The secret behind the moon, the Mid-Autumn Festival unveils the knowledge of the [Moon English] (Part 1)!

It's the season of admiring the moon again. Since ancient times, human beings have known how to appreciate the moon that can be seen from the head up. Staring at it for a long time makes people fascinated. There are also many mysterious legends circulating among the people. NASA said that the "lunar nodal cycle" in 2030 will lead to a sharp increase in flooding. Let's explore the mysteries of the moon together, understand how the moon affects the earth, and learn about [the moon in English]!

Article source: Takeaway English official website


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It's the season of admiring the moon again. Since ancient times, human beings have known how to appreciate the moon that can be seen from the head up. Staring at it for a long time makes people fascinated. There are also many mysterious legends circulating among the people. NASA said that the "lunar nodal cycle" in 2030 will lead to a sharp increase in flooding. Let's explore the mysteries of the moon together, understand how the moon affects the earth, and learn about [the moon in English]!

Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

Unstable Moon Orbit, Increases Flood Risk

The most obvious effect the Moon has on the Earth can be seen in the ocean tides . As the Earth rotate s each day, the Moon's gravity pulls the water on the nearest side of Earth towards it, creating a bulge . The sea bulges on the opposite side too due to centrifugal force caused by the Earth's rotation. The Earth rotates beneath these watery bulges, resulting in the two high tides and two low tides we see each day. (Excerpted from Katherine Latham article)

The most obvious effect of the moon on Earth is the tides. Because the Earth rotates every day, the Moon's gravity pulls the water on the closest side of the Earth toward it, causing a bulge; the other side of the ocean also bulges due to the centrifugal force created by the Earth's rotation. The Earth rotates beneath these raised bodies of water, allowing us to see two high tides and two low tides each day.

tide nounn.
high/rising tide
low or falling tide/ebb
rotate verb v. rotate; noun n. rotation [day] rotation
gravity nounn.
bulge noun n. swell, bump; verb v. to swell, to bulge
centrifugal adjective adj.
centrifugal effect
centrifugal force
result it Phrase ph.

Every 18.6 years the Moon's orbit " wobbles " between a maximum and minimum of plus or minus 5 degrees relative to the Earth's equator . This cycle is called the lunar nodal cycle. When the lunar plane tilts away from the equatorial plane, the tides on Earth grow smaller. When the Moon's orbit is more in line with the Earth's equator, the tides are exaggerated . (Excerpted from Katherine Latham article)

Every 18.6 years, the Moon's orbit "wobbles" between plus and minus 5 degrees relative to the Earth's equatorial plane. This cycle is called the "Lunar Node Cycle". When the moon's orbital plane is farther from the Earth's equatorial plane, the tides on Earth are smaller; when the moon's orbit is closer to the Earth's equatorial plane, the tides are magnified.

orbit noun n. (of a celestial body, etc.) orbit; verb v. orbit
wobble verb v. to shake, to destabilize; noun n. to wobble, to destabilize
equator noun n. equator; equator l adj. equatorial
nodal adjective adj.
plane noun n. plane
tilt verb v. to incline, incline
tilt away/to the left/to one side
exaggerate verb v. to exaggerate, to enlarge, to enlarge

Nasa says that rising sea levels due to climate change, combined with the influence of the lunar nodal cycle will cause a dramatic increase in the number of high-tide floods during the 2030s. These floods, exacerbated by the Moon, are set to damage infrastructure and change coastlines . (excerpted from Katherine Latham article)

NASA says the number of high tide floods in the 2030s will increase dramatically due to rising sea levels from climate change, coupled with the effects of the lunar node cycle. The moon exacerbates these floods, which will destroy infrastructure and alter coastlines.

combine verb v. to combine, to combine (+with)
influence nounn.
dramatic adjective adj. dramatic
exacerbate verb v. to exacerbate
infrastructure noun n. public construction, infrastructure
coastline nounn. coastline
Image by ELG21 from Pixabay

Lunar Node Cycles Threaten Coastal Ecology

The lunar nodal cycle might be set to raise many challenges for humans, but for wildlife in coastal ecosystems it could be an existential threat. When the nodal cycle is at its peak , the high tides flood mosquito habitat further landward. Typically, there are fewer mosquitoes at the peak of the cycle. It's not just mosquitos that are affected – their abundance is a proxy for the welfare of numerous other species . (excerpted from Katherine Latham 's article)

The lunar node cycle can present many challenges to human life, and it is likely to be an existential threat to wildlife in coastal ecosystems. When the lunar node cycle is at its peak, high tides move mosquito habitats more landward. Typically, there are fewer mosquitoes at the peak of the lunar node cycle. It's not just mosquitoes that are affected, but their numbers also affect many other species.

ecosystem noun n. ecosystem
existential adjective adj. pertaining to existence
existential crisis/question/threat
peak noun n.
mosquito nounn.
habitat noun n. (animal) habitat, (plant) origin
abundance noun n.
proxy noun n. agent, substitute; to act as sb.'s proxy to be someone's representative
welfare nounn. Welfare, happiness, health and well-being
species noun n. species, species; endangered species endangered species

With increased flooding due to the Moon wobble and sea level rise, freshwater wetlands may also face a profound change. Freshwater aquatic species are also greatly impacted by increasing salinity and pushed upstream to remain in freshwater. Salinization of freshwater coastal wetlands will continue to increase with rising sea levels – and the more frequent flooding is, the more the wetlands will be impacted by the salinity. (Excerpted from Katherine Latham article)

Freshwater wetlands could also face profound changes as the moon wobble and rising sea levels lead to increased flooding. Freshwater aquatic species are also greatly affected by increased salinity and are pushed upstream to ensure that they live in freshwater. As sea levels rise, salinization of coastal freshwater wetlands will continue to intensify, flooding will become more frequent, and wetlands will be increasingly affected by salinization.

freshwater adj adj.
wetland nounn.
profound adj. profound
aquatic adj. adj.
salinity noun n. salinity, salinity; salinization noun n. salinization, salinization
upstream adjective adj. in the upstream; adverb adv. upstream
frequent adjective adj.
impact verb v. impact, influence (+on/by)
Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

After reading the above introduction to the influence of moon tides on the earth, do you feel the importance of the moon to life on earth? There is an old saying: "If you know the tide, you will have faith, and you will marry the tide!" It refers to the orderly fluctuations, but The tides that lead to the birth of life on Earth also push the moon 4 centimeters away from Earth every year. In the vast universe, the moon is the closest companion of the earth. Without it, the earth will become extremely lonely. The next article will introduce how the moon affects the polar temperature, and how the moon's tidal effect affects the land and atmosphere😊

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