It's like being in a European town


I don't know how everyone starts sightseeing when they go to an unfamiliar city?

Some people like to fill up all kinds of important itineraries. They feel that they have not visited the important itineraries, as if they have not seen sightseeing. I also heard that my friend went to Japan to play, because he left early in the morning to visit the attractions, and when he returned to the hotel in the middle of the night, because of the itinerary Too full, and then crying, I laughed for a long time at that time XD

Personally, I'm probably only for a leisurely slow pace, and I especially like to walk around aimlessly, so when I got to Kenora, I started to look around.

The sun is just fine today,

So it's beautiful to take pictures.

I have to say that this town gives me the feeling of a small European city in my mind,

There are also beautiful murals outside the building.

Some graffiti even give a very romantic feel.

In this small town, everyone walks slowly, a very leisurely feeling, which is probably not felt by people who have lived in the city for a long time.

When I was in Taiwan, I was always anxious for the next itinerary. I kept saying that I wanted to live in the present moment, but I couldn’t help thinking about what to do next. Probably only when I really slowed down would I realize what I had done before. How busy you are in your life.

When traveling, the passage of time seems to disappear. There is no need to care about the past or worry about the future. There is only this moment. This is probably the reason why I like traveling~~


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