Ghost Moon let the horse come over - grandma in the sky

real story

The story I’m going to tell today didn’t happen to Ghost Moon, nor did it happen to me, but everyone in my mother’s family has encountered real things. The following content is all narrated by my mother, but my sister and I also felt very happy after listening to it. The magic is incredible, even if you doubt it, you can't believe it. There are many mysterious colors in the story, which cannot be explained, but it is definitely not scary. Please eat it with peace of mind.

First of all, let me say that my grandma, my mother's mother, has been dead for a long time, it should be almost 10 years.

After grandma passed away, she would often come back to see grandpa and her children. The grandpa who arrived couldn't bear it, and directly asked the grandma not to come to him in the middle of the night.

So, grandma really stopped arguing with grandpa in the middle of the night. Of course, the fact is that she went but didn't make a sound or didn't go, I don't know, I haven't heard of it since.

In fact, not only my grandpa met in the middle of the night, but my mother and my sister also met my grandma in the middle of the night. At that time, my sister was still in elementary school. One day, the doors and windows were closed in the middle of the night, but my mother and sister saw the door was suddenly opened, and they were equally scared. .

Grandma may have discovered that such a method would scare everyone. Later, there were no supernatural incidents. However, when Grandma was alive, she had a good friend. Her mother and aunts called her "Ayu".

Unlike our children and grandchildren, Ayu goes to bed earlier, so at night, grandma will go to give Ayu a dream (this is what grandma told Ayu herself, because when she came, everyone was still asleep and couldn’t ask for a dream, after all, there are hardly any People go to bed before 12 o'clock XD Mom even encountered the feeling of being pressed on the bed because she was not sleeping enough and failed to fall asleep><).

The content of grandma's dream is very powerful, and everything is really like what grandma has seen herself. For example, grandma once said that she followed her uncle to a certain place. At that time, she was sitting in uncle's car and put the Tell Ayu what happened in the car, Ayu then relayed the content to her aunt, and her aunt relayed it to her uncle. The uncle was very surprised when she heard it, because it was impossible for Ayu to know what happened in the car, but she could clearly tell. Tell what happened!

Another time, the aunts were driving to a certain place, but there was a sudden traffic jam on the national road, and they were about to be late. While praying that the road conditions would improve, they asked their grandma for help (yes! Aunts really like to ask grandma for help, As for whether the aunt will come to help every time, I'm not sure XD), at this time, the car navigation lady suddenly pointed out a road for the aunts, which is a road that the aunts have never traveled. The road, there were almost no cars on that road, and the road was smooth, but the aunts actually arrived at their destination on time, super god! However, after that incident, the next time the aunts tried to find that way, they couldn't find it, and the car navigation never pointed the way to the aunts again.

The above stories are just a few of the stories that I have selected that are more impressive. In fact, there are so many examples that I can’t remember. All in all, my grandma in the sky is really amazing and powerful. Every time I hear grandma come to dream again I told my mom to write it down quickly, we can write a book and publish it XDD but my mom didn't write it down, so I had to write it in Matt's City, I hope grandma won't mind me writing her story, come to me to spank at night fart><


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