolescence and the depression period, her words and every story supported my reason, just as I once said: "If there is no pain, those are the same. It's just a romance novel."


Link in Notion: Link Here♫

I briefly sorted out the e-book files I have. After sorting out a platform, I was so tired that I couldn’t read any words, so I stopped, and then I had the strength to update it slowly. After all, it is my database.

In short, the above link has stored about 40% of the book list as of the publication of this article, and the part that has been read is the amount of January and February this year (2020), excluding repeated reading. (Meaning I've been hesitant to flag repeat readings as well)

Due to renting a house and space constraints, I lost my physical bookcase a long time ago, and I rely on the Internet for reading. Since I got an e-book reader last year, I have slowly regained my sense of reading. Reading has finally returned to my daily life. I have written an article about buying books and reading sharing . If you are interested, you can read it.

type of reading

My reading tendency should not be considered omnivorous, but in general it is a few types: fantasy novels Fiction, reference books (especially numerology) and productivity. I rarely read books on experience sharing and business. I rarely buy them wrong or because the author's Ted Talk won my heart, because reading is a pastime for me and a logical circuit to understand others. What I want to know is "other people". What are you thinking about?", rather than "Why do others think so?" Through the Fiction class, you can read the complete, author's thinking mode - always simulate various ways of thinking to show character traits - and other people's worldviews, values, etc.

recent books

My favorite books in the past three years, in addition to the aforementioned books, I have read each of Seba's books more than fifty times (I mean it), my most recent favorites are the "Special Legends" series, Human Figures ( The Science of Distinction) related books and Bullet Thinking Arrangement.

"Special Legend" Hu Xuan

"Special Biography" is an important memory of my childhood. In some respects, it is also a book about learning and growing up. The protagonist gradually gets to know himself from a mediocre "ordinary person", and goes through various events of destruction and reconstruction step by step. Get rid of labels and become a softer, more resilient "person". This one is still out now, and the second part (actually I think it is the third part, the second part currently has two subtitles) is out to the twelfth volume, and I feel that it is likely to be another "Family Festival Don't Forget to Tell Naiweng" " series...

Human Maps: The Science of Differentiation by Ra Uru Hu and Joyce Huang

I have always felt that everyone should put in a little effort to look at the relevant knowledge of the human map, because the purpose of the human map is "a knowledge that loves oneself". In the numerology circle for more than ten years, "loving yourself" can be said to be the common karma of all mankind, respecting yourself, understanding yourself, and then pushing yourself and others. The human map combines various numerology tools, from gossip (Zhouyi), constellation (slightly biased towards classical astrology), Kabbalah (Kabbalah) tree of life , human chakra ...etc. Know your tools. To know oneself is to expand to know the world, because the infrastructure of the whole world is "beings" in various senses.

Bullet Thinking Arrangement by Ryder Carroll

This is a "thinking book" in the true sense. Many people in the stationery and handbook circles say that this book is disappointing because it does not teach how to make a beautiful layout and how to design their own customized notebooks, but from scratch Start telling you how to simplify your thinking and behavior patterns to achieve the three highs of high productivity, high execution, and high efficiency, and then achieve your life goals. So there are many examples, comparisons and stories of ways of thinking. If you don't want to know "how bullet notes help your life", you don't need to buy this book, just read the official website. Bullet Notes brought me a more precise and simplified way of doing things and note-taking, and it really cured my procrastination slightly. It is a book worth reading.

The above is the recent book report, only this article replaces the March reading notes and records the current situation.


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