Talking about the things that the author of Lu She should pay attention to when signing the authorship contract (4)

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Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Review the key points of the previous article:

  1. Time-limited article authorization: Both parties need to renew the contract within a limited number of days according to the agreement, and it will be automatically extended if it is not mentioned. The length of the extension is subject to mutual agreement.
  2. Articles with permanent license: Your future use of the work is the premise for deciding whether to permanently license or not. For example, "Can I publish it separately", or "It's just to practice writing, it doesn't matter if I sell it to others at one time", or "The other party has a lot of traffic, considering it can earn exposure"

After the other party gets your authorization, what actions can they perform on your work?

they can during the authorization period

  • Reproduction or public display, distribution, sale, transmission, adaptation, distribution: for example, combining your article with other articles and publishing it as a book. The above actions are not limited in number of times.
  • The above actions, in some contracts, are items that can be checked, but some contracts use text descriptions to let the author agree in general terms.
  • Authorized area: For online articles, the domestic or global domain is usually indicated.

What name is the article published under?

Regardless of whether the author is Party A or Party B, at the beginning of the contract, the contracting party will display his real name, and the signature at the end of the contract is also his original name. However, if this article is published by a stage name in a certain media, it is best to tie the real name to the stage name. It is indicated that you are the one who published this article under this stage name. After the article goes online, remember to check to see if the stage name you want to use has appeared, some people just don't want to reveal their real name! that's me.

I know authors who are published in different media under different stage names, but I am too lazy, and I am afraid that I will get confused by signing too many contracts in the future, so I don't learn this trick.

(Wake up, your contract can't explode too much)

Author's money, it matters

Is it in terms of articles or words? In fact, when inviting manuscripts, the normal media will say it first. What I have received so far is counted by article, how many words should I write for a single article first? How much does this article cost? When to submit? . The payment items on the contract should also have the following information: number of articles, total fee, payment currency, payment date, and your account number.

If the original article was 4,000 New Taiwan dollars, but the contract was written with 3,000 New Taiwan dollars, then it would not be explained! Of course, you need to ask the other party to modify it, remember to keep the correspondence, and show the other party a screenshot.

(I'm going to bed and I'll talk about it in the next article)


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蔡凱西Cathy Tsai | 蔡凱西 台北人 / 不專業旅人 / 流浪中的學術人 / 研究旅行史與旅行文化的不良歷史學徒/《後綴》假掰文青誌編輯群 在出門旅行、閱讀,與作古的旅記文本中持續穿越 佛系粉專: 合作邀約
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