Reading Pen Farming|Special Notes: Can a Psychological Test Measure Your Real Likeness? MBTI Sixteen Personality Gathering

Asking an expert to analyze your daily conversations is a more recommended and accurate approach.

Recently, the popular psychological test in the community "What Shape Are You? " was originally a simplified version of the test launched by the Taiwan Cultural Expo after referring to the MBTI 16-type personality test.

And what is MBTI? This was the topic of last night's (August 9, 2022) AMA Lecture at Fanggezi. In addition to the long knowledge, I also took some notes and shared them.

Photo by Nguyen Dang Hoang Nhu on Unsplash

■ Introduction to MBTI

MBTI is the abbreviation of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. It was proposed by a pair of American writers, Myers and Briggs , based on the "eight-dimensional" test of psychologist Jung .

The well-known aspect of MBTI is the presentation of the "psychological questionnaire", which is relatively easy to accept, and the subsequent commercialization has also made it out of the circle.

MBTI classification

Jung proposed the "Four Functions of Personality":

  • How do people make decisions?
    This is the " decision function " of exploring the rational side , which is divided into Thinking (T thinking) and Feeling (F emotion).
  • How do people gather information?
    This is the " perception function " that explores the irrational side, and is divided into Sensing (S feeling) and iNtuiting (N intuition).
  • Everyone has Extro and Intro components, so the above four functions can be divided into two situations... Therefore, the "eight dimensions" are Te, Ti, Fe, Fi, Se, Si, Ne, Ni.

Based on Jung's psychology, MBTI measures individual behavior with four dimensions, each dimension has two directions, which are arranged and combined to form 16 personality types.

Source: Wikipedia

It also took some time to complete my MBTI quiz before the event.

There are quite a few questions, and it will take about 10 minutes to complete all of them. But also because there is a certain amount of input, the result of the settlement will be a spectrum , and the reliability is expressed as a percentage, that is, the consistency of the answer.

My MBTI test results

■ Can a psychometric test find out who you really are?

❌ There are a lot of distractions when taking the quiz:

  1. affected by the current physiology.
  2. Influenced by current emotions.
  3. It is very likely that it is just projecting the side of "I want to be OOO", which is just the inner self, not the real self , not the real expression of daily life.

I also thought of point 4. If this test has a special purpose, such as a workplace aptitude test, then the subjects are likely to change the answer with the "best solution" in order to "speculate the idea", which will distort the results.

⭕ Asking an expert to analyze your daily conversation is a more recommended and accurate way to do it!

Other miscellaneous notes

Si collects memories vs Se makes memories.
  • Si → Will put away the experience "like holding a child" and savor the feeling, very personal, seems to live in his own little universe, even others don't know what he is experiencing?
  • Se → I hope to have a common experience with everyone. Creating an experience with a group of people is an important thing.

Learn the body and mind, and realize that people's lives are suffering.

When we can get from the South Node to the North Node , from where we are comfortable to where we are challenging, it is a lifetime of learning.

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