In the face of severe tests, how to escape from the "problem level"? June community practice summary

Since the epidemic in Taiwan entered a state of alert level 3, the collective consciousness field has been filled with the energy of strong opposition and conflict. Through the vibration of energy waves, it deeply affects everyone in the group. Under the test of natural and man-made disasters, the current important task for human beings is to release the energy of fear, clean up and transform chaotic emotions and false and untrue beliefs, transcend dualistic thinking, return to peace and tranquility, and use a soft and kind heart to align with the vibrational frequency of source love. One, to survive the crisis!

Since the epidemic in Taiwan entered a state of alert level 3 in mid-May, the public has spent the June of chilling, anxiety and constant expectations under repeated unblocking delays. There are too many right and wrong views on the epidemic, vaccines and epidemic prevention policies‥‥. Many people's fragile and tense nerves are pulled by relevant information, rumors, panic, arguments, accusations, and torn‥‥. It even goes crazy and staged a drama of emotional rampage, which means that the collective consciousness is filled with the energy of strong opposition and conflict, and it is difficult to extricate itself from being trapped in the "problem level".

What is the "problem level"?

The problem level is a perspective that sees things as "wrong and problematic". When people are stuck at the "problem level", they tend to think that external events are wrong, and habitually look for and focus on the problematic side of things .

Looking at things from the perspective of the "problem" is not a mistake, it's just one of many perspectives.

However, when we are accustomed to adopting the "problem" perspective mode and clinging to the "problem", we will not see other positive views or possibilities, and jump to conclusions that someone or something is terrible. , resulting in negative emotions.

As mentioned in this article , if we do not detect and clear negative emotions and thoughts in time, these energies will become stuck and blocked in the body, accumulate in the emotional body and the mental body, and then affect the normal functioning of the body and mind. In severe cases, it can even damage the body's immune system.

【Extended reading】

What kind of "heart" thinking should one have to get rid of negative emotions and shake off the difficulties of life?

When negative energy strikes, how do you clear the transformation and consciously return to a state of peace and joy?

In addition, in the atmosphere of strong opposition and conflict in the society, even if you deliberately do not contact social platforms, TV, newspapers and magazines, political talk shows, etc. various media exaggeration and dissemination, the turbulent energy field in the collective consciousness will still pass through The vibrations of the energy waves deeply affect everyone in the group.

You and I are connected to each other and influence each other

"If you want to see the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

Nikola Tesla, inventor

Physicists tell us that everything is made of energy.

As a human being, when a certain thought or idea pops up in the brain, it will generate electrical brain pulses with a specific vibration frequency; similarly, every emotion that is experienced will also form an energy wave with a specific vibration frequency. .

We know that energy is transmitted from the source in the form of waves, as we can observe that when a stone is thrown in a lake, the otherwise calm surface of the lake will cause waves of ripples that spread outward.

Therefore, everyone's thoughts and emotions are definitely not limited to their own body, but are transmitted to the surrounding world in the form of waves.

This means that you and I are one with everything in essence and energy, intertwined and connected with each other, and influence each other. When faced with severe trials, no one can stay out of it and be alone!

【Extended reading】

Spiritual Awakening: Living the High Vibration Message of the Texture of Life

You and I are intertwined with each other and influence each other. When faced with severe trials, no one can stay out of it and be alone!

Under the test of various natural and man-made disasters, such as raging global epidemics, forest fires, floods in the past century, earthquakes and tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, extreme weather, global warming, political confrontation, current situation turmoil, etc., the current important task for mankind is to release the turbid and heavy Clean up and transform chaotic emotions and false and untrue beliefs, transcend dualistic thinking, no conflict, no confrontation, return to peace and tranquility, with a soft and kind heart, and the vibration frequency of the source of creation can be at peace. survive crises.

【Extended reading】

I used 174 yuan to buy the most beautiful scenery in Taiwan!

To transcend duality, use a soft and kind heart to unite with the vibrational frequency of love at the source of creation, in order to overcome the crisis

Seeing this, some people may think that it is easier said than done to release fear energy, clean up and transform habitual emotional reactions and inherent beliefs, and transcend binary opposition.

Indeed, if there is not enough awareness, or if there is a good knowledge to remind you, it is easy for ordinary people to take all the information from the outside world, habitually look at things from the perspective of "problems", and unconsciously let their thoughts flow to analyze, compare, and judge. , it is difficult to get rid of the influence of the collective energy field, falling into the endless circle of anger and anxiety, trapped in the chaotic energy vortex and difficult to escape, struggling to survive in the survival mode of exhaustion and stagnation, not to mention the cleaning and release of negative energy with conversion.

【Extended reading】

Still struggling to live your life?!! Drop survival mode and move on to a prosperous downstream life!

The important dividing line between positive and negative manifestations: cleaning up negative emotions

In the public welfare class in June, Ms. Fenghuangxian described in detail how she transformed from a debt of several million yuan to a positive cash flow in less than a year , and then created a turnover process of tens of millions of assets.

How can we turn things around and create miracles in such a short period of time?

One of the most important factors is to be proficient in spiritual power, use the laws of the universe, master the state of energy vibration frequency and focus of consciousness:

  1. Know your energy state.
  2. Know your own conscious focus.

The energy state determines the focus of consciousness!

Many people learn spirituality from an escape from the three-dimensional physical world.

In fact, spirituality is not an empty chicken soup for the soul, nor is it the illusory nature of cultivating immortals, but living life with awareness.

I was fortunate to meet a master who doesn't take high altitudes and focuses on practical training - Teacher Fengxian. She is like a tour guide who is familiar with the journey of life, guiding the direction and path to the Promised Land, and establishing a mutual support and resonance with each other. The high-frequency golden energy circle, cleverly uses the power of the system and the community, supports everyone to take root in what they have learned, and escape from the original inertial problem level and survival mode.

As a senior student who has been continuously immersed in this system for more than four years, I have witnessed the life course of myself, my teachers, and my peers. Sometimes I stumble, sometimes I stumble, but I have always been with each other and supported each other all the way. Looking back Come to Shilu, in these four short years, it seems that I have lived a life that others have spent several lifetimes experiencing.

From distress, shame, depression, to determination, self-confidence, and radiance, the growth footprint along the way, step by step, bit by bit in my heart, all this starts from the determination to light up the light of my own consciousness awakening, always ask yourself, "What kind of life do I want to live?"

In this severe and turbulent moment, are you willing to save the useless arguments and waste of useless energy, turn to introspection, pay attention to your physical and mental state, gain insight into your inner desires, and fully blossom towards the life you really want?

Endless love and blessings! Crama

【Extended reading】

What does the epidemic mean to you?

Let Negative Emotions Bring Blessings in Your Life

Pay tribute to the continuous progress of life


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翻轉教練*AQ逆商智慧分享者Crama嗨~你好!很開心在這裏遇見你~ 我是翻轉教練 Crama ,也是AQ逆商智慧,和自我實現心理學的踐行者與分享人。我致力於協助人們翻轉財務、親子及親密關係品質,提升「人生幸福力」,建立實現高自我價值的豐盛富足人生。歡迎與我同行,共同攜手打造幸福和諧的社會。
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