Read Bigeng|ChatGPT talks about the practical uses of NFT: environmental protection, anthropological research

I also asked ChatGPT if I have heard of the "Chainee" website

Last time I read the article NFT 2023, I had a revelation: NFT has become more like a commodity - rather than an investment - and the price should not be too expensive. Follow this line of thought and have a conversation with ChatGPT.

Note: Use the yellow stick "quote + italics" to represent ChatGPT's speech.

"I participated in an essay competition," I tried to make things difficult for him. "I want to ask you some topics about NFT. What do you have in mind?"

I saw ChatGPT immediately (immediately) throw out the four main axes, use the point-based analysis he is good at, and write a lot of words without any hesitation of "loading", which made me a little regretful.

ChatGPT (only subscripts are shown below):

1. What is NFT?
2. How is the value of NFT measured?
3.Will NFT become a future trend?
4. What are the risks and challenges?

"Do you think NFT will be an expensive art in the future, or a practical product that is easily accessible to the people?" I started to get to the point.

ChatGPT (partial excerpts):

Although some NFT works on the market now are very expensive, I personally believe that the future NFT market will not be limited to expensive artworks. As NFT becomes more and more widely used, more affordable and practical products may appear in the future.

For example, NFT can be used for copyright management and sales of digital content such as games, music, and movies, allowing creators and owners to better manage and capture their value. At the same time, NFTs may also become an interesting digital collectible and experience for more consumers.

Therefore, ChatGPT also believes that civilian NFT products will account for an increasingly higher proportion of the entire market. As NFT applications become more and more widespread - you have to test what applications it has.

"If it is a 'practical' product, how practical is it? Give me some examples. The more innovative the better, not the clichéd ones."

ChatGPT (only subscripts are shown below):

1.NFT as a license.
2.NFT as an educational resource.
3.NFT as a cultural product.
4.NFT as a game resource.
5. NFT as a social media application.

Doesn’t seem very innovative? I wanted him to be more aggressive, so I asked again.

"In addition to the 5 points you mentioned, give me more innovative NFT applications that humans can't think of, okay?"


1. NFT as identity authentication
NFTs can be used as digital identity proofs to ensure the security of personal identity and privacy.

2. NFT as an environmentally friendly product
NFT can be used to sell and exchange sustainable and environmentally friendly products, such as solar power panels, energy-saving equipment, environmentally friendly batteries, etc.

3. NFT as a talent market
NFTs can be used to showcase individual skills and talents, such as artists, musicians, designers, etc. This application will enable individuals to better showcase their work and skills and find better jobs and opportunities.

4. NFT as a travel experience
NFTs can be used to sell and exchange travel experiences, such as travel experiences in the virtual world or travel experiences in the real world. This kind of application can bring more space for innovation and imagination to the tourism industry.

5. NFT as scientific research
NFT can be used to sell and exchange scientific research resources and data, such as in the fields of medicine and life sciences. This application will enable scientists and researchers to better control and share their data and research results.

It is quite interesting to integrate NFT into the concept of environmental protection. In order to explore his limits, I pressed him again.

"Very good, now you cite 10 "practical" methods, and give more examples. I want to hear more bold ideas, unprecedented and unconstrained ideas. "

ChatGPT (omitting some descriptions under subscripts):

1. Digital ID

2. Artificial intelligence model verification:
Utilizing the verifiable characteristics of NFT and applying it to the verification of artificial intelligence models can allow users to use these models with more confidence.

3. Smart city management:
Apply NFT to smart city management, such as using NFT as a management standard for urban resources to improve the city's resource utilization efficiency.

4. Health management:
Use NFT in health management, such as as a verification standard for medical records, to make the trust between medical institutions and patients more solid.

5. Environmental protection:
Apply NFT to environmental protection, such as using NFT as a verification standard for carbon emissions and energy consumption to improve environmental protection efficiency.

6. Anthropological research:
Applying NFT to anthropological research, such as using NFT as a recording standard for human evolution and social development, makes anthropological research more accurate and comprehensive.

7. Electronic Contracts
8. Logistics management
9. Social media
10. Asset Management

Seeing the concept of environmental protection again, this time he did not talk about the "product" aspect, but changed it from the perspective of "verification" to accurately control carbon emissions and energy consumption.

In addition, I am also interested in the "anthropological research" topic he raised, and I would like to ask him to say more.

"NFT and anthropological research seem crazy. Tell me a little more details. Are there any actual cases?"

ChatGPT (omitting other error examples):

⋯⋯Another example is an NFT platform called “Primitive”. This platform aims to help people understand ancient culture and anthropological knowledge through NFT. It offers a series of NFTs that include images, text, and audio that represent ancient cultures and historical events. Using these NFTs, people can have a deeper understanding of these cultures and events, and can share this knowledge with others.

"Of the three examples you gave, only the second one is related to anthropology. I only think of the other two as works of art."


I'm very sorry, I misunderstood. Let me answer your question again: Some anthropologists are currently beginning to use NFT technology in their research to better preserve and present intangible cultural heritage.

For example, converting cultural items, artworks, traditional technologies, and knowledge into NFTs can better preserve their uniqueness, cultural value, and history. NFT technology can make these cultural heritages easier to identify, collect and trade. In addition, NFT can help record and track the flow and history of cultural heritage, which is of great value for cultural research and protection.

I asked him again if he knew about the Titanic and NFT project, and he said he did. Probably because of the scope of the database, he didn't explain it in detail, so I won't post it here.

Finally, I asked him if he knew about the Chainee website, and he gave a good answer.


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