【Illustration Practice】Japanese Proverbs #001~005


Now I practice drawing every day, I want to draw some thematic things, I just saw the notes from the previous class_Proverbs, I want to say that cats should be able to combine with proverbs. Unexpectedly, unexpectedly good play, who makes cats look like aliens?! Haha

It's more challenging now on the day, but no goals have been set. From 2021/01/02 until yesterday, it has been 10 consecutive days. I hope I can continue to persevere, but I can't guarantee how long I can draw continuously. XD But there are more than 200 proverbs, I think it's enough for me to draw for a year :P

Hey~ Did you sleep well last night?
In your sleep, have you noticed what dreams you have?

 #001【コトワザ】One Fuji, Two Eagle, Three Eggplant

Explanation: The first dream I dreamed about during the first and second days of the new year in Japan, if I dreamed of Mount Fuji, eagles, and eggplants, it was a good omen.

According to the general tradition, if you dream of "Mt. Fuji, eagles, eggplants" on the first and second days of the first lunar month, it will be regarded as a symbol of good luck. This statement can be traced back to the Edo period as early as the Edo period, but people have different explanations for this specific explanation. There is a saying that Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan, eagles are smart and strong birds, and eggplant is pronounced similar to "achieve" (成す) in Japanese, so it is considered a sign of good luck and auspiciousness.

Citations_Dacilin, Wikipedia


Monkeys also fall from trees, even cats.
Therefore, as human beings, we do not need to make trouble for ourselves when we occasionally fall.

 #002【コトワザ】Ape も Wood か ら Drop ち る

Explanation: People are not sages and sages, and whoever can have no faults.


How does it feel to order eye drops from the second floor?
It is the concept of diving from a high place to a small water cup, which has no effect at all. Maybe even point to the nostrils XD

 #003【コトワザ】Second order

Explanation: to no avail.


There is a Japanese proverb called "It takes three years to sit on a stone", which means that it takes at least three years to sit on a chair. But I think I have a different opinion. It will take at least three years for a cat to develop a stone to crack (crooked building)

 #004【コトワザ】Three years on the stone

Explanation: Where there is a will, things are accomplished; a hammer can also be ground into an embroidery needle.


I fell seven times and got up eight times. It means that no matter how many times you fail, you will still work hard to cheer yourself up. Cats understand this truth better than us. The number of times they fall and get up is N times a day~


Explanation: Perseverance.


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(Mainly showing the life photos of fur children, and some daily illustrations of cats.)

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小本各位地球人好~我來自銀河系的一顆藍色小行星 想建構一個小宇宙,這樣就能在不同行星間遊走 :D
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EP.23|來自2021 Matters年度問卷,終於趕上啦!

